![]() Kid was riding slowly, taking the time to think. Here he was, an almost 20 year old man… yes he was a man. And tonight, he knew, he would become one in every aspect of the word. He glanced at her from under the brim of his hat. So beautiful, he thought, perfection. He moved his eyes from her as she looked at him. Was this a mocking stare he saw in her eyes? Before he realized it, his hat was covering his eyes and Lou's giggles could be heard. Like bells, he thought as he moved his hat back to its place and started after her. He chased her playfully for a couple of minutes, he too, now, giggling hysterically. He loved her so much and seeing her so happy and carefree made his heart fill with joy. He noticed her pace slowed and just when he was about to catch up to her she jumped over a fallen log. To his dread she fell off Lightning and lay still on the ground. God, please don't let anything happen to her, he prayed over and over until he reached her and gathered her into his arms. He thought he was going to lose his mind when he saw she wasn't waking, when she started laughing at him. I don't know if I should kiss you or kill you, he thought to himself as he tickled her ribs. He stopped and just stared at her. Those brown eyes could make him forget the world around him. She looked at him intensely, trying to guess his next move. To her satisfaction he lowered his head and met her awaiting lips. He tasted her sweet mouth and knew he wouldn't be able to stay apart from it for long. He could feel her hands pulling him even closer to her and took it as a sign to deepen the kiss. He opened his mouth, taking her upper lip and gently sucking it. She did the same to his lower lip and soon, their tongues were involved in this dance as well, twirling with each other. Kid broke the kiss, panting for breath. "We should get started again," he said in a husky voice, "if we want to get anywhere by nightfall." "I don't mind staying here," Lou smiled mischievously. "Someone might pass by," he answered as he stood up and helped her to her feet. She gave him a quick kiss and mounted Lightning. "If you ever scare me like that…" he started, but didn't finish. She leaned over and kissed his forehead. "We better get movin'," she smiled. Kid patted her knee and went over to Katy.
They continued their ride in silence, each caught in their own thoughts. Kid would've given anything to know what she was thinking about. He blushed as he remembered the previous morning, when Lou walked in on him in the shower… She was the first woman to see him naked, well that is besides his mother, and he was a lot younger then… and in a few hours she would see him naked again… and he would see her… he looked at her now, so small in comparison to her horse. She sensed him watching her and turned to face him, a smile on her lips. "What are you thinking about?" she asked. Kid shrugged. "My childhood," he answered sheepishly. "What about it?" she asked, her smiled disappearing, as she knew Kid's childhood was not a good memory. "I was thinking about my mother," he replied. She looked puzzled. "Your mother?" Kid felt himself blushing and so he just nodded, feeling too ashamed to tell her the whole truth. "It's a beautiful day," Lou remarked, changing the subject. Kid stopped his horse and let her ride ahead of him. He watched her back. Her body looked so fragile. How would I be able to… he couldn't even think about it. Wouldn't she break when they… "Kid, come on," Lou called for him, bringing him back to reality. He didn't answer and she came back to his side. "Are you okay, Kid?" she asked, concerned. "I'm fine," he answered. "Good. Let's go then," she turned Lightning back toward the trail, when Kid's hand stopped her. She looked at him questioningly. "What is it?" "Maybe we shouldn't…" he started. She was confused. "What are you talking about?" "You know…" he stumbled over his words. "Maybe we shouldn't do… you know… dance…" Lou looked at the ground. She had been waiting for this moment for so long. Being with Kid completely, showing him just how much she really cared. "Why?" she whispered. "I… it's just that… well I…" "Just say it Kid," she blurted angrily. "You don't think I'm woman enough." "What?" Kid exclaimed. "That's not what I mean at all. And you know I don't think that." He took a deep breath and lowered his voice. "I just don't want to hurt you." A warmth spread through her body. She put her hand on his cheek and smiled. "you won't hurt me, Kid," she lightly kissed his lips. "You don't have it in you." He tried to kiss her again, but she held him far from her. "Now we better get goin', lover-boy," She winked at him and started on their way again. He soon followed.
They reached Redfern just in time for dinner. Neither could eat much, their bellies full of butterflies and anticipation for what was to come. Kid looked at Lou over the table. Her features were so delicate, her mouth so small and her eyes so big, he knew her by heart and yet every time he looked at her he found something new he hadn't notice before. Like a piece of art. Yes! And her creator was the master of all. He looked at her small hands, sadly noticing the marks hard labor bestowed upon her. She shouldn't have had to do this. She deserved the easy life with wine and dances and not a care in the world. But he also knew she wouldn't be happy in that kind of a world. She was her own woman, and as much as it scared him and sometimes infuriated him, he wouldn't have her any other way. He suddenly realized he had never told her how much he loved her. He could see her love for him in her eyes, but neither had ever said it. He decided tonight he would. He would find the most romantic moment and tell her that.
Kid was pacing restlessly, his eyes scanning the room. He checked everything was in place: their bags, the fire, the door locked, the bed… It shouldn't be hard, Kid thought. As Jimmy said - things just have a way of working themselves out. This one will too. He went to stand by the window, looking at the silent night. Everything was so peaceful. The exact contrast to his heart and mind. What's taking her so long? He thought. A part of him wanted to savor this moment, knowing it would be something the both of them would remember forever, and yet another part of him just wanted to get it all over with. He rehearsed in his mind what he knew about pleasuring a woman. He didn't want to look inexperienced in front of her. He wasn't sure, but he hoped this was her first time too. He knew the basics, the theory. The woman lies on the bed, while the man is on top, his… thing… in the woman's body. He blushed just thinking about it, and so started pacing again, trying to release some of the tension. He had heard Cody talking about touching a woman's breasts and kissing them, but it all seemed too odd to him. He regretted not asking any of the boys, or even Teaspoon, for advice. He wanted to please her. He knew making love was a joyful and delightful event, but he didn't have the first clue as to how to achieve that delight. He sighed and sat on the bed only to jump immediately, as if bitten by a snake. He knew he should relax. Being so tense is only going to scare her, he thought. He couldn't believe it was his idea to take this run. And with her, none the less. It was what he wanted, so why was he so nervous and upset about it now? He turned around as he heard Lou pull the curtains away. His jaw dropped as he saw her in a white nightgown, her arms totally exposed to him. "Surprise," she said nervously, smiling shyly at him. My God, he thought as he moved closer to her and touched her arms, she is just as nervous as I am. He rubbed her arm, feeling her muscles under her soft skin. Those arms are Lou, he thought, a combination of soft and strong. He picked her up, his arms totally engulfing her slight waist, reminding him again just how tiny she was. Lou looked at him, staring directly into his eyes, telling him without words how much she wanted this to happen, how much she wanted to be his. He lowered her on the bed, kissing her. She broke the kiss and giggled. He growled inwardly, fearing the courage he felt would disappear. As she started to unbutton his shirt, he allowed himself to relax a bit. He kissed her again, wishing the kiss to last forever. He felt safer on already practiced ground. He'd kissed her before. He knew how to do this. Maybe, he thought, we should stick to that. But he already felt her small hands burning his skin where they touched his shoulders, pulling him closer. He broke the kiss and looked into her eyes. "You sure, Lou?" he asked. She answered him by restarting the kiss and deepening it. He let one hand roam over the side of her body beneath him. Her legs were pulled up by his thighs, and he could feel her warmth under her gown. He wanted to feel her, to smell her skin, to touch it. He knew what was happening to him 'down there'. Cody and Jimmy had often talked about it. He wasn't new to feeling it either. Every time Lou and he kissed, every time he held her close, something deep inside him would stir. He always prayed that she wouldn't notice, ashamed of his body's instincts, but now he didn't care. He knew what was going to happen, and, sooner than later, she was going to find out, and he would use this reaction, this erection, to give her pleasure. She had already unbuttoned all the buttons of his shirt and was now trying to pull it off. "Damn these long-johns" he silently cursed. He broke free from her arms and pulled the top over his head. Now his chest was bare to her and he could feel her gaze on him. Soon her hands followed her eyes and she started touching him her palms moving all over his upper body, gently massaging the muscles of his arms and shoulders. He looked at her intently as she examined his body, fascinated with her fascination and wonder. Her fingers brushed the hair on his chest, her nails lightly scratching the skin on the way back down. He could feel himself grow by this act of hers and he knew now she could feel it too where their bodies connected through their clothes. When she finally found his nipples he grew even bigger and buried his face in her neck, hiding his blushing face. He started kissing her there as her hands moved to his back, hugging and touching. He found the edge of her gown and slipped his hand under it, touching her skin. His hand moved up and down her thigh, climbing higher and higher with each stroke. He gently sucked the skin of her neck, eliciting a soft moan from her. Fearing he might have hurt her, he retreated and looked at her face, his erection immediately decreasing. Her eyes were closed, but a small smile was forming on her lips. "Lou, are you okay?" he asked. She lazily opened one eye, then the other. "Why did you stop?" she asked, puzzled. "Well… I thought… are you okay?" She caressed his cheek. "Why wouldn't I be?" "Well… you…I thought I hurt you…" Her eyes filled with tears. He was so confused and yet wanted so much to do the right thing to bring her joy. "I did hurt you…" Kid whispered, his throat tightening, as he saw her tears. He moved away from her and sat on the edge of the bed, pulling his shirt on. Lou lifted herself on her elbows, and watched him as he just sat with his back to her, his head in his hands. "Kid…" she started but found she had nothing to say. "I'm sorry," he apologized, shaking his head. "You didn't hurt me," she said after a few minutes of silence. "But you…" "I liked it," she told him and moved to sit by his side. He glanced at her for a second, but quickly diverted his eyes. "You haven't done this before, have you?" she asked as the realization of this came upon her. Kid shook his head, ashamed of his lack of experience. Lou took his hand in hers and waited for him to look at her. "I'm not a big expert in this myself," she remarked, blushing, but knowing it had to be said, "I just want to be with you. Maybe we can figure this together. What we like and what we don't like…" "I like kissing you," Kid admitted, blushing even a darker shade of red. "I like kissing you too," she smiled. "And I liked the way you touched me." "You did?" he still didn't understand. She removed his hands from his lap and sat herself on his left thigh, taking his face in her hands. "Just do as you feel," she told him. "I will tell you if I'm not comfortable with it. Okay?" Kid circled her with his arms. "Alright," he said and closed his eyes as she leaned to kiss him. He tightened the hold on her, feeling his desire beginning to swell again. Lou broke the kiss for just a moment to pull his shirt over his head again. She admired his chest. So strong and muscled. She wanted to feel him as they kissed. Her hands were examining his chest and back, occasionally stroking his hair as their kiss deepened and their passion grew. Lou took his right hand and placed it on her left breast. Kid gasped in surprise and stared at her with wide eyes. Lou smiled shyly and squeezed her hand upon his, showing him what to do. Still staring at her, Kid started to do it by himself, receiving an encouraging smile from Lou. His left hand pulled her back to his mouth, as he caressed her short hair. He could feel through her gown her nipple hardening and growing under his touch. Much like myself, he thought. She was small and so were her breasts. Small and perfect. She moaned into his mouth and pulled his head lower toward her neck. She entangled her fingers in his hair, keeping him in place at her exposed skin. Kid started kissing and nibbling at her collarbone and her shoulder. His hand pushing the strap of her gown away. Lou pushed her head back, allowing him better access to her neck and he rose to the challenge. Kissing and sucking until he reached her face again. Kissing her mouth, he moved to her ear, gently biting her lobe. "Oh, Kid," she moaned, but was soon shut as he filled her mouth with his tongue. She broke the kiss again and Kid growled in disappointment. She pushed him to his back and moved to straddle his waist. As she pulled her gown over her head, Kid's eyes almost popped out of their sockets. He stared at her, not saying a word, looking her over, memorizing every detail of her. She was totally naked now. The first woman he ever saw naked. And she was so beautiful. Her skin shining and white. It surprised him to see how pale she really was, her face so tanned by the sun. Her breasts were small and firm, topped by a dark-pink nipples, both of them now swollen and erect. Her belly was flat, and he was positive her bellybutton was the cutest to ever exist. He couldn't help but look at the triangle of hair where her legs connected. He blushed, knowing she knew exactly where his eyes were wandering. He looked up to meet her eyes, an apologetic smile on his lips. Lou smiled and leaned down to kiss him. Kid could feel her breasts mashed against his chest as his arms hugged her closer to him. She left his lips and started kissing her way down, paying attention to every inch of his body: his neck and his collarbone, his shoulders, where a bullet left a mark. She kissed the scar and licked it, then continued down his chest, licking and sucking his nipples. Kid felt like he was about to scream, and brought her head back up, kissing her. He rolled on top of her, their mouths still joined. He broke the kiss and looked at her closed eyes. He kissed her eyelids and her nose, her cheeks, and moved down to her neck. He continued downward, stopping just above her breasts. He looked at her, wishing her to tell him how to continue. When he didn't resume his kissing after a few seconds, Lou opened her eyes and looked at him. She brought his face back to hers and kissed him. Then she lowered his head to her right breast, holding his head just an inch above her nipple. She only had to wait a few seconds before he reached his tongue out and flicked it on her nipple. Lou gasped as he took the whole nipple into his hot mouth and started sucking it like a baby. Lou's hands dropped to the bed as Kid moved to her left, to give the other nipple the same treatment, as his hand caressed her right breast, his fingers pulling and pinching her erect nipple. Lou's legs hugged his back and she instinctively started almost unnoticed up and down movements with her hips. She franticly tried to unbuckle his belt, her fingers trembling. Kid felt her attempts and looked up from her breast. She looked at him, frustrated, and he couldn't help but chuckle. He rose to sit on his legs and unbuckled his belt, feeling her eyes on his hands. He unbuttoned his pants and lowered them to his knees. His bulge was very visible now through his long johns and Lou swallowed hard as she noticed it. Kid looked down and noticed a wet spot. Ashamed, he sat on the bed with his back to her and kicked off his shoes. He removed his pants and his long johns, and now sat as naked as she was behind him. He couldn't muster the courage to turn and face her and so he waited for her to make the next move. Soon enough her hands came to his chest, hugging him from behind. He could feel her pointed nipples on his back as her hands roamed all over his chest and stomach while she kissed his neck and shoulders. He turned his face to hers, catching her lips with his. She lay down again, pulling him with her. She felt his member between her legs and reached her hand to touch it as she felt it still continuing to grow. She opened her legs even wider, as wide as she could under Kid's body. He broke the kiss as he felt her hand clutching his member and watched her face. She looked directly in his eyes as her hand guided him to her opening. She gasped as his head entered her body, expanding her inner walls. Kid moaned as he thought he would explode soon. "Oh God, Lou," he breathed as her hand helped him inside. She let go of his hardness and lay motionless, her arms lying lifelessly by her body. Kid stopped his penetration and kissed her lips. She opened her mouth, inviting him in. He took the invitation in both places and kissed her while he started thrusting into her slowly and gently. Lou bit his lip and he lost control over his rhythm and pushed deeper. Lou gasped and opened her eyes wide, scaring him. "Oh, Lou, honey, I'm sorry," he whispered, his hands caressing her flushed cheeks. Lou shook her head. "I'm okay, Kid," she smiled to reassure him. "Just please take it slowly." Kid nodded and kissed her forehead. "I love you, Lou," he blurted and waited for her to look at him. Her hands caressed his cheeks and his brows and forehead, as tears of joy shone in her eyes. She kissed him softly. "I love you too, Kid," she said and kissed him again. Kid looked deeply into her eyes and restarted his thrusts into her. When he was in her completely, he stayed still, waiting for her to give him the sign to continue. Lou wrapped her legs tighter around his backside and started moving beneath him, moving her hips in up and down movements. Kid quickly started moving too, meeting her thrusts with his. Lou moaned and whimpered, biting her lips to keep from screaming. Kid was surprised when he heard his voice in noises he wasn't even aware of making, or ever having the ability to make. They came from somewhere deep in his body, from the same place he felt the explosion would come. He leaned his head and caught her lips with his, breathing into her mouth. "Oh, Kid…" Lou panted, digging her fingers into his shoulders as he kissed her neck, never stopping his hips' work. As her hands moved to his buttocks, he exploded deep within her, feeling his energy flow out of him with his seed. He felt Lou's contraction on his erupting shaft, and her body shaking beneath him, as her orgasm took her. He kissed her mouth, wanting to share her passion in any way that he could. When Lou relaxed he rolled to his back, bringing her with him to lie on top, their bodies still connected in this most intimate way. Kid put his hands on each side of her face and made her look at him. "I love you," he whispered. Lou lay her head on his chest, feeling his heart slow as her fingers stroked his chest-hair. "I love you too," she kissed his chest and closed her eyes, feeling exhausted. Kid stroked her hair and closed his eyes as well, a knowing grin on his face. He knew now what the boys were talking about. He knew, even though inferior in experience, his making love to Lou was a million times better than what they could have experienced, since this was truly love making. At this moment, when he kissed her forehead and she murmured contentedly something incoherent, he knew she would be the woman he would build a life with, grow old with, and make the same tender love to numerous times. Author note: I would like to thank Ellie for beta this story and for her kind words. Ellie - I love your work, it's been a privilege to have you as my beta for this.
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