![]() "You know, this really isn't why I followed you in here," she told him as she yanked his shirttail out of his trousers. "Why did you follow me in here then?" He asked against her skin as he dropped the pins he'd pulled out her hair and pushed the unbuttoned blouse off her shoulders. She shivered as his hands grazed the skin of her shoulders, arms, chest. Her hands fisted involuntarily, momentarily stopping the frantic unbuttoning they'd begun just seconds before. "You were going to show me how to poultice the colt's leg," she gasped, grinning in delight at the hiss she elicited from him as her fingers slipped inside his shirt and the waist band of his pants to run up the bronze skin of his torso. "Later," he said, twining a hand in her hair to pull her head backward, exposing the slender white column of her neck. He set his mouth to work on her smooth skin, tasting, kissing, teasing his way toward the embroidered top of her chemise. He noted with satisfaction that as his lips approached the swell of her bosom, her body convulsed in his arms, pushing her closer toward him. He held her tighter, continued what he was doing…pulled with his teeth at the ribbon holding the top of her chemise closed. She gasped and grabbed at the back of his neck and shoulder as the neat little bow came undone and he kissed lower, pushing aside the material to gain access to more and more of her flesh. She was so sensitive to his touch, his breath on her skin, his lips… She frantically finished unbuttoning his shirt, pushed the worn, dark fabric as far down his shoulders as their positions would allow. Reluctant for him to stop trailing his teasing kisses down her body, she moved her hands from his shirt to his trousers. Fleet fingers quickly unfastened his pants and began tugging the front apart so that she could slide her hands inside his long johns and against his skin. His flesh was fever-hot, and when his body jumped in reaction to her caress, her fingers grazed the top of his hard length. She closed her hand around him, ran her thumb back and forth across the sensitive tip. He moaned against her breast, his hands clutching her waist and backside. He stood up straight, taking his hands off her just long enough to shrug out of his shirt and vest before pulling the top of his long johns over his head. Before the fabric hit the floor, he pulled her back into his arms and yanked the hem of her blouse out of the top of her skirt. As she ran her hands over the smooth skin of his chest, he reached behind her to unhook her stays, and then unfastened the clasps holding both skirt and petticoat around her waist. She melted against him, following his earlier example and trailing teasing kisses across his shoulders, up his neck to the sensitive spot just below his ear, and down his jaw line. When his mouth found hers, she kissed him greedily, demanding his full attention as her hands slid down his back to push his pants and johns toward the tops of his boots. As the material gave way and slid down his muscular legs, she dug her fingernails into his backside, smiling against his mouth as she elicited another hiss of pleasure from him. He grabbed the fabric he'd already loosened at her waist and tugged hard, letting it fall toward the floor of the hayloft. Running one hand up her back into the mass of satiny soft hair hanging down past her shoulders, his other hand made quick work of the bow holding the thin cotton bloomers on her body. She melted against him as the material fell away from her skin to be replaced by his exploring hands. He cupped her hip, pulling her fully against him. She felt his hardened desire against her thigh, nipped at the tan skin on his shoulder. "I want you out of those pants," she whispered in his ear. "I want you out of that chemise," he returned, stepping back and away just long enough to remove his boots and pants before reaching out for her. "Come here." She quickly stepped out of her slippers and put one hand in his, letting the chemise fall where it may. Her eyes drank in the sight of his lean, strong body as he settled into a darkened corner of the loft, too focused on the woman before him to care about the prickly hay pressing into his backside. She knelt beside him, but he reached forward to stop her as she started to lie next to him. He pulled her forward until she straddled his lap. "Like this," he cupped her hips, guiding her onto him. A moan began deep in her throat that he could feel as much as hear through their joined flesh. She pressed her breasts against his chest, clutching his shoulders with both hands as he slid slowly inside her warm, soft body. He left one hand around her waist to steady her, raising the other to cup what he was sure was the world's most beautiful face. She turned her cheek into his caress, her eyelashes fanning downward as she closed her eyes in pleasure. The softest of smiles touched her mouth before she bit her bottom lip as she pushed her hips forward, making his body quiver at the sensations her movements caused. "Look at me," he whispered. She lowered her chin as she raised her lashes, looking at him with hazel eyes heavy-lidded with desire. She smiled at him, gently pushing a wayward shock of hair back from his face before reverently lifting the one item remaining between them - his medicine pouch - from around his neck. As she reached out to reverently lay it to the side, she leaned forward to kiss him on the forehead as she whispered, "I love you." "I love you," he returned, grazing his fingertips over the angle of her cheekbone before letting his fingers slide down her cheek, under her jaw, across her lips, down her beautiful neck to the creamy expanse of her breasts. "I…" Below them, the barn door creaked partially open on rusty hinges. To their mutual horror, footsteps followed. "I keep meanin' to have one of you boys oil them hinges." He watched her eyes fly wide as Teaspoon's voice drifted up to them from the barn floor. "I'll do it today," Kid's voice answered. Her body tensed, automatically flinching away from him. Acting on instinct, he grasped her hips firmly to keep her in place. Wide eyes looked at him in shock. He raised a hand to pull her head down so that he could whisper softly in her ear. "They might not be long, but if you make any noise, we'll be caught for sure. We'll just have to wait and hope they leave soon." He felt her release a small sigh of frustration, but after a brief second she nodded her agreement. She pulled back just enough to meet his gaze, her lips pinched together in concern. At the questioning expression he gave her, she bent next to his ear. "What if they don't leave?" She asked urgently. He smiled. "Well," he whispered as she turned her head to put her ear next to his mouth. "I guess we'll just have to stay up here all afternoon." He nibbled her ear lobe. She dug her fingernails into his shoulder again, this time trying to push him away from her ear. "What if we get caught?" He shrugged one shoulder, enjoying the frustrated look she was wearing and giving in to his devilish urges. "You are my wife. And we're not doing anything we haven't done before, so I guess we'll just have to get used to snickering around the supper table." "You're impossible. I don't know why you think…oh!" She drew in a sharp breath as he lowered his lips to pull at the sensitive skin of her nipple. She raised a hand to hold the back of his head as he teased her breast. Her toes curled against his thighs. He looked back up into her face, smiling with satisfaction at her passion-drugged expression. He tugged a lock of her hair so that she lowered her face to his ear once again. "I can be quiet if you can," he challenged. When her eyes widened in surprise, he quirked an eyebrow at her in the way he knew always amused her. She bit her lip, tilting her head to one side as she studied his face. He grinned at her, a silent dare flashing in his dark eyes. All right, she thought. If he wanted to play games, she was sure she could give him one. In answer to his unspoken taunt, she shifted her weight in his lap, rocking her pelvis forward and then back to press against the full length of him inside her. She watched with satisfaction and mutual pleasure as his eyes rolled back in his head, his mouth opening as though to draw in a sharp breath. She quickly pressed her fingers against his open lips. When he opened his eyes to look at her, she placed her index finger against her own mouth, shaking her head slowly back and forth. In answer, he gripped both of her hips once again and drove himself inside her, drinking in the sight of her supple body convulsing over and around him in a way that made him push her harder and faster. It took every bit of willpower he had to stay quiet. But one look at the rapturous expression on her face and the feeling of her warm, slick body covering him, surrounding him where they joined together was more than enough reason to keep him from crying out the way he wanted to. Her fingers dug desperate grooves into his shoulders and back as she shifted her hips to match the rhythm he created. When he felt her body grind into his length he convulsed, his passion spiraling upward until everything else disappeared. As if reading his thoughts, her eyes flew wide as she looked at him, her lips parting the tiniest little bit as her body began to spasm around him. Feeling her climax around him was his undoing. All he could do was hold her body to him as he spilled himself into her. When she felt she could breathe again without gasping, she opened her eyes to gaze down into his face. His eyes were still clouded with passion, but he looked at her with that expression so full of love that it always made her smile. This time was no different. She pushed a stray lock of hair behind his ear, setting his earring in motion as she brushed it with her fingers. She leaned forward to kiss his temple. "I love you," she whispered into his ear before placing a soft kiss on his lips. His arms tightened around her, holding her to his body. "I love you," he returned, sliding a hand around her neck to lower her lips to his for another kiss. She nestled her head against his shoulder, savoring the warmth of his arms and the feeling of his heartbeat resonating through his body into hers until she was no longer sure where one of them stopped and the other one started. After a long moment, she began to hear noises from below again. She hadn't realized that she had been so caught up in their liaison that she had forgotten about the fact that they weren't really alone until she heard Kid's voice below them once more. "Alright, girl, let's head on out so we can get back before supper." "Ride safe, Kid," Teaspoon told him. "I'll tell the girls to make sure we save you some food." "Sounds good." In spite of herself, she felt a giggle start deep in her belly and make its way up into her throat. She clasped one hand over her mouth before meeting her husband's amused gaze. She shook her head at their foolishness, sending shiny strands of hair wisping around her face. His grin broadened before he kissed her forehead. They listened as Katy's regular hoofbeats plodded out of the barn, followed by a set of human footsteps. When the barn door was shut firmly and the only remaining sounds they could hear were the soft sounds of horses moving around their stalls, they pulled slowly apart and dared to peek over the edge of the hayloft to make sure they were truly alone. She sagged against him in relief when the only prying eyes looking back up at them belonged to the tabby cat tasked with keeping mice out of the grain bin. She held a hand over her mouth again to stifle another giggle. "I can't believe we got away with that," she said in a stage whisper. He propped himself on one elbow as he looked at her with a smile on his face. "Are you sorry?" She composed her features into a 'deep thinking' expression before a smile returned to brighten her face. "Not at all. You?" "You even have to ask?" END
Note: Diana - thanks for pushing me to go outside of my comfort zone every now and again.
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