Prologue Ike knelt next to the travois and gave Buck a drink of water. *Just a little longer, and I'll have you where someone can help you.* Buck simply nodded. After three days, he no longer had the strength to argue that going to the village for help was a mistake. They'd either be taken in and given help, or killed on sight - right now, he didn't really care which one it was; either would be an improvement. Ike quietly placed all his and Buck's weapons on the back of the horse pulling the travois. He then removed his white shirt and made a flag by tying it to a small tree limb and mounted his horse. He started the animal forward at a slow and steady pace. He didn't want to frighten any of the people in the village; he wanted to at least get a chance to ask for help. As he entered the edges of the village, three braves came and met him. Ike waved the flag and signed, *Friend.* When the braves didn't attack, he continued, *I bring Running Buck, brother of Red Bear. He is injured and needs assistance.* One of the braves broke away from the others and came beside Ike. He placed his hand on Ike's horse causing it to stop. A second man dismounted and went to check the travois. He nodded to the third one who turned and rode into the village shouting. Soon Ike saw Red Bear making his way to where they waited. *Why have you come here?* Red Bear demanded, signing as he spoke in Kiowa. Ike put down the flag and answered, *Running Buck is injured. We were closer to your village then we were our home. I was hoping he could be cared for here.* *Did he ask you to bring him here?* Red Bear asked as he knelt next to Buck. Ike shook his head. *He told me I shouldn't come; that we wouldn't be welcomed, but I didn't think he would make it all the way back to Rock Creek. They hurt him pretty bad.* Red Bear nodded. He started to ask Ike, but changed his mind when he noticed that Buck's eyes were opened. "What happened?" he asked his brother. "I fell," Buck answered. Red Bear stood and turned to face Ike. *Why do you say someone hurt him if all he did was fall?* Ike took a deep breath before answering, *Ask him why he fell,* he said. Red Bear stood glaring at the white man before him who dared to question his brother's honesty. He was about to tell the braves to kill the man when he heard a soft voice speaking to his brother. "What happened before you fell?" Buck replied, "They cut me loose." "Who cut you loose?" the young lady asked as she signed to Red Bear. *I've told you before, Father, that you never questioned his accidents enough.* Red Bear once more knelt next to Buck. "Explain yourself," he said. Buck started to explain, but had to stop as the pain from his injuries once more began to overtake him. The girl next to them spoke, "We should take him to White Buffalo to be tended before you question him on what happened; he will need rest and have time to talk to you later." She moved to the front of Ike's horse and started to lead them into the village. Ike dismounted in front of the teepee where the girl stopped. *Thank you,* he said as he went to where Buck lay. He knelt down next to the travois. He tenderly stroked Buck's cheek before saying, *I told you they would help you.* Buck smiled weakly. "I'm glad you were right," he whispered. "I …" he stopped speaking as the pain of his injuries once more overtook him and he lapsed into the welcome darkness of unconsciousness. Ike turned to the young lady standing behind him. *Please,* he said. * I can't lose him too.* She smiled as she nodded. *You untie the travois from his horse; I'll go get White Buffalo to find where he wishes us to take my uncle.* She moved gracefully and entered the teepee. Ike glanced around nervously. Memories of his previous trip to the Kiowa village kept occupying his mind. He did his best to shake them away and concentrate on getting Buck help. He carefully disconnected the travois and lowered it to the ground. He tried to move it without jarring Buck anymore that absolutely necessary. He knelt down next to Buck and waited for the girl's return. He was glad she was around; when she came back he'd have to find out who she was. Chapter One As some of the other braves took the travois inside the teepee, Red Bear and the girl lead Ike to a nearby dwelling. *You must be tired,* the girl said as she signed. Ike simply nodded. *Will he be…* *He'll be fine,* she assured him. *White Buffalo is a very good healer, and Running Buck is a strong man.* Red Bear watched the two talking as they walked. He wanted to talk to this strange silent man about what had happened to his brother, but decided that it would be better if he waited. His daughter had already warned him that he needed to treat this man with the respect due a visiting warrior. "After all, he risked his life to bring my uncle here for help," she had pointed out before inviting the young man to their home to rest. Once they reached Red Bear's home, he instructed his daughter to bring them food. "We have much to discuss," he said. "This man will need his strength." She simply nodded as she went to where her mother was busy cooking the evening's meal. As she walked away, Red Bear indicated for Ike to sit. As they settled on the ground in front of his home, Red Bear faced Ike. *Can you tell me what happened?* he asked. Ike nodded. *We took a message about a prisoner from Rock Creek to the fort located nearby. On the way we saw a few of your young men out looking for buffalo. Buck,* he paused and corrected himself as he continued, *Running Buck told them that they should not go any closer to the fort. He warned them that the soldiers would most likely shoot them and then wonder why there were just two. We told them that if we noticed any buffalo, we'd let them know. They thanked us and turned to head back this direction.* He once more paused. Red Bear allowed him a short break before prompting. *What happened that caused Running Buck to be in the shape he is in? Who hurt him?* Ike thought a few seconds before continuing. * When we got into the fort, I took the message into the major's office. While I was talking to the major, Buck took the horses to the stable to tend them. He was to meet me at the mess hall when he'd finished.* He once more paused as he thought back over the events of a few days ago. Red Bear once more waited patiently for the young man. As he was getting ready to try and prompt him once more, Ike returned to his tale. *I'm not sure exactly what happened. When I got to the mess hall, Buck - Running Buck - wasn't there. I went to see if he needed some help with the horses, but he wasn't there either. I asked some of the men, but no one had seen him since he'd taken the horses into the stables.* He took a deep breath and once more started to explain when he heard Buck's cry of pain. Without hesitating, Ike jumped up and ran back to where Buck had been taken. He quickly entered the dwelling to see what was being done to his friend. Red Bear followed close behind him and managed to stop Ike from grabbing White Buffalo. *You need to let him tend Running Buck's injuries,* Red Bear instructed. *He's hurting him,* Ike insisted as he pulled free from Red Bear's grasp. White Buffalo motioned for Ike to come closer. "His leg is broken," he explained, as Red Bear signed to Ike. "I need to put it back. Can you help?" Ike nodded. White Buffalo turned his attention back to Buck. He placed Ike's hand on Buck's leg. "Hold him still while I adjust the bones. Don't let him move if you can help it." Ike looked at Red Bear. *You could help keep him still if you'd hold his head,* he pointed out. Red Bear moved to take Buck in his arms. He spoke quietly to his younger brother assuring him that they didn't mean to cause him pain and that everything would be better once White Buffalo finished this task. The older man nodded at his new assistants and quickly set Buck's leg. He then tied some sticks to it to keep Buck from moving it. As they allowed Buck a bit of rest, the older man faced Ike. "Do you know what else is injured? I have fixed his wrists and leg." *You need to look at his shoulders and back. I'm not sure what they used, but I know his back is hurt. He kept fighting with me when I tried to look at it; I decided that it would be better to wait since he had so many other injuries.* White Buffalo nodded. "We will let him rest a bit longer before we try to look at it. I think it would be wise for someone to stay with him all night; I will need to know immediately if anything changes." Before Ike had a chance to volunteer, Red Bear said, "I'll sit with him." He turned to Ike. *You need rest yourself; it would not be good for us if while tending Running Buck you took sick. He would be most displeased.* Ike simply nodded. He was really tired and felt like a good night's sleep would do him wonders. He hadn't slept much at all in the four days they'd been traveling. Buck's injuries had him worried, and he'd not wanted to fall asleep too deeply incase something happened. The fact that he kept having dreams about Emily's death didn't help his rest any either. He hoped that tonight he'd finally be able to rest the night through. When Buck's breathing calmed, White Buffalo instructed Ike to help Buck sit so they could check his ribs and back. Ike moved behind Buck and soon had him in a sitting position. Red Bear continued to speak quietly to him as White Buffalo removed his shirt and tossed it onto the pile of other clothing that was by the entrance. When they saw the cuts on his back, Red Bear glared at Ike as if to demand an explanation. Ike shook his head to show he didn't know what had happened. After White Buffalo tended the wound, he instructed the two of them to go eat while he made Buck comfortable for the evening. "I will expect you back shortly," he told Red Bear. Red Bear nodded and held the door flap open for Ike. As Ike left the dwelling, he thanked White Buffalo for his care. He walked slowly back to Red Bear's home where the meal was waiting for them. Chapter Two As the men once more sat in front of Red Bear's home, Ike turned his attention back to the task of telling his story. *I don't know exactly what happened,* he began. *I just know that they wanted him to tell them where the braves we'd met had gone; that or they wanted him to agree to lead them here. When he refused, they punished him.* *How can you not know what happened?* Red Bear asked. *What did they do to his back?* Ike shrugged. * I told you that I wasn't with him when they hurt him. I was looking for him when I heard the major's daughter screaming for her father. When she wasn't calling for him, she was screaming, "Stop it! You're killing him!" I ran to where she was; as I entered the building I saw Buck falling and heard a snap as he hit the ground.* Ike shook his head to clear it of the horrible sight of Buck's body dropping to the ground from mid-air. He took a deep breath to steady his nerves before finishing, *When I got to his side, he was awake enough to tell me that he didn't want to stay there. He didn't want the doctor to touch him. With the major's help, I was able to get him on the travois. As soon as that was done, we left. All he would tell me was, 'They wanted me to betray my people.' * Red Bear's daughter joined them. "He needs to eat and rest," she told Red Bear. "He can tell you what happened in the morning." Red Bear gave his daughter a stern look. "When did you become the head of this home?" he asked her sternly. She dropped her gaze, but not in time to hide the smile that was on her face. "I'm not the head," she said, "but I am the one studying with White Buffalo. This man needs food and rest so he does not get sick." She turned to Ike and handed him a small cup. *Drink,* she instructed. *It will help you sleep.* Ike took the drink, and smiled his thanks. Before he drank he turned to Red Bear. *I'm sorry I can't help you more. I wish I had stayed with him, but there was no reason to believe he was in danger. I'm sorry if bringing him here has caused a problem. I'll take him home in the morning if you…* Red Bear placed his hand on Ike's arm. *You have not caused a problem. I was just surprised that he would agree to come here; last time he was here our parting was not as good as I would have preferred. I was sure I would never see him again; I thank you for bringing him back to me.* He stood and pulled back the opening of his home to allow Ike to enter. *Listen to my daughter, Sky Chaser. She will take good care of you.* Ike nodded his thanks and entered the dwelling. Once there he sat on the skins Sky Chaser indicated and took a sip of the drink he was holding. As he finished the tea, he glanced across the teepee at the girl who was tending him. *Thank you,* he signed as he moved to lie down. *For what?* she asked. *For helping my friend,* Ike said. Just before he closed his eyes, he repeated his statement from before, *I can't lose him, too.* Chapter Three As Red Bear made his way back to where Buck was resting, he thought back to the last time he'd spoken to his brother. He had sent Running Buck back into the world of the white men. As he had spoken the words, "Never look back", he had hoped his brother would tell him he was wrong. He had waited to hear him say, "No, I wish to stay here." Those words hadn't been spoken. Instead Running Buck had mounted his horse and left to return to the white world where he was known simply as Buck. He entered White Buffalo's abode and sat next to the elderly man as he tended Running Buck. When White Buffalo finished once more tending Running Buck's wounds, he turned to Red Bear. "I will need you to sit with him, and keep him from turning onto his back. He needs to allow the wounds to heal before he puts pressure on them," he said. Red Bear nodded his understanding. White Buffalo handed the cloth he had been using to bathe Buck's face to Red Bear. "If his fever worsens, you need to let me know immediately. I go now to pray." Red Bear moved and sat next to his younger brother. As he sat there, he thought back to all the times in the past when his mother had stayed awake tending his younger brother. It seemed the boy was always getting injured in some type of accident. As he let his mind go back in time, Red Bear realized that the statement his daughter had made earlier was correct - he had always managed to not question the nature of Running Buck's accidents. After a few minutes, Running Buck began to stir. He tried to turn off his stomach mumbling something about not being safe. Red Bear placed his hand on his brother's shoulder to calm him. "I am sorry I have let you down," he said. "I guess I didn't know what else to do, and it was easier to just believe you when you said you fell." After a pause, he added, "I should have known better; you were never clumsy when you were tracking or hunting. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." As Red Bear talked, Running Buck stopped moving. He stopped trying to move, and soon his breathing calmed. When Red Bear moved to dampen the cloth, Running Buck whispered, "You have no reason to be sorry." Red Bear placed the damp cloth on Running Buck's neck. "I should have done a better job of protecting you," he said. Running Buck smiled weakly. "If you had done anything differently, the council wouldn't have chosen you to be war chief. They would have felt you were too soft." He sighed as he tried to move to a more comfortable position only to be stopped by Red Bear's hand once more touching his shoulder. "You need to stay still," Red Bear instructed. "White Buffalo does not want you to lie on your back just yet." Running Buck stopped moving. Red Bear removed his hand and stretched out on the ground next to his brother. "I still should have done a better job," he said as he returned to their conversation. Running Buck smiled once more. "You did the best you could," he said. "I always knew that you loved me despite the fact that I wasn't completely Kiowa. I'm just sorry that I had to leave before I had a chance to prove myself; I'm glad I was given another chance." Red Bear returned Buck's smile. "I'm glad you were given that chance also; I'm sorry I sent you away then. If I'd had you to stay, maybe things would be different now." Running Buck once more sighed. "I'm not sure they would have been much different than when I was here before. The others still look at me differently; they still don't trust me." "How would you know this?" Red Bear asked as he sat up to better tend Buck. "When we were going to the fort," Running Buck replied, "we ran into Stands Tall, Little Fox, and Laughing Crow. They asked if we'd seen any buffalo. I told them we hadn't, and that it would probably be best if they didn't go any closer to the fort." He paused to allow the pain talking caused him to pass. Red Bear once more wet the cloth that was lying on Buck's neck. "You're friend told me that," he said. "He also told me that they listened to you and went away." Running Buck nodded. "That is true, but only after they argued that I just wanted you all to starve. They accused me of knowing where the buffalo were. They asked if I was planning on telling the soldiers where the village was, and leading them to kill you all." Red Bear stiffened as he listened to Buck's version of this tale. "I shall deal with them both later," he said as he replaced the cloth on Buck's neck. "Don't," said Running Buck. "They finally listened and went away. They could have refused and followed us to the fort. That would have caused trouble for everyone." He took a deep breath and immediately wished he hadn't. A small moan escaped his lips. "Just let it be known that I'm here because I refused to give them up; that will make them think twice before they try anything." Red Bear nodded. "I will do so. Now, you need to get some rest. Would you like some tea to help you sleep?" "I'd rather not," Buck replied. "I don't like the way it makes me feel when it wears off." He turned his head just enough so he could see Red Bear. "If you'll just stay here with me…" Red Bear adjusted the covers so that they covered as much of his brother's body as possible without touching his back. He then once more lay down next to his younger brother. "I'm not going anywhere," he said. "This time, I will take care of you for as long as you need me." Chapter Four Ike slept through the night for the first time in weeks. As the early morning sounds of the village began to filter into his brain, Ike sat up with a start. He glanced around at his surroundings trying to remember what had brought him here. When he saw Sky Chaser, the events from the previous evening returned to him. He smiled at her. *How is Running Buck?* he asked as he started to sit. He stopped moving when he realized that he didn't have on any clothing. He readjusted the buffalo skin blanket around him. *He is resting,* Sky Chaser answered. She handed him some of her father's clothing. *These should fit; yours needed cleaning.* Ike took them and nodded. *I will meet you outside and take you to him once you've eaten,* Sky Chaser told Ike. * I know he will want to see you.* Ike once more nodded. He smiled at her as she turned to leave. *Thank you.* As he dressed, it dawned on Ike that he needed to get word back to Teaspoon about what had happened. He didn't want a search party to be sent out and have the Kiowa end up being in trouble because of something they had nothing to do with. He decided that if Buck was really doing better, he would see about making a quick trip back to Rock Creek. He quickly finished dressing and went to find Sky Chaser so he could eat and check on Buck. He found her waiting outside the teepee. She met him with a smile that made him wonder exactly who had removed his clothing the evening before. She indicated that he should sit. He did so. When Sky Chaser brought him his food, she let him know that her father would be joining him soon. *My uncle is better,* she said. *Father will be here soon to eat, and then the two of you can go back to check on him.* *Thank you, * Ike said as he accepted the food. Sky Chaser simply smiled at him and went back to the task of preparing the meal for the rest of the men in the village. Ike kept his eyes averted as he ate; he once more felt the unease of being in the village where he'd almost died. He offered up a prayer of protection and that Buck would heal quickly. He wasn't sure how long he could make himself stay here. Ike had just about decided that he was going to try and locate the place where Buck was being kept, when Red Bear came to sit next to him. He waited quietly until Sky Chaser brought him his food. As soon as his daughter left them, he faced Ike. *Running Buck is stronger,* he signed, *He will need to rest a few more days.* He paused to take a few bites of food. Ike took this opportunity to explain the need to let Teaspoon know what had happened. *He will be worried, * he said. *He is like…* he paused; he wasn't sure how to explain the relationship Teaspoon had with them. Red Bear nodded. *He is the older man who is like the father of Running Buck's white family.* He once more paused, *Would you like to go tell him what happened and then return, or would you rather send a message with one of the braves?* Ike sat quietly thinking over both options. He didn't wish to abandon Buck, but at the same time he wasn't happy being here. He couldn't get the memories of what had happened to him before out of his mind. *I would like to talk to Running Buck first, * he finally replied. * I need to know if he is alright with me leaving for a few days.* Red Bear nodded and quickly finished his meal. "*Let me get something for Running Buck to eat,* he said, *then we can go visit with him.* Ike nodded. He watched the older man as he went to where the women were working. He smiled as he watched Sky Chaser hand her father a small bowl. He quickly lowered his gaze when she glanced his way. He felt his cheeks grow warm as he once more thought about the beginning of this day and the fact that she had known he was without clothing; he again wondered exactly who it was that had removed his dirty ones. He quickly chased the thoughts of it being her away as Red Bear once more made his way to where Ike sat. Chapter Five Minutes later Ike was sitting next to Buck as he slept. He noticed that Buck seemed to be resting easily, and offered up a prayer of thanks for that. Red Bear settled in next to him after setting the bowl of broth next to where Buck lay. *White Buffalo said he will be fine with much rest. He wants us to keep him off his back for as long as possible - at least one more day. He also says that Running Buck should stay resting for at least a week, and that it will take a moon or so before he is ready to return to your home.* Ike nodded. *Do you think he will wake up soon? I really need to talk to him.* He sighed deeply. He wasn't sure how he could explain his relationship with Buck to the man without angering him; he knew that Red Bear was Buck's brother by blood, but he also knew that in Buck's heart in many ways, Ike was held closer than Red Bear could ever be. Red Bear shrugged. *If he does not rise soon, I shall have to wake him so he can eat.* Ike once more nodded. He hoped that Buck would wake on his own since the medicine man had said that rest was what Buck needed. They sat quietly watching Buck sleep. After a few more minutes, Buck stirred in his sleep. He started to roll onto his back. Red Bear quickly placed a hand on his shoulder. "You must not do that just yet," he said. "Do you think you can stay off your back for just one more day?" Buck opened his eyes and looked at his older brother. He was trying to remember where he was and how he'd gotten here. His last clear memory was of hanging from a hook far above the floor of the hay barn at the fort that he and Ike …He sat up quickly and immediately regretted that action. As he collapsed back to the ground with a moan, Buck saw movement out of the corner of his eye. He felt hands gently touching his face and turned his head to see Ike looking at him with concern. "Are you alright?" he asked when the pain allowed him to speak. Ike nodded. *You?* Buck smiled. "I've been better," he said as he again tried to roll so he could look at Ike. This time two sets of hands stopped him. "You must stay off your back," Red Bear said. "It was injured severely by the pony soldiers; White Buffalo says you are not to rest on it until tomorrow." Buck nodded to show he understood. He waited until both his companions relaxed and removed their hands from his shoulder. "Can I sit?" he asked. "I wish to be able to see you when I talk to you." Red Bear nodded. "If it does not cause you too much pain, you may sit." He moved until he was behind his brother and gently pulled him to a sitting position. Buck moaned softly as the stiffness in his back and sides turned into waves of pain. He managed to let Red Bear know that he felt it would pass. After a few tense minutes, Red Bear situated Buck near the small fire and covered him with a deer skin. He then sat between his brother and Ike. Buck carefully sipped the broth Red Bear had brought him. He was once more trying to recall how he'd come to be here, but it was fuzzy. Finally, he gave up. He spoke to Red Bear, "I need to talk to Ike," he explained, "but I can't move enough to sign also." He paused and took a sip of the broth. "I'm sorry but you may not understand what we talk about." Red Bear nodded. "I will try to follow what your friend says; if I have questions, I can ask you to explain." Buck agreed and then turned to face Ike. He explained what had just happened and then asked, "Why are we here?" Ike looked at Buck in confusion. *You don't remember anything?* he asked. Buck shook his head. "I remember going to the fort and some of the soldiers thought I was plotting with the Kiowa; they took me to the hay barn, stripped me to my waist, asked me what we were planning, and beat me when I told them that they had only been looking for food." Buck stopped speaking as the memories of what the soldiers had said and done came flooding back. He took a deep breath and shook his head to get them to stop. "After a while they decided that hitting me wasn't enough." He once more paused, "I remember being tied up and hung from the hay hook; I'm not sure what happened after that." Ike quickly explained the little he knew and how he had brought Buck here instead of home. He paused before asking, *What do we do now?* Buck took another sip of the broth. "What do you mean?" he asked. Ike glanced at Red Bear before continuing, *I was told you will need to stay here about a month; no one knows were we are. Teaspoon will come looking, when he goes to the fort you know they aren't going to tell him the truth; they'll make up some story about the Kiowa attacking…*he paused when Red Bear shifted his position angrily. Buck nodded. "You need to go tell Teaspoon what happened and that I'll return to Rock Creek as soon as I'm able." He turned to face Red Bear in order to explain and calm him; the movement caused him pain which he hid by once more taking a sip of broth. Sky Chaser entered the teepee. Her happiness at seeing her uncle sitting was quickly quenched as she took in the scene before her. Her father was angry, her uncle was in pain, and his friend was afraid. She was about to insist that everyone leave when she noticed that Ike was once more signing. Ike glanced up at Sky Chaser before asking, *Are you sure you don't mind staying here alone? I could come back after I give Teaspoon the message.* Ike wasn't sure why he made that offer; the thought of being in the Kiowa village terrified him, yet the thought of leaving Buck there alone for a month or more filled him with an equal dread - what if after spending that much time with his family, Buck didn't want to come back to the white world? Sky Chaser moved to Buck's side and spoke quietly to him in Kiowa, "You must rest." She helped him to lie back down on the buffalo skins and helped him settle in. She turned to her father. "Leave," she said. "You are upsetting him and he needs rest; come back when you are calm." Red Bear started to argue, but stopped when he saw the pain now evident on Buck's face. He turned to Ike. *We should both go,* he signed harshly as he turned to leave. Ike hesitated; he needed Buck's response to his question. He placed a hand on Sky Chaser's shoulder. *Please,* he signed. *I need to know if he wants me to stay away or come back.* Sky Chaser nodded her understanding. *I will get him to tell me, but you must leave so I can help him rest.* She smiled at Ike as she indicated once more that he should exit the dwelling. Buck watched the exchange as he tried to fight off the pain that was once more trying to overtake his body. He knew that Ike had asked him an important question, but he couldn't remember what it was. He felt tender hands applying medicine to his back and the pain began to lesson. A little later, he managed to ask, "Where did Ike go? I need to talk to him." "He is outside," Sky Chaser said as she settled next to her uncle. "I am to ask if you want him to stay away or come back to us." "Where is he going?" Buck asked. Sky Chaser shrugged. "He did not tell me. I thought you would know what he was talking about." Buck took a deep breath and immediately regretted it. The pain once more washed over him. He shook his head to try and clear it. Sky Chaser placed a hand on his shoulder. "I will go get him." She quickly exited the teepee and soon Ike returned. He sat next to Buck and waited for his friend to look at him. *Sky Chaser said you needed to talk to me.* Buck nodded. "I know you asked me a question before, but…" Ike placed a hand on Buck's arm. *The pain made you forget.* Buck nodded. *I reminded you that we needed to get word to Teaspoon, * Ike replied. Buck remembered then. "I would like for you to come back," he said, "but would understand completely if you didn't want to. It can't be easy for you to be here." Ike nodded. *Your niece is doing her best to make it better,* he said. *She is a beautiful young lady.* Ike suddenly realized that he really meant that; she was beautiful and she was trying to make him feel welcomed and safe. Buck smiled. "So when are you going to leave?" he asked. Ike shrugged. *I should probably leave now. I can make it back to Rock Creek in a couple of days and be back before the end of the week.* He turned to leave. Buck reached out and caught his arm. "Do me a favor," he said. "Bring me a change of clothes and my book; I have a feeling that I'm not going to be allowed to move around too much very soon. If I have something to read, it will keep me from getting restless." Ike nodded. *I'll be back as soon as I can.* He patted Buck gently on the shoulder and made his way back outside. He located Red Bear to let him know that he was leaving; the older man was still upset. *What did you mean that the Kiowa were to blame for Running Buck's injuries?* he demanded as he confronted Ike. Ike looked at him in confusion, trying to figure out what he meant. He tried to replay his conversation from earlier. As he did he realized what had the older man upset. He carefully replied, *I did not say the Kiowa were responsible; I said that if Teaspoon went to the fort the soldiers would lie and say the Kiowa must have done something to us. They would say we were both fine when we left there. That's why I have to go now and let everyone know the truth.* He stopped and waited to see Red Bear's reaction. Ike was relieved when Red Bear's anger lessened. *I am sorry for my misunderstanding,* he said. *Do you need someone to go with you?* Ike shook his head. *I will be able to travel faster on my own,* he said. He decided not to admit that he wasn't sure he trusted any of the warriors to not hurt him once they were away from the village. *I should be back in two or three days; four at the most,* he added. *Running Buck asked me to come back and bring him something to help him occupy his time while he heals.* Red Bear nodded his understanding and went with Ike to help him ready his horse and gather the few supplies he had brought with him to the village. As Ike mounted his horse, Sky Chaser handed him a small bundle. *It is food for your journey,* she said. *Go safely, and return soon.* Red Bear echoed her sentiments as he watched Ike ride away. "Yes," he said quietly as he placed an arm around his daughter's shoulder. "Return to us quickly; Running Buck needs you to help him heal." Sky Chaser looked at her father. "What makes you say that?" she asked. "I watched them talk," he explained. "Running Buck calms at the quiet one's touch; he will heal much better if that one is near. Besides," he said with a wink at his child, "I think that one needs healing as you do; he too has lost someone close." When Sky Chaser did not respond, Red Bear squeezed her shoulder. "I have a task for you to work on during his absence." "What?" she asked without looking at him. She did not want him to see the hurt in her eyes at the mention of her loss - it still pained her to think of her intended's passing. "Think of a name for him," Red Bear said. "The one he has is not fitting of a man we are to treat as a warrior for daring to bring my brother home." He once more squeezed her shoulder before leaving her standing watching Ike's vanishing form. Chapter Six A couple of days later, Ike reached Rock Creek. He entered the town as the sun was setting and quickly made his way to the marshal's office. He pushed the door open to find one of Teaspoon's deputies sitting behind the desk shuffling through papers. The man looked up when the breeze from the open door ruffled them. "Am I ever glad to see you," he said when he noticed it was Ike. Ike smiled his thanks and asked, *Where's Teaspoon?* The man looked apologetically at Ike. "I'm sorry," he said. "I still ain't quite got the hang of your talking. Where's Buck so he can help me understand?" Ike fought back the frustration he felt and walked across the room. He picked up a pencil and one of the papers the deputy had been holding. He wrote, "Where's Teaspoon? I need to talk to him about something important." The man read the note and replied, "He went out to Miss Dunne's to eat; seems Cody is here for a visit." Ike nodded and turned to leave. He quickly remounted and made his way across town to Rachel's house. He didn't bother with knocking as he entered the house and made his way to the sitting room. He heard Teaspoon talking as he walked. "I'm extra glad you're here, Cody. I'm thinking I may need your tracking skills. You think I could borrow you for a day or two?" "I can ask," Cody said. "Why?" "Ike and Buck ain't back yet; they're over four days late. I…" he stopped speaking when Rachel stood and ran across the room. "I'm so glad to see you," she said. "We were just talking about getting Cody to go look for you." She let him go and glanced behind him. "Where's Buck?" Ike took a deep breath and began to sign rapidly. *He was injured at the fort so I took him to the Kiowa village because it was closer and he was hurt badly; I didn't think I could get him home alive.* "He still there?" asked Cody. Ike nodded. *I just came to get a few of his things and let you know we were safe. I didn't want you to go to the fort and be told something different.* He glanced at Cody before continuing, *The soldiers there hurt him because he refused to tell them were the Kiowa village was. I'm not sure why.* Teaspoon looked at Cody. "You have any idea why the army would suddenly care about Buck taking them to the Kiowa?" Cody looked at the ground before answering. "There's been a bit of trouble of late, maybe they thought…" Teaspoon simply shook his head. "Could you make sure they get a message?" Cody nodded. "If they ever do anything like this again, I'll personally come down there and punish them all." He stood and went to where Ike was standing. "You alright?" Ike nodded. *Just tired,* he said. * I'd like to gather Buck's things, clean up, and go to bed. I promised I'd get back to him as soon as I could.* Teaspoon nodded. As Ike turned to leave, Rachel spoke up. "You go get things ready and while you're taking a shower I'll fix you some supper." *Thank you,* Ike said. *That would be nice.* He made his way to the old bunk house that he and Buck still shared. It was eerily quiet as he entered. It still took him by surprise to see it divided into the two smaller rooms - one for himself and one for Buck. He smiled as he went into his room and gathered all the things he needed. He once more wondered how upset Rachel would be if she found out that more often than not both rooms were not used in the evening. He placed his things in one bundle and Buck's in another. He then returned the items that should have been in Buck's room to their proper place just incase Teaspoon or Rachel decided to clean things up as a homecoming surprise. He could tell no one had been in here since they'd left because everything was just like they'd left it - a comfortable mess. After gathering their belongings Ike made his way to the shower and quickly cleaned up. He placed his packages in the barn next to his horse and then went back over to Rachel's. She had a whole meal waiting for him. As he ate, Teaspoon sat patiently waiting so he could find out more about what had happened. Ike thanked Rachel and turned to Teaspoon. *Where's Cody?* he asked. "I thought it might be a good idea for him not to be here," Teaspoon said. "I don't want to have to hold back my opinion of his fellow soldiers, but I also don't wish to upset him by expressing them aloud." Ike nodded. He knew Teaspoon wanted him to tell what had happened, and he once more found himself in the position of having to explain that he really didn't know. *When I found him,* Ike said, *Buck didn't want to stay at the fort. I knew he wasn't up to the trip back here so I took him to Red Bear. He's doing fine, but still needs to rest and won't be able to ride for about a month.* Teaspoon had sat quietly while Ike told his tale. "You have no idea what set them off?" he asked. *We ran into a couple of braves on the way there. They were looking for buffalo. The men at the fort seemed to think that Buck and them was plotting something, but…* he paused and then shrugged. Teaspoon nodded. "After you left the room, Cody said there had been some raids out that way. The Kiowa were suspected of being behind them; seems that fort had lost some men on a routine scouting mission the week before I sent you there." He paused. "I'm real sorry, Son. I had no idea. I would have sent Johnson if I'd known." Ike nodded. *I know,* he said. He looked at the older man who had been like a father to him these past two years. He saw a pain in the man's eyes that he wished he could make disappear - he knew that somehow this latest message was responsible for some of it. Rachel sat down next to Teaspoon and rested her hand on his shoulder. She looked over at Ike, "You sure Buck will want to come back to us?" she asked voicing the concern that Teaspoon had expressed earlier as Cody had left. Ike shrugged. *I think so,* he said. *He asked me to come back to wait with him; I don't think he would have done that if he was planning on staying there.* Teaspoon smiled. "That's good news," he said. "I don't think I could handle losing another of my boys." He stood. "I guess you want to get to bed so you can get up early and head back." Ike nodded. *I'm just going to sleep out in the barn,* he said. *I already have everything out there, and that way I can just get up and go without bothering anyone.* Teaspoon simply nodded. Ike shook his hand and hugged Rachel before turning in. He was up early the next morning and on his way before the sun had cleared the horizon. Chapter Seven Sky Chaser was still trying to figure out why her father would give her the task of naming this quiet, white man. Should not that job fall to her uncle; after all they were the ones who were friends. She decided to speak to her uncle about this task. Perhaps he could help her with this task. Ike had left the day before and should be back soon, she would need a name to present to her father before his return. She pushed back to covering to the teepee where her uncle was being kept. She spoke quietly before entering, "Is it alright for me to enter?" Buck replied, "That would be nice. I would like some company." Sky Chaser crawled inside. "Where is my father?" she asked not trying to hide the disapproval of finding Buck alone. "He is to be here with you." Buck smiled at his niece. "He was needed elsewhere, and I feel much better." He struggled to a sitting position. It still caused him pain to move, but he didn't wish his brother to be in trouble because he was needed by the other people in the village. Besides, Buck didn't want to give anyone here another reason to dislike him; they had enough already. Sky Chaser settled in across the fire from him. "Father has given me a task that I need your help with." Buck nodded. "What task is that?" he asked, doing his best to hide the pain his recent movement had caused him. "I can't help you with much." Sky Chaser smiled at him. "You are the only one who can help with this task," she said. "Father has instructed me to come up with a name befitting a warrior for your friend. I do not know him well enough to do that; I do not know why Father gave the task to me instead of you." Buck watched the girl across the fire as she spoke of Ike. He noticed that her eyes lit up a little when she did; similar to the way Ike's did when he spoke of her. Buck smiled as it occurred to him that his older brother was becoming more observant with age. "I would be honored to help you choose a name for him," Buck said with a smile. "Tell me what you have considered, and I will give my opinion." Sky Chaser sat quietly for a few seconds before admitting, "I have not really been able to think of any names. I do not know enough about him to give him a name. I know he is strong, considerate, cares deeply for you…" she paused when Buck's expression changed. "I did not mean to upset you," she said softly, dropping her gaze to the ground. "It is just so obvious in the way he talks about you, and the way he touches you…" she once more paused and looked up at her uncle. He smiled at her once more. "I am not surprised that you would notice such things; you have always been a rather observant child. You are right about us; we both care deeply for the other." It was Buck's turn to pause as he saw a flicker of disappointment cross Sky Chaser's eyes. He quickly continued, "But not the way you mean; while we are close, we also both wish to find a woman to share our lives with. Ike just recently lost the one he thought was meant for him; she died trying to avenge her father's death." He waited until his niece looked up at him before continuing, "He has not smiled when talking about a woman since her passing almost four moons ago until yesterday when he spoke to me of you." Sky Chaser once more dropped her gaze to hide the smile that she could not stop from appearing. She waited a few seconds before once more looking at her uncle. "So," she said, "I still do not know a good name for him." She sat once more thinking. Buck did the same. The silence was interrupted when the teepee covering was pulled back and a second young lady looked in. "I was told to bring food," she said as she crawled inside. Buck quickly readjusted the deer hide that was covering him. He wasn't sure why his state of undress did not bother him with Sky Chaser, but caused him embarrassment in front of this new person. Sky Chaser noticed, but said nothing. She also made a note of the fact that Little Fawn did not drop her eyes as she entered. Little Fawn, the newcomer, set the bowls in front of Sky Chaser and Buck. "I hope this is adequate," she said. "I was not sure what to bring." Buck reached for the bowl. As he did, Little Fawn went to pick it up to hand it to him. Their hands touched and she smiled at him shyly. "I hope you like it," she said. Buck blushed as he noticed that she was studying him intently. "I'm sure I will," he said as he settled back adjusting his cover once more. As he began to eat, Buck couldn't shake the feeling that he should know this girl. He was about to ask who she was when she decided to make her exit. She turned to Sky Chaser, "I am sorry to interrupt, but Red Bear said I was to be sure you both ate." She leaned in whispered something, laughed softly as Sky Chaser blushed, and made her exit. Buck waited until she was away from the entrance before asking, "Who is she? I feel like I should know, but…" Sky Chaser nodded. "You do know her," she said. "She is about 6 moons younger than you so she was 11 summers when you left us the first time. Her brother is Little Fox." Buck looked up at Sky Chaser over his bowl. "That was Little Fawn?" Sky Chaser nodded. "She sure has changed," Buck mumbled as he returned to eating. Sky Chaser once more nodded and quickly took a bite of her food to hide the smile. The reason Sky Chaser had blushed as Little Fawn left was what the other girl has said, "He sure has done a nice job of growing up; you think he feels the same about me? I hope so; I need a husband that will appreciate my stamina." Chapter Eight Ike rode straight through and was back in the village as the sun began to disappear behind the horizon. He let the young boys who tended the horse take his mount and made his way to the teepee where Buck was staying. He entered slowly and glanced to where he'd last seen Buck resting. No one was there. Panic set in as Ike set the package he had brought containing Buck's clothing and book inside the dwelling before going in search of White Buffalo, Red Bear, Sky Chaser, any one who could tell him where Buck was. He spied a group of women near Red Bear's teepee and made his way there. He waited until the one he'd often seen talking to Sky Chaser looked at him. *I hate to interrupt,* he said, *but I was…* The girl didn't let him finish. *He was taken by White Buffalo and Red Bear to the sweat lodge to aide his healing; he has need of a spiritual cleansing as well as a physical one.* Ike sighed as he felt the panic lessen. *He is alright?* he asked hastily. Little Fawn nodded. "Running Buck is most definitely alright," she said in Kiowa to the girls beside her. They giggled and quickly dropped their gaze as Ike looked at them. *Can you take me to him?* Ike asked. *I don't want to cause any trouble, but I wish…* Little Fawn nodded once more. *I can take you to where he is,* she said, *but you will have to wait outside for him to exit.* Ike nodded his understanding. *Thank you,* he said. As they walked, Ike began to relax. He realize that he'd seen this girl many times visiting with Sky Chaser, as well as one of the men he and Buck had encountered on the way to the fort. Just as they reached their destination, he asked, *How are you called?* *Little Fawn,* she replied. *I am sister to Little Fox, the tracker.* Ike smiled as he saw Sky Chaser sitting outside the sweat lodge. *It is nice to meet you,* he said to Little Fawn. *Thank you for bringing me to Running Buck.* Little Fawn smiled at Ike. She spoke quietly to Sky Chaser making small talk as she stalled hoping Running Buck would exit the lodge. She was hoping that if she kept herself in his awareness then perhaps… Her thoughts were interrupted when Red Bear stepped out of the lodge. He looked at her in such a manner that she knew it was time to leave. She hurriedly turned to go back to the main village. In her haste, she stumbled and fell into Ike. He caught her. He noticed the fear in her eyes and turned to face Red Bear. *Little Fawn was nice enough to bring me to you. She could sense that I was concerned at Running Buck's absence. Please do not be angry with her.* Red Bear nodded curtly. He spoke harshly to the girl, but allowed her to leave without further reprimand. He then spoke to his daughter before turning to face Ike. *I am glad you are back,* he said. *Please join us, Silent Wolf.* Ike looked at Sky Chaser. *That is your Kiowa name,* she explained as Red Bear vanished back into the lodge. *Father decided you needed a name that was fitting a Kiowa warrior; Running Buck helped me to pick it for you.* She blushed as she told him this and hoped he would approve. Ike smiled his appreciation. *Why wolf?* he asked. 'Silent' he understood, but he had no idea why she would compare him to such a noble animal. *Wolves are loyal animals,* she said, *as you are a loyal friend to my uncle.* She moved to where Ike stood and reached to help him take off his vest and shirt. *You will be more comfortable without these,* she said. She felt a strange stirring in her stomach as her fingers brushed against his bare chest. She dropped her gaze and stepped away from him to pull open the lodge door. The movement of the skin door caused Ike to come out of the trance like state Sky Chaser's touch had put him in. It had been so long since he'd felt the emotions that were starting to stir in his breast. As he stepped into the darkness of the lodge, he was thankful that the men already in there wouldn't be able to see the blush on his cheeks or the tightness of his pants. Chapter Nine Buck was lying in the middle of the lodge. He was shaking and seemed to be fighting with some unseen demon. Ike glanced at the other men sitting around the edge of the structure seemingly unconcerned. He offered up a prayer that he wasn't about to do something that would get him killed and then he knelt next to Buck and rested a hand on his shoulder. At Ike's touch, Buck stopped shaking. He took a few shallow breaths and then fell into what seemed like a state of sleep. Ike settled in next to him and glanced at Red Bear. White Buffalo sat next to Red Bear. When he saw Ike's glance, he handed him a cup. *Drink,* he instructed. *Why?* *If you are to share his journey, you must drink. We have all had some so we can see what he sees.* He paused before adding, *Maybe now he will show us what troubles him. He has been resisting; that is why it has taken so long.* Ike did not move to take the cup. *What is it he is supposed to show us?* he asked not sure he wanted to hear the answer. Red Bear glared at Ike his anger at the white man's rudeness and his brother's stubbornness beginning to wear thin. He was about to insist that Ike leave since it was obvious he had no respect for the ways of the Kiowa, when White Buffalo spoke quietly, *How he sees himself fitting into his worlds.* *Why would he need to show you that?* asked Ike, the fear of Buck's deciding to remain with the Kiowa once more invading his thoughts. *He is not healing as well as expected,* White Buffalo explained. *I feel it is because he does not rest as deeply as he should. He does not feel safe here and I need to know why so I can assure him that I can protect him. Then he can rest and begin to heal.* Ike glanced around the small enclosure. He could understand the presence of White Buffalo, Red Bear, even himself, but he couldn't figure out why the other men there were included. He knew very little about Buck's life in the village, but the one thing he did know was that the other boys - now men - had done nothing to make it easier. He thought about asking when White Buffalo once more tried to hand him the bowl.*Drink,* he repeated. *All will be answered when he takes us on the journey of his life; he will do so more readily now that he knows you are here.* He nodded as Ike took the bowl. *It will be better for you to journey with us since he may need your strength to get through some of its paths.* Ike drank deeply from the bowl and handed it back to White Buffalo. He then made himself as comfortable as possible sitting so he could lay Buck's head in his lap. This done, he once more placed his hand on Buck's shoulder and turned to study the steam that filled the room as Red Bear poured water over the smoldering rocks. The walls of the dwelling blurred. Buck shifted his weight so he lay on his side instead of his back, he put his hand on top of Ike's, took a deep breath, the room shifted and Ike was surprised to find himself standing beside a river with a group of boys around the ages of four to six. He glanced at the faces and soon located Buck - he was the child in the middle; the one that was being tormented by all the others. Ike felt more than saw the men in the back of the room tense; he sensed that Red Bear's anger was shifting from Ike to them. Ike shook his head to clear away the dream of Buck's torment, but White Buffalo stopped him. *You must stay in the vision,* he instructed, *or Running Buck may not show us what we need to see.* Ike nodded his understanding and turned his gaze back to the steam rising off the rocks. Soon, he was once more at the river watching as the others picked on Buck. He wanted to help, but they didn't respond to him. As quickly as it started, the vision passed and was replaced by another one that took place a few years later. This kept happening until Buck reached the place where he and Ike crossed paths. Things weren't much better there until after the fateful day in town when Ike had jumped into the middle of the group from town. When the scene shifted once more, Buck again began to fight what he was seeing. He struggled against Ike's hand and soon was shaking violently. White Buffalo handed Ike a different bowl. *Have him drink,* he instructed. *It will allow him to wake.* Ike did as he was told. Instead of opening his eyes, Buck took a deep shuddering breath and collapsed back into Ike's arms. Ike looked at White Buffalo in confusion. *He is tired,* the older man said. *He will sleep and then wake.* He nodded and the other men left the lodge. Ike sat holding Buck, rocking him gently. White Buffalo waited until the others had left before moving to face Ike. *Do you think you can carry him to the river?* Ike nodded. *Good. I will tell Sky Chaser to assist you. I think it would do him good to be washed. I am not strong enough to stand in the water and hold him.* He sighed. *In truth, the cold of the water causes me pain so I would not be of much help if I went with you. Sky Chaser knows how to perform the cleansing wash, so…* Ike smiled at the older man. *Thank you,* he said. White Buffalo nodded. *Let him rest a little longer. When the heat is gone, take him to the secluded area in the river. I will instruct Sky Chaser to wait for you there.* Ike nodded to show he understood. He sat quietly holding Buck, praying that this strange experience would help his friend to heal. A few minutes later, he was carefully carrying Buck to the place White Buffalo had told him to go. None of the men were still near the lodge. The clearing had been deserted except for the girl who had shown Ike to its location. *I will have food ready for you when you return,* she had told him. *Then you will all go back inside to finish his journey. I pray that it is successful; he has been through much already.* She had spoken with such a sense of longing that Ike had wished he could respond. Since he couldn't, he'd simply smiled. Chapter Ten As Ike stood waist deep in the cold water of the river, he was thankful for two things - one that the water was cold and deep, two that Buck seemed to be responding to whatever it was Sky Chaser was doing to him. When Buck opened his eyes and looked at Ike, he smiled. "You made it back," he said. Ike simply nodded, unable to say anything because he was holding Buck as he floated in the water. "You were inside?" Buck asked. Another nod. Buck looked away. "How much did you see?" Ike shrugged to indicate that he couldn't talk. Sky Chaser noticed and moved to take Buck's shoulders from him. She smiled up at Ike. "Talk," she said hesitantly in English. Ike nodded his thanks. He moved to stand beside Buck and did his best to keep his eyes on Buck's face instead of Sky Chaser's bare chest. He had definitely not been expecting her to be naked as they worked, but she had seemed so unconcerned that he'd done his best not to react. Buck sensed Ike's unease and spoke quietly to his niece in Kiowa. She simply nodded and began to move him towards the bank. Ike glanced at them in confusion. "I asked her to take me to shore," Buck explained. "I figure I'll have a better chance of having a real conversation with you if she's not distracting you." He laughed softly as Ike blushed. "Besides," he added, "I'm a bit chilled." Ike smiled and assisted Sky Chaser in her task. When they reached the river bank, Sky Chaser climbed out and quickly set up an area of buffalo skins to place Buck on. After helping Ike settle her uncle in, she quickly dried off and dressed. *I'll go back and help with the meal,* she said. *Do not take too long, or Father may come looking.* Ike nodded and turned to face Buck. *I don't know how long you were in there before I arrived,* he explained, *but I don't think you showed them anything until I got here.* Buck nodded. "Where did we stop?" he asked concern etching his face. *Right after we left the mission,* Ike said. He paused before asking, *Why did you start fighting it again? You were doing so well, and there isn't anything that has happened to you since we've been together that is near as bad as some of the things that…* he stopped as the vision of Buck being mistreated once more played in front of his eyes. Buck sighed. "You remember what happened the first night we were away from the mission?" Ike nodded. *So?* Buck closed his eyes. "I don't want to share that with anyone," he said. "It was special, and personal." He opened his eyes and looked at Ike. "Besides," he added, "I'm fairly certain they'll misunderstand." Ike reached down and moved Buck's hair and tucked it behind his ear. *What do you mean?* he asked. "They'll think we're together," Buck said. "They already suspect that we're lovers, but if I share that night…" he paused as he saw the pained look on Ike's face. He reached up and stroked Ike's cheek. "You know I love you," he said, "but do you really want that to be all you have a chance at?" Ike's expression changed from one of hurt to confusion. *What do you mean?* Buck sighed. "I know you want a family," he said. "You haven't been happy or had a really good night's sleep since Emily died." He decided to forge on, "I've seen the way Sky Chaser looks at you; I've heard the way she speaks of you; I've seen the way you look at her; I've watched your face when you speak of her." Ike nodded as he began to understand what Buck was saying. Buck smiled as he realized Ike understood. "I don't want to get in the way of that possibility." Confusion once more clouded Ike's face. "If I show them that memory," Buck explained, "They'll think of us as they do Little Fox and Stands Tall. There is no way the daughter of the war chief will be allowed to become involved with…" Ike's eyes flew open as it dawned on him what Buck was really suggesting. *You mean I could possibly 'court' her?* Buck nodded. "You are considered a warrior; that's why Red Bear had her give you a new name - one befitting a Kiowa warrior." He took a deep breath and added, "You are more respected by some of the people in the village than I am." *I'm sorry,* Ike said. *I never meant to…* Buck reached up and captured his hands. "Don't," he said. "Don't be sorry for something that isn't your fault. You earned the respect of them all by bringing me here; very few of them would have had the courage to seek treatment from a white town." Ike nodded. *So,* he asked, *what do we do to keep that memory from showing?* Buck shrugged. "Maybe I could explain to White Buffalo." There was a slight rustle in the bushes near them and they looked up to see Little Fawn. "Sky Chaser sent me to warn you that Red Bear will be coming to get you both soon. She thought that you might not want him to…" she simply let the statement drop as she let her gaze wander over Buck's form. Ike noticed her gaze and the smile that played at her lips. He also noticed that Buck had moved to cover himself as soon as he'd realized who it was that had entered their space. He nodded. *Thank you,* he said. *We'll be there soon.* Ike moved to pick up Buck and then followed Little Fawn back to the sweat lodge. She managed to slip back into the area in such a manner that it wasn't obvious she had been with the men. "Sorry we took so long," Buck said as Ike set him on the ground in front of White Buffalo. "I needed to rest a bit before moving again." The older man nodded. He motioned to the two women to bring the food. "We will eat and then return to the lodge," he said. "I wish to finish this journey tonight." Red Bear settled in between White Buffalo and Buck. "You are looking better, my brother," he said. Buck nodded. "I feel better," he said. He waited until the girls had gone back to the cooking area before moving to a sitting position and adjusting the robes he was wrapped in. White Buffalo handed him some food. "Eat," he instructed. "You will need your strength." As Ike moved to join them, White Buffalo shook his head. *You will need to change your clothes first,* he said. *It would not do well for you to take sick.* *I have no others,* Ike said. *Then do without,* said Red Bear. Ike simply nodded and move to an area off to the side where he could remove his pants. He quickly went to join Buck and was pleased when his friend shared the robes with him. As they ate, Buck thought about how to handle the situation. He knew he needed to talk to White Buffalo before they went back inside; he wouldn't be able to fight the vision off this next time. Finally, he just decided to address the issue head on. He put aside his meal and turned to face the medicine man. "I need to talk to you alone before we go back in," he said. "I need to explain why I am behaving as I am with the vision." "Finish your meal," he said. "We will visit at the other prepare the lodge." Chapter Eleven Ike gently squeezed Buck's shoulder before following Red Bear and the others back inside the confines of the sweat lodge. He hoped that Buck was able to convince White Buffalo to let him skip that one memory; he wasn't sure why, but he didn't want to be looked upon differently by Red Bear. As the others left, White Buffalo turned his gaze to Buck. "You will explain yourself," he said. Buck nodded. "I will try," he replied. He took a deep breath. "This next memory is important to me," he said. "It is very special, yet extremely private. I'm afraid that if I share it with the others, it will be misunderstood." White Buffalo simply looked at the younger man. "I was hoping that I could share it with you in private, and then you could tell me if I must share it with everyone." White Buffalo nodded. Buck once more took a deep breath. "It takes place the day Ike… I mean, Silent Wolf, and I left the mission. We were looking for a place to stay, possibly find work… The two boys walked slowly into the town. There weren't too many people about so they weren't too worried about getting in trouble. *Let's go check the store,* Ike suggested. *We can purchase some supplies and see if there are any jobs.* Buck nodded. He glanced around the street and finally pointed to the "General Store" sign located further down the road. When they reached the building in question, Buck froze. Hanging in the window was a sign that clearly let it be know that he wasn't welcome. "Maybe we should just keep going," he said. Ike shook his head. *We need canteens at least,* he said. *I'll go get two and see what I can find out.* He looked around the street. *Wait over there,* he said pointing to a side alley. Buck had made his way to the place Ike had indicated and stood watching and waiting. He was so intent on watching the store that he hadn't noticed the men coming out of the saloon. The first he knew of them was when one of them hit him from behind with a rotten piece of fruit. He turned to see who was there only to be hit by more. He tried to move away from them without making a scene, but had no luck. The largest man grabbed him and pulled him into the space between the buildings. Here they took turns hitting and kicking him before pushing him into the pile of garbage filling the space outside the saloon. That's where Ike had found him cowering - trying to keep from getting more seriously injured. Ike had managed to get him on his feet and out of town without further incident. A few miles out of town there was a small clearing with running water. After building a small fire and starting some stew to cooking, Ike helped Buck to the river so he could clean up. Ike went to set up camp while Buck washed, but when he finished this task Buck still hadn't moved. He made his way to where Buck sat. *You need to wash up,* he said. Buck didn't respond. Ike looked at him and noticed that he had a far away look in his eyes. Ike slowly touched his shoulder. Buck flinched and a look of fear passed across his face before he managed to settle back to the blank stare. Ike stood and quickly undressed. He then pulled Buck to a standing position, undressed him, and led him to the water. Once there he sat Buck down on the bank with his legs dangling into the current. Ike climbed into the water, picked up a cloth, plied it with soap and began to run it over Buck's legs. Buck tried to pull away, but Ike was able to hold him in place. He managed to get Buck to look at him. *I want to please you,* he said. *I need you to know how much I love you.* Buck didn't move so Ike continued. He once more ran the wash cloth over Buck's legs. When he reached Buck's thighs, he noticed that despite Buck's unchanging face, his manhood was registering a definite reaction. Encouraged by this, Ike reached up and pulled Buck into the water with him. He put the cloth on the bank, wrapped his arms around Buck's waist and pulled him to him. He leaned in and captured Buck's mouth with his lips. As he ran his tongue across Buck's lips, Buck came out of his trance. "Don't," he said pulling away, "I'm not worth you ruining…"he had to stop as Ike once more covered his lips. This time he held Buck tightly and forced his tongue past Buck's lips. After a few seconds, Buck relaxed and allowed Ike's tongue into his mouth. His own tongue slipped into Ike's mouth and he wrapped his arms around Ike's neck. Ike ran his hands down Buck's back until they came to rest on Buck's butt cheeks. He squeezed them gently, and then moved until he could lift Buck out of the water and set him on the bank. Here he broke the kiss and began to trail kisses down Buck's neck. Buck moaned when the kisses reached his nipples and turned into nips. He leaned back as Ike continued his assault and finally his mouth found Buck's now hardened member. His hips began to move on their own as Ike's mouth attacked him causing him to explode with a scream of passion and release. Ike quickly crawled out of the water and took Buck in his arms. He kissed Buck deeply and then held him as Buck let the humiliation of earlier escape him in the form of tears. When Buck had exhausted himself, Ike moved so he could lie him on the ground and talk to him. *Are you alright?* Buck nodded. *You sure? You don't look like you're alright.* Buck sat. "I'm just so ashamed," he said, looking at the ground. "I…" Ike reached over and placed his hand under Buck's chin causing the Kiowa to look at him. *I love you,* he said. *You have no reason to be ashamed because you showed me that you were scared, or hurt.* Buck smiled at him. "I love you too," he said. Ike leaned over and kissed Buck's cheek. *Let's finish cleaning up.* Buck turned his gaze to meet White Buffalo's. "I really needed to be shown that I was worth loving," Buck explained. "We've never been together like that since, but…" he paused. White Buffalo nodded. "You fear the others will not understand; they will think that you are like our two trackers." Buck nodded. "Silent Wolf has just been honored," he said. "I don't want him to lose that because of a misunderstanding." The older man placed a hand on Buck's knee. "I see no reason for you to share that memory with the group," he said. "Start with what came next. We will go in when you are ready." Buck smiled his thanks at the older man. "I am ready," he said. White Buffalo nodded. "I will send Silent Wolf to assist you." Ike was soon carrying Buck back into the sweat lodge. They entered and the heat wrapped itself around them causing their skin to glisten. This time Buck took the cup readily and soon all the men were once more sharing his memories. They watched as he and Ike joined the pony express and Buck was accepted unconditionally into this strange family. They saw the good and bad experiences including Buck rescuing Ike from the Kiowa, his heart-break at the hands of Kathleen Devlin, Sam and Emma leaving, all the way up to the most recent incident that had cost Ike the woman he'd hoped to marry. From there, the memories took a more painful turn. There was Noah's death, Jesse's departure on less than friendly terms, the dissolution of the express, their new jobs as deputy marshals under Teaspoon's guidance and finally the incident that brought them here. Buck once more began to fight having to relive this memory. He'd barely survived it the first time. Ike noticed the change and reached out to touch him. As soon as he felt Ike's hand on his shoulder, Buck realized he had to do this. He had to allow them to all to know what he'd been through so he could put it behind him and move on with his life. As he relaxed with Ike's touch, he allowed the memory to flow. Soon he was once more resting in Ike's embrace outside the sweat lodge. He opened his eyes to find his brother studying him closely. "Why did you not tell them?" he asked. "Tell who what?" Buck asked. "Tell the army where to find Laughing Crow, Little Fox, and Stands Tall?" "They would have killed them," Buck replied, confused at his brother's question. "They've done nothing but cause you pain," Red Bear said with a glance at the other men. "Why would you spare them?" Buck followed his brother's gaze. "It wasn't for them," he said. "I didn't tell the army where they were because that would have cost me you." It was Red Bear's turn to be confused. Ike noticed that Buck was fighting off sleep. *He needs to rest. Maybe I can explain.* Red Bear nodded and spoke softly to Buck. As Buck allowed sleep to overtake him, Ike explained, * He couldn't tell the army where to find the others because after they killed them, the army wouldn't have done anything to hide that fact. When they didn't come back from their scouting trip, you would have gone looking.* Red Bear nodded. *When you found them, obviously butchered by the army you would have…* he looked up at the older man. *Avenged their deaths,* Red Bear stated. *How?* Red Bear looked at Ike in disbelief. *We would attack the fort and make the…* he stopped speaking. *Exactly,* said Ike. *He couldn't risk being the reason that happened, and having you die. He cares for you deeply and would never be able to live with the guilt of being the cause of your death.* Chapter Twelve Buck woke back in the safety of his teepee. Ike was sitting beside him, reading the book he had brought back for Buck. Buck rolled onto his side and smiled up at his friend. "You get any rest?" he asked. Ike nodded. *I only woke up a few minutes ago because Little Fawn brought us some food. I think she was disappointed that it was me who woke up and not you.* "Why?" Buck asked as he absent-mindedly reached to check to make sure he was covered. Ike grinned. *Because I think she fancies you; she keeps trying to catch a look at you when you're not looking.* Buck blushed as he remembered the times he'd caught her trying to peek under his covers. *Did you know her before?* Ike ventured as he handed Buck the bowl of food that had been left. Buck accepted the food and nodded. "She's Little Fox's sister. She's just a little younger than I am." He took a bite. Ike decided to push this conversation just a bit further. *So, if you hadn't left, could you have…* Buck shrugged. "I'm not sure," he said. "If I had been allowed to finish my trials, it's possible. I am fairly certain that her family would not have approved, but then again…" he paused. Ike waited, and Buck finally continued, "Due to the fact that Red Bear is war chief and Little Fox isn't allowed to be a warrior…" he again paused. He took a deep breath and indicated that Ike should hold his question. "The Kiowa don't frown upon that type of relationship, but the men who chose it are not allowed to be warriors. They help the village by tracking, hunting, and doing other things, but they aren't allowed to be warriors because…" once more he fell into silence, unsure of how to explain why this was so. Ike waited. When Buck didn't start speaking again, he tried, *Is it true that captives are broken by using them in that way?* Buck hesitated a few seconds before nodding. *Is that so for all tribes?* Again Buck nodded. *I think I understand then,* Ike said. *The Kiowa can't risk a man like Little Fox wanting to be captured; it would weaken the defense or attack.* Buck once more nodded. "So," Buck continued, "If I had stayed, been allowed to attempt my trials of manhood, and passed them so that I was considered a warrior, it would be possible that I would be allowed to marry into such a family." He smiled as he shook his head. "I'd never thought about such a thing before; funny how things turn out." Ike nodded and turned his attention to the meal they were sharing. As he sat eating, Ike once more contemplated the possibility that Buck may decide to stay. Things would surely be different after the events of the day before. Ike thought about asking Buck about exactly how, and then changed his mind; he wasn't sure he was ready for the answer. The flap over the entrance was pulled back. Red Bear and Sky Chaser entered. She quickly gathered their bowls and placed them aside. "I need to check you back and leg," she told Buck. Buck nodded and moved so she could examine him. While she worked, Red Bear sat watching. He kept glancing at Ike, but said nothing. Ike could sense that the older man wanted to ask him something, but decided to not venture a question of his own. He wasn't sure he wanted to have the conversation that any questions from Buck's older brother might bring about. To keep from letting it bother him, Ike studied the expert way that Sky Chaser tended Buck. As Sky Chaser finished up her exam, she smiled at Buck. "You are healing well," she said. "Do you think you can stand?" Buck shrugged. "I can try," he replied. "I think it might be a good idea for Red Bear or Silent Wolf to be here to help just in case." Sky Chaser nodded. She turned to her father. "Could one or both of you please help?" Red Bear nodded. "What do you need us to do?" he asked as he rose to his knees. "I wish to see if my uncle can stand," she explained. "He has asked that one of you be here in case he needs assistance." Red Bear moved to his brother's side. He gave Buck his arm to pull up on. Just as Buck stood, the light at the door flickered and Little Fawn crawled in. She glanced at Buck, but dropped her gaze when she noticed that Red Bear was there beside him. She quickly and quietly gathered the food bowls and backed out. Buck had felt her gaze on him, and again wondered why it bothered him that she should look at him. It didn't faze him when Sky Chaser saw him, or even touched him. Ike had noticed the exchange of glances and the fact that Buck had tried to hide his nakedness and had even blushed as the girl looked him over. He was certain that she was attracted to Buck; he was now beginning to think that Buck was also attracted to her. He once more felt the dread that he was losing Buck back to the Kiowa. Buck managed to hide his unease and hold onto Red Bear until Little Fawn had slipped back out of the teepee. He then moved so that he was putting weight on his injured leg. He tested it while still holding onto Red Bear. When there wasn't a lot of pain, he released his hold on his brother's arm. He managed to stand a few minutes before he felt the need to sit. Sky Chaser and Red Bear helped him back to the ground. "I think you need to do that a few times a day," she told him. "It will help you grow stronger." She turned to her father. "He will need clothes," she said. "I do not think it would be a good idea for him to be seen the way he is now, and he needs to be out and about as much as possible." Red Bear nodded. "Speak to your mother. It is possible that she can adjust some of mine to fit." Buck turned to Ike, "Tell them I have clothes." *I brought him some,* Ike said as he indicated the small bundle sitting inside the teepee. Sky Chaser went to the bundle and opened it. She pulled the clothing out and studied them. "These will not fit over his splint," she said holding up his pants. "Perhaps we could cut them." Buck reached up and took them from her. "I'd rather not cut these if we can find something else," he said. "I will need them when I go home." Ike released the breath he had not realized he was holding. Buck had mentioned going home - he wasn't planning on staying here any longer than he needed to. As this information sank in, Ike wondered why it didn't make him happier. Chapter Thirteen A few minutes later, Buck was once more seated in the buffalo robes talking with Ike. He was waiting for clothing to be brought so he could go outside and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. After spending a little bit of time talking about a lot of nothing, Ike finally asked, *You really mean that about going home?* Buck nodded. "Why wouldn't I?" he asked. *I was just thinking that after the other day, you might consider staying here. Things are bound to be different since Red Bear knows the truth about the way it really was.* Buck's eyes opened wider. "I hadn't thought about that," he said. He then dropped his gaze as he contemplated a totally different future. Ike took a deep breath and managed to get Buck's attention. *So, now, do you still want to go home?* Buck nodded. "Even if I just go to say good-bye," he said softly. "I need to go back. I can't just disappear." Ike nodded and struggled to keep his feelings from showing. He didn't want Buck to go back to a life where he wasn't happy, but he also didn't want to lose him. *You have any idea when you'll know?* Buck reached over and touched Ike's cheek. "I'll never leave you," he said. "Not until I know there's someone to be there for you. You know that, don't you?" Ike nodded. *I just get scared,* he said. *I don't want to be alone again.* Buck moved so that he could embrace Ike. "Have you ever considered staying here?" he asked. "I know you would be welcomed; Red Bear thinks highly of you, as does his daughter." Ike moved to put a bit of space between them. He studied Buck's face to see if he was teasing. He wasn't. *Really?* Buck nodded. "I will speak to him about us both staying if you want." Ike shook his head. *Not just yet,* he said. *Why don't we wait and see how things go for the rest of your recovery? That way if things don't change from the way they were before, you won't upset Red Bear by leaving.* Buck smiled. "That sounds like a good plan," he said. "I think we should both explore how life here would be." He glanced out the door to where the women were busily preparing the next meal. "I know how I'd like to spend a bit of my recovery time." Ike followed his gaze. He wondered exactly how one went about 'courting' in a Kiowa village. He decided to ask - after all, if he was going to stay here, he wasn't planning on being alone forever. Getting Buck's attention, Ike asked, *Can you teach me how to properly woo a Kiowa maiden?* Buck laughed. "I'd be happy to," he said. "Maybe we can do it together; I know the young ladies are friends." Chapter Fourteen That evening found Buck, dressed in a quickly altered breechcloth, enjoying the meal around Red Bear's fire. He and Ike both liked the change of scenery and the fellowship. Red Bear was in a good mood at his younger brother's change. "I am pleased that White Buffalo made us sweat," he said. "It did you much good." Buck nodded. "I am glad he suggested it too," he said. "It has helped me to rest easier knowing I do not have to be afraid." He glanced at his brother before adding, "I am sorry that you had to see some of that. I know it pains you that…" Red Bear cut him off. "I should have seen before," he said. "Things could have been so different if I had. Maybe you would not have felt the need to leave us if I had been more observant." Buck nodded. "That may be true," he said, "but then I would not have met Silent Wolf, and your daughter would still be mourning the loss of her intended instead of thinking about finding another." Red Bear laughed. "You noticed that also?" Buck nodded. "I am glad for them both," he said. "They make a good couple, don't you think?" Red Bear once more nodded. "I have also noticed that one of our young women seems to keep finding herself in the position of being the one who has to tend to you. Is that interest returned?" Buck hesitated. He remembered his conversation with Ike just hours before, but decided that he needed to know. "Is it allowable?" he asked. Red Bear nodded. "Her family would consider it an honor that a warrior from our family finds her of interest. Her father has spoken to me since she is being a bit forward in her actions. He asked if she should be punished or…" "Don't punish her," Buck said. "She hasn't done anything wrong; she hasn't even talked to me except to explain her duties. Red Bear smiled. "I will be sure to tell her father that she is not to be punished and that you enjoy her company." "Thank you," said Buck. He glanced to where Ike sat talking to White Buffalo while watching Sky Chaser. He decided to venture further into the possibility of a relationship between his friend and niece. "What would Silent Wolf need to present you to get Sky Chaser's hand?" he asked quietly. Red Bear turned his gaze to where his brother's friend sat. The boy had proven himself to be brave and loyal. He wondered what he had to offer in exchange for a wife. "I do not know," he said. "If he was a member of the village, I would say at least four horses, but…" he paused not wishing to insult his brother, but not knowing what was accepted in this other world. Buck nodded. "If I tell you that what he offers is comparable in his world to four horses, will you accept it?" Red Bear nodded. "Do you have any idea what you could offer for Little Fawn?" Buck shook his head. "I'm not even sure I want to make an offer," he said. "I'm still not sure I'm staying here; much will depend on how Silent Wolf and I are treated." He paused just a bit before confessing, "I wasn't going to talk to you about either of us and the girls until we knew, but…" he once more looked at Ike, "he's so much happier since we've been here. I think she is good for him." Red Bear smiled his agreement. "I am glad you approve. Hopefully you will both wish to stay." They were interrupted when the women brought them their food. Sky Chaser served White Buffalo and Ike, Red Bear's wife, Gentle Dove, attended him, and Little Fawn tended Buck. "I am glad you are able to get out," she said as she handed him his bowl of food, "but I shall miss getting to see you." Buck blushed a bit at her suggestiveness. "You can possibly still see me," he said softly. "I will still need someone to help me; I'm not able to walk just yet." She leaned in close to him as she released his food bowl. "I will be happy to attend to any need you have," she whispered as she let her lips brush against his cheek. She then turned and walked back to the cook fire and once more began tending to the task of feeding the other men in the village. Buck raised his hand to his cheek. He watched her go and hope that no one had noticed their exchange. He was concerned for her safety. If her father deemed her behavior unseemly she could be punished despite what Buck said. The rest of the meal went by without incident and soon Ike was helping Buck back to the teepee they now shared. They managed a few steps before Buck started to fall; Ike caught him and picked him up effortlessly. He carried him across the village and set him down outside the dwelling. Buck managed to enter the structure and undress unaided. He lay on top of the robes and waited as Ike prepared for bed. When Ike was stripped to his long johns, Buck asked, "You need anything before bed?" Ike shook his head. *I think I'll be alright,* he said. He glanced at Buck before adding, *It's not like I have far to go if I get upset.* Buck nodded. "Just know that I'm here for you," he smiled. He shifted so that one of the skins was available to cover with if it should cool down during the night. Ike settled in across the fire area. *Do we need to light this?* he asked. Buck shook his head. "I think we'll be fine." He grinned as he paraphrased Ike's comment from earlier, "Besides, it's not like we have far to go if we get too cold." That said he turned onto his side and closed his eyes. Ike lay down and willed sleep to come. It had been since before Emily's death that he'd had a good night's sleep alone except for the few evenings here in the village when Sky Chaser had given him some tea to help him sleep. She'd offered again this evening, but he'd turned her down. It was time to try and do this alone. As he drifted off, he glanced across the teepee to where Buck lay. He hoped he wouldn't need Buck to hold him; Buck needed his rest as much if not more than Ike did. Chapter Fifteen The next morning found both men sleeping soundly. Sky Chaser and Little Fawn did not disturb them as they quietly placed bowls of food inside. Sky Chaser frowned at Little Fawn as the other young lady crawled all the way inside the teepee. "What are you doing?" she hissed. "They will need fire," Little Fawn whispered. "I'm just going to start a small one so they can eat more quickly." Sky Chaser nodded. "Hurry," she said. "You don't want anyone to see you." Little Fawn turned her attention to the small fire circle in the middle of the dwelling. She smiled to herself when she noticed Buck's state of attire. When he shifted in his sleep, she quickly went back to the task at hand - starting a fire from scratch when the coals had been allowed to grow cold. She managed to complete her task and exit the teepee before either man awoke. As she accompanied Sky Chaser back across the village, Little Fawn hummed quietly. Sky Chaser shook her head as she watched her friend. "You need to be careful," she said. "I heard Father talking to Running Buck last evening; your father was wondering if you needed to be punished for you behavior." "I know," Little Fawn replied as her smile grew, "and your uncle replied that I should not be punished." She stopped walking and studied her companion before confessing, "He was not upset last evening when I kissed him; I think he finds me of interest." Sky Chaser stared at her friend. "You did what?" "I kissed his cheek as I gave him his food," she said. "He did not object; I see no reason for you to." Sky Chaser shook her head. "I do not object," she said. "I just hope you don't get in trouble with your brashness; I also do not wish you to be hurt." "How would I be hurt?" Little Fawn asked. "He speaks of going home," Sky Chaser reminded her. "He has another family away from us. He and Silent Wolf will be leaving as soon as Running Buck is strong enough to travel." "How long is that?" "Not quite one moon." Little Fawn smiled at her companion once more. "That is plenty of time to change their minds and convince them that they wish to remain with us. I have heard them talking also; while they have family, they do not have women." She laughed and once more started humming as they approached the cook fires.
The warmth of the fire caused both Buck and Ike to wake. Buck glanced around the teepee and discovered the bowls of food. They were still warm so it hadn't been too long ago since they'd been delivered. Buck rolled over and crawled to the entrance. He poked his head out as he pushed the flap covering the opening back and attached it to the outside wall. He noticed that Sky Chaser and Little Fawn were talking as they walked back across the village. He shook his head as the feeling of embarrassment at knowing Little Fawn had once more seen him naked. As he moved back to his sleeping area, Buck noticed Ike watching him, smiling. *I think you should see about evening the score,* he teased as he noticed the flushed look on Buck's face. "What?" *How many times does this make that she's seen you without clothes?* Ike grinned at his friend. *I just think you need to see about getting a glance at her, at least once; it's only fair.* Buck shook his head. "If I want to get myself killed," he said, "I think I can find better ways of doing it." *Really?* Buck nodded. "The only way I'm permitted to see a girl in such a state is if I'm part of her family, I'm a medicine man, or she's my wife." Ike nodded. *I guess it's important that I know that little bit of information,* he said. *I'd hate to get myself killed just because I acted inappropriately without knowing it.* Buck smiled. "I'll try to guide you in the customs of my people," he said. "I am certain that you will be granted some leeway with small indiscretions, but bedding one of the girls would not be tolerated." Ike nodded. *I didn't say bed her,* he pointed out. *I said it was your turn to see her naked.* Buck laughed softly as he moved to get dressed. "They are thought of as one and the same," he then explained. "The only reason you would have to see a woman that way is to bed her, unless…" *I was in her family, or was the medicine man,* Ike finished for him. Buck nodded. He pointed to the food bowls as he settled back onto the skins he slept on. Ike handed him one and then got dressed before picking up his own. He settled back down next to Buck. *So how did you sleep?* "Fine," Buck replied. "You?" Ike nodded. *I haven't slept that good in a long time.* Buck smiled. "I'm glad." He finished his meal and waited for Ike to finish also. "You think you could help me outside?" Ike nodded. *You need me to carry you?* "I'd like to try walking. I just want to sit outside here; not go anywhere else. I'd like to watch the workings of the village undisturbed." Ike once more nodded and moved to where he could support Buck as he stood. They made their way outside and settled on the ground outside the teepee. They sat quietly talking to each other as the rest of the village continued its life around them. Buck would explain how some of the things that were going on and why they were done as they were. About mid-morning, Red Bear came to join them. *I was wondering, Silent Wolf, if you would like to go hunting with me. I wish to get some fresh meat to celebrate my brother's recovery; we should not be gone too long.* Ike glanced at Buck. Buck smiled. "I think it would be good for you to get away," he said. "You've spent way too much time here. Hunting will do you good." *You sure?* Buck nodded. "I'm sure. Go, good hunting." Ike smiled and went with Red Bear. No sooner had they left than Buck was joined by Little Fawn. "Do you wish anything?" she asked with a shy smile. Buck returned the smile. "I wish many things," he said, "but unfortunately for me, you cannot give them to me." "Why is that?" she asked as she sat next to him. Buck glanced at the people passing by before answering, "Because we would both be in trouble if you did. We need to do this the right way if it's going to happen. You understand?" She nodded. "I understand," she said as she too glanced around the village. She then leaned over and once more quickly kissed his cheek. "I just don't want to play by the rules anymore; it is too boring." Buck pulled away and moved to stand. His leg was unable to support him so he collapsed back to the ground. A small groan of pain escaped his lips as he landed. Little Fawn moved to help him, but he held up his hands. "No," he said, shaking his head. "We have to do this the right way," he repeated. "If we don't, we'll both be punished. I do not want to be the reason for that happening to you." Little Fawn nodded. "Will you be alright?" she asked as she stood. Buck struggled to a sitting position and nodded. "I'll be fine," he said. "Please, leave now. Come back in a little while with some food." He smiled as he added, "Be sure to bring some for yourself also." She looked at him in confusion. "It's still allowable for me to eat with you if I plan to talk to your father about making an offer, isn't it?" Little Fawn smiled. "Yes," she answered. "It is still allowable for a man to take a meal with a woman if he is entertaining the notion of making an offer for her." Chapter Sixteen When Little Fawn returned to the cook fire she shared with her mother, she was reprimanded. "You need to be careful; if your father catches you being so forward, you will be punished. You know what happens to girls who are too 'easy'." Little Fawn nodded to her mother. "I have done nothing wrong," she said. "Running Buck is not offended by my behavior. In fact, he has asked me to join him for this meal." Smiling Dove simply shrugged. "It will only bring you pain," she said. "He is leaving as soon as he is able." Little Fawn shook her head. "He isn't sure if he is staying or not," she said. "I may be able to convince him to stay. How much better would this family's status be if I was married to the war chief's brother?" Her mother thought over this and shrugged. "Just be careful," she repeated. "If you push this too far, your father can still turn you out. Are you ready to face that reality if Running Buck does decide to leave?" Little Fawn nodded. "I am prepared to face whatever happens," she said. "I just want a chance at being happy. I want this family to be viewed as it was before Little Fox made his relationship with Stands Tall official." She then went back to her cooking and would no longer speak with her mother. Sky Chaser had also watched the exchanged between her uncle and Little Fawn. She waited until the young lady had returned to her cooking area, and then went to check with her uncle. "I noticed that Little Fawn caused a bit of a scene," she said as she sat next to him. Buck shook his head. "She did nothing wrong," he said. "She made a pass at you," Sky Chaser said. She waited until the girls passing by were gone before adding, "She told me about her actions last evening at my father's fire. If she continues this behavior, her father will beat her or worse." "What could be worse?" Buck asked, not sure he wanted to know. "He could turn her out," Sky Chaser said. "If she acts in such a way as to make it seem as if she is willing to give herself to any man available, she will be treated as such. It would then be allowable for any man to use her as he sees fit; no one would be able to prevent it." "What if I spoke for her?" Buck asked. "It wouldn't be allowed after she was turned out," Sky Chaser stated simply. "You should know this." Buck nodded. "I should know many things that I don't about the workings of the village," he pointed out. "I wasn't allowed to participate in most activities and seldom included in village activities." Sky Chaser dropped her gaze. "I am sorry," she said. "I am afraid I forgot about how you were treated by the others; I also should have remembered that you left before you were old enough to understand all the workings of the village." "You have no reason to be sorry," he said. "I am glad you spoke to me. I will be sure to keep this information in mind while dealing with Little Fawn; I do not wish to cause her trouble." He hesitated just a bit before asking, "So, would it be wise for me to speak to her father now?" Sky Chaser also hesitated. "That would depend on how serious you are," she finally replied. Buck simply looked at her. "If you are really serious about staying to be with her, then yes, speak to her father. If you aren't, then you need to tell her and stop her dreaming." Buck nodded. "What if I'm not sure?" he asked. It was Sky Chaser's turn to simply stare. Buck sighed. "I do not know if I wish to stay after I am healed," he said. "It will depend on how things are here while I mend. If they go well, I think staying would be good." He paused. "I know I would miss my white family, but if I could find someone here who is willing to love me…" Sky Chaser nodded her understanding. "Then you should talk to her father," she said, "but be very clear about the possibility of your not staying." Buck nodded. "I can do that," he said. After a few minutes of silence, he asked, "Do you think she would ever consider going with me?" Sky Chaser shrugged. "I do not know. I know that she is genuinely fond of you, and would be hurt if you decided to leave, but…" she paused, "you would have to speak to her." "I will do that when she brings me my meal," he said. As Sky Chaser stood to leave, Buck asked her, "Do you think you could do me a favor?" "Depends." "I need to talk to Little Fawn's father, Silver Fox, as soon as possible, but…" Sky Chaser nodded. "You cannot walk to him." "I do not wish to insult him by having him come here. Is there anyone you know that could assist me since Silent Wolf is still out hunting?" "I will see," she said. "Perhaps if I explain to Silver Fox, he will not be insulted at coming to you." Buck smiled his thanks. "Whatever you feel is best," he said. "I leave it in your hands." Chapter Seventeen As Little Fawn made her way across the village to where Buck was waiting, Red Bear and Ike came back from their hunt. They dismounted and took the fruits of their labors to where Sky Chaser and Gentle Dove were busily preparing the noon meal. As she placed the food in front of Buck, Little Fawn spoke quietly, "It looks as if they had a good hunt." Buck nodded. "It will be nice to have fresh meat," he said. "I hope my brother plans to share with the village." Little Fawn smiled at the thought of a village feast. "I think it would be fun to celebrate your healing," she said. She moved to wait as Buck ate, ready to be attentive to his every need. Buck turned to face her. "Please sit by me," he said. Little Fawn shook her head. "It is not the way," she said. "You were the one who didn't wish to play by the rules," Buck reminded her. "I don't want you to do anything other than sit. It is hard for me to speak to you when I cannot see you." Little Fawn nodded. She moved and sat so that she was facing Buck. Buck shook his head. "Not there; here," he said, patting the ground next to him. Little Fawn glanced around the village. She could feel the eyes of some of the other eligible women on her as she stood and moved to sit next to Buck. She had been so smug with flaunting her nonchalance, but truth be told, she feared her father turning her out before she found a husband. She drew away when Buck touched her knee. "What's wrong?" Buck asked, moving his hand away. "Others are watching," Little Fawn said. "I do not wish to have them speak of me in such a manner as to anger my father." Buck nodded. "You didn't seem to mind earlier," he said reaching for her once more. "Earlier there were not so many eyes on us," Little Fawn said as she stood. "I think it would be best if I…" "No," Buck said loudly, "You will do as I ask, and sit now." Little Fawn stiffened and then did as he said. "Why are you angry?" she asked with tears beginning to form in her eyes. Buck reached up and wiped away the first tear as it slid down her face. "I am not angry," he said quietly. "I just wanted you to have a reason for sitting here. Now no one can fault you for sitting next to me; you are just doing what you were told like a good woman." He winked. Little Fawn smiled shyly and leaned into Buck's touch. "I wish you were healthier," she said. "I know a quiet place where we could be alone." Buck moved his hand away from her cheek. "Perhaps you can show me in a few days," he said as he turned back to eating. "I am getting stronger every day, and will need to start taking walks to build my strength." Little Fawn glanced up at Buck. She was pleased to see that he was smiling at her. His lack of concern helped her relax and soon the two were enjoying a pleasant meal and conversation during which Buck learned that Little Fawn wasn't closed to the idea of leaving the village. Red Bear had glanced up at the sound of Buck's raised voice. He started to go check on things, but Sky Chaser stopped him. "He does not need your help," she said. "He is trying to keep her from getting in trouble." Red Bear looked at his daughter. "You know this how?" he asked. "He spoke to me earlier this morning," she explained. "I know that what he expects is different from our normal customs; he is protecting her from sharing in his different ones." She paused before adding, "He wishes to discuss his intentions with Silver Fox, but needs assistance getting across the village. Could you help him, or get Silver Fox to visit Running Buck without feeling insulted?" Red Bear nodded. "I can do that," he said. "I will go speak to my brother when his meal is finished. We will need to plan our celebration of his healing and return." He glanced at his hunting companion before adding, "As well as the possibility of adding to our own family." Sky Chaser stared at her father. "What do you mean?" she asked hesitantly. "Silent Wolf has asked that he be allowed to spend time with you," Red Bear said. "I told him I would be honored, but that I would not speak for you since you were mourning the passing of your intended." He paused before asking, "So what shall I tell him?" Sky Chaser glanced at where Ike was helping her mother get the deer he and her father had killed situated and ready for cleaning. She felt the flutter stir in her heart as she nodded, "Tell him yes," she said. "I would be honored to spend time with him." Red Bear nodded. He spent a few more minutes talking to his daughter before going to collect Ike. *We should go share news of our good fortune with Running Buck,* he said. Ike nodded. He noticed that Red Bear had managed to wait until Little Fawn was collecting the food items before venturing over to Buck's home. As they walked, Red Bear shared the good news about Sky Chaser's answer. *I hope she will not disappoint you,* he said as he placed a hand on Ike's shoulder. Buck noticed the smiles on both their faces as they joined him. "You did well?" he asked. Red Bear nodded. "Silent Wolf is an excellent hunter; this is good to know since he has asked to call on Sky Chaser and she has agreed. It will be good to have another to help provide for my growing family," he said and signed. Buck laughed. "Did you get enough for us to share with others in the village?" he asked. Red Bear nodded. "I plan on having a big celebration; everyone will be invited." Buck smiled. "I am glad," he said. "Was there anyone in particular that you wish to invite?" Red Bear asked with a glance and wink at Ike. Buck answered, "I would very much like to invite Little Fawn and her family. I need to talk to her father first. I was wondering if one of you could help me with that." Red Bear nodded. "Would you rather one of us assists you in getting to him, or shall I ask him to please come see you?" "I'd like to try to go to him," Buck said. "I'm just not sure I can walk that far, and I'd prefer not to be carried." Red Bear nodded his understanding. "Let us try now," he said. He and Ike helped Buck to stand. Before allowing him to go anywhere, Red Bear quickly looked his brother over. "You will need to wait until I can get you some appropriate clothing," he said. They helped Buck sit back down. "It will not take me long," said Red Bear. "I will return as quickly as possible. Perhaps we could visit with him this evening at my home?" Buck nodded. "That would be nice," he replied. "I know I can make it that far." Red Bear smiled at his brother. "I will make the arrangements. You should rest and possibly have Silver Wolf take you to the river to bathe." Chapter Eighteen Ike assisted Buck as he made his way to the river. When Buck would start to lose his balance, Ike would catch him and they would rest until Buck felt strong enough to continue. Finally, they reached the water. Once there, Ike helped Buck undress and then assisted him as he slipped into the current. When he was sure Buck wouldn't fall, Ike also removed his clothing and climbed into the coolness of the river. He quickly washed Buck's back and then himself. As he waited for Buck to finish, Ike worked up the courage to venture a question, *Do you think it would be possible for me to have some more suitable clothes made?* Buck shrugged. "How much did you get on your hunt?" *Two pretty good sized deer. Why?* "That should provide enough hide to make you a set of breeches and a cloth," Buck said. "You may have to just keep wearing your old vest and shoes." *That would be fine for now,* Ike replied. *I just feel so out of place wearing my regular clothes; I think I would feel better if I didn't look…* he paused and shook his head; it didn't matter how he dressed, he was still going to look out of place here - his bald head and white skin would take care of that. Buck smiled. "I understand how you feel," he said. "You want to fit in as much as possible." Ike nodded. "I'll mention it to Red Bear this evening," Buck said. Ike smiled his thanks. *So, shall I carry you most of the way back?* Buck nodded. "That is probably a good idea if we want to get back before the feast is over." Ike picked him up easily and started back to the village. When they reached the outskirts of the dwellings, Ike set Buck down and once more assisted him as he walked. They went directly to Red Bear's home to save Buck the exertion of having to come back. *Do you think if I made you a crutch if would help with your walking?* Buck sat thinking. "I don't think it could hurt," he said. "Let's ask Sky Chaser if she approves. I don't want to upset her by trying too much too quickly; besides I really want to get better as quickly as possible." Ike nodded. *I think it would be a good idea to wait until the meal is over,* he said. *All the women look extra busy right now.* Buck agreed. They settled in outside Red Bear's home and waited for his brother to join them. While they were sitting talking, some of the other warriors came by to visit. They congratulated Ike on his good luck hunting. *Would you like to come out with us in the morning?* Laughing Crow asked. Ike glanced at Buck who nodded. *I'd be happy to,* he said. *When do we leave?* *I will call for you at your dwelling,* Laughing Crow said. He then nodded at his companions and they made their way back to the center of the village where everyone was gathering to celebrate Red Bear and Silent Wolf's good fortune. As Ike watched them leave, he sensed that something was troubling Buck. *What?* "I don't think they will try anything, especially if Red Bear announces your intention of calling on Sky Chaser, but promise me you'll be really careful tomorrow." Ike nodded. *Why do you think they would try anything? Everyone has been very nice to me.* Buck nodded. "I know that," he said, "but Laughing Crow was the leader of the group that used to torment me. He, Stands Tall, and Little Fox were responsible for most of my pain. I just don't want them to do something to you to try and hurt me." Ike glanced at where the young men stood talking. He wished he could understand the spoken language of the Kiowa. It was nice to be able to converse with them without having Buck there to translate, but he still missed a lot because he couldn't understand them unless they signed. He promised himself that he would ask Sky Chaser to help him learn; he smiled glad to have something to do when they spent time together. *I will be careful,* he told Buck. He noticed that Little Fawn was helping Sky Chaser with the meal preparations. He pointed in that direction and started up a conversation about her hoping to help Buck think of happier times. Shortly before the feast was to begin, Red Bear had Buck go inside his teepee. He presented his younger brother with the shirt he had been given on the birth of his daughter. "I would be honored for you to wear this when you speak to Silver Fox," he said. "He will know that I approve of your request and will not have to speak to me." Buck hesitated. "I have nothing to offer for her," he said. "Maybe I should wait." "You will offer two fine brood mares and one stallion," Red Bear said. "I don't have one horse, much less two fine brood mares and a stallion," Buck reminded him. "Yes, you do," Red Bear said. Buck just stared at his brother. "When you came to save your friend," Red Bear said, "you mentioned staying." Buck nodded, the unkept promise of one more warrior coming back into his mind. "I put aside three horses to give you if you were successful in your trials," Red Bear continued. "Since you are here now, there is no reason not to give them to you." "Thank you," Buck said. "I'm not sure…" "A father always gives his son a few starter horses," Red Bear reminded Buck. "If you had stayed in the village instead of going to the white world, I would have been the one who would have taken on that responsibility." Buck once more nodded. "I don't know what to…" Red Bear moved to embrace his brother. "Don't say anything," he whispered. "Just get changed so you can speak to Silver Fox." Buck nodded and quickly changed his shirt. He slowly made his way unaided back to the area in front of Red Bear's home. Once there, he allowed Ike to help him to the area in the middle of the village where the guests of honor were to sit. Chapter Nineteen Red Bear announced the reason for the festivities. "My brother has returned and is healing nicely and is thinking about staying with us to start a family; his friend has provided us with fresh meat and has asked to call on Sky Chaser. She has agreed, so we also celebrate the end of her mourning." He smiled at his daughter as she dropped her gaze to hide the blush that crept into her cheeks. Buck smiled at Ike as Red Bear made the unexpected announcement. Ike also dropped his gaze to hide his red cheeks. While Buck waited for Ike to look at him, he noticed that Laughing Crow did not seem pleased by these announcements. As he congratulated Ike, Buck wondered which part of the statement had upset the other warrior. He decided to do his best to find out before anything happened; he didn't want Ike to be injured because Laughing Crow was jealous. Red Bear then indicated that the women should begin serving. He had them serve Buck and Ike first. He made sure that Little Fawn was the one serving Buck while Sky Chaser waited on Ike. He smiled as he watched over the proceedings. As the evening wore on, Red Bear managed to get Silver Fox over to speak to Buck. When Buck saw them approaching, he asked Ike to help him stand so he could greet the older man appropriately. Buck did the best he could to hide the pain his back was causing; he didn't wish to ruin the celebration. Silver Fox came to a stop in front of Buck. Ike excused himself, and Buck addressed the older man. "I am sorry that I could not call on you in the appropriate manner." Silver Fox nodded. Buck continued, "I wish to talk to you about making an offer of the hand of Little Fawn. If no one has done so, I would like to offer three horses - two brood mares and one stallion. They are from Red Bear's stock so you know they are good animals. I can show them to you if you like." Silver Fox shook his head. "I know they are good animals; Red Bear has only the best animals." He glanced past Buck to where Little Fox and his friends sat enjoying the meal. As he talked, he moved so that Buck could see them. "I have only one concern," he said. Buck followed the older man's gaze. "What is that?" he asked with a slight nod to let Silver Fox know he understood that he was to watch the group. "What happens if you decide to leave the village?" He paused before adding, "I'm not sure another will desire Little Fawn if…" Buck nodded. "If you allow this to happen, and I decide to leave the village, I would want Little Fawn to go with me as my wife." He hesitated before continuing, "I promise I will not leave before we could be properly wed." Silver Fox smiled and relaxed just a bit. "That is good news," he said. He then turned so that his back was to the group of younger men. Without speaking, he told Buck, "You will need to be wary of Laughing Crow; he has approached me before, but Little Fawn told me she would kill herself before being given to him." Buck nodded as if the man were discussing details of the arrangement. He let Silver Fox know that he understood, and then asked, "Would it be allowable for me to bring my offering to you in the morning?" Silver Fox nodded and clasped Buck's hand. "That will be fine," he said. "I look forward to seeing you at my home in the morning." He then turned and made his way back to where his family was seated. Red Bear joined Buck. "Things went well?" he asked as he helped Buck sit down. Buck nodded. "I am to take the horses to him in the morning." Red Bear noticed that Buck seemed concerned about something instead of enjoying himself. "So why are you not happier?" Buck looked past his brother to where the other warriors his age sat. "You didn't mention that Laughing Crow was interested in Little Fawn. Silver Fox seems to think there may be some trouble." Red Bear's smile faded. He looked at the threesome that in Buck's memories had always seemed to be around. "I will take care of it," he said as he moved to stand. Buck reached up and touched his arm. "Don't," he said. "I do not wish to cause trouble if there is none. Perhaps since you know the truth now, they won't be as daring." Red Bear settled back next to Buck. "Perhaps," he said. He moved his gaze from the threesome to Buck. "Promise you will tell me if they try something." Buck nodded. "I promise," he said. Chapter Twenty As the evening wore on, Buck could no longer hide the fact that his back was bothering him. Ike noticed first and asked, *Do you want me to help you back to the teepee?* Buck shook his head. "I don't want to ruin this for everyone else; I can stay awhile longer." *How would you going home ruin it for everyone else? I mean, it's not like everyone else needs to stop just because you need to leave?* Buck smiled at Ike. "You and I are the guests of honor; if we leave, everyone else must also." *Oh. I didn't realize. Is there something we could do to help stop your pain and still stay?* Buck shrugged. Ike stood. *I'll go ask Sky Chaser.* Buck nodded. "Tell her I don't want willow bark tea; it makes me too groggy. I need to be clear headed in the morning." It was Ike's turn to nod. He made his way to where Sky Chaser was talking to some of the other women. He waited quietly until there was a break in the conversation and then explained the situation. She glanced over at Buck just in time to see Little Fox, Stands Tall, and Laughing Crow sit down next to him. "Go get Father," she said, as she made her way to her uncle. Buck managed to hide the fear that the appearance of this threesome caused him. He was about to excuse himself when he saw Sky Chaser approaching. He decided to wait because he wasn't sure he'd be able to stand without making a spectacle of himself. "You really think you can make Little Fawn happy?" Laughing Crow asked as he sat next to Buck. Buck simply nodded. Little Fox sat on the other side of Buck. "You'd better not be playing around with her," he warned. "If you hurt her, I'll track you down and do what we should have the last time we saw you." Buck glanced at him, but didn't move or speak; he'd learned long ago that it wouldn't matter - whatever he said would be wrong. Laughing Crow moved closer and placed his hand on Buck's shoulder. "Your back still give you trouble?" he asked as he moved his hand slowly to the small of Buck's back. Buck tensed despite himself. His mind flashed back to the first scene from his recent visions - the time when these three boys had first hurt him. He still wasn't sure what they had done, but it had caused him to occasionally have debilitating back spasms. The really bad thing about them was that he couldn't tell what would cause them to occur. Laughing Crow applied a little more pressure to the spot where the spasms always started. As he did this, Stands Tall moved behind Buck. Laughing Crow started to smile when Buck sucked in his breath due to the pain it caused, but quickly moved his hand when Sky Chaser joined the group. "Uncle," she said, "I wanted to congratulate you on the good news." She knelt down in front of him. Knowing they had to be polite, the three other men looked at her. When they did, they noticed that Red Bear was approaching from the other side of the celebration area. They quickly voiced their best wishes and excused themselves. As they left, Sky Chaser sat next to Buck. "Are you alright?" Buck shook his head. He could feel the spasm starting, and knew that it would spread quickly. "I need to go lie down," he managed to whisper, "but I'm not going to be able to move on my own." He glanced past her to where Ike and Red Bear were still making their way over. "I don't want to cause a big scene, or ruin the celebration." He sucked in a breath as the first wave of pain made its way across his back. Ike noticed the change in Buck's face and made his way to Buck's side quickly. *Your back?* Buck simply nodded. He gripped Ike's arm as the wave finished. "I need to go now," he said. "Can you get me inside Red Bear's home?" Ike nodded and got behind Buck. He put his hands under Buck's arms and pulled him to a standing position. Buck bit off the moan of pain that tried to escape as the second wave of pain shot across his back. By this time Red Bear had joined them and Sky Chaser had explained the situation. Red Bear helped Ike turn Buck around; he then pulled open the door to his home so Ike could maneuver Buck inside. Once there, Ike settled Buck onto the sleeping area skins. As soon as this was done, Sky Chaser pulled up Buck's shirt so she could examine his back. She could see the tightness of the muscles. "I need to go get some medicine," she said. "Keep him as still as possible." Ike nodded. Red Bear sat next to Buck. "Did one of them hurt you?" he asked. Buck shook his head. "They just wanted to talk," he said. "They wanted to let me know that they will be very disappointed if I upset Little Fawn." He stopped as a new wave of pain overtook him. This time he wasn't able to complete stifle the moan. Red Bear waited until the pain let up a little before asking, "Is this like what used to happen when you were younger?" Buck simply nodded and closed his eyes. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I didn't mean to…"the spasm in his back caused him to stop speaking and arch his back in an attempt to make it stop. Ike pushed Buck back down into the skins and began to massage the area of his lower back where the muscles were contracting causing the difficulty. Buck screamed in pain at his first touch, but soon was breathing easier as the effects of Ike's ministrations took root. Just as Sky Chaser returned, the pain left Buck's back. He slowly rolled over and had Ike help him sit. Red Bear looked at him, the concern evident in his face as he asked, "What did they do to you?" "Nothing," Buck said. "They just wanted to talk." Red Bear shook his head. "I don't mean now; I mean before." Buck shrugged. "I don't know," he said. "You showed us the other day," Red Bear said. "You just left out some details." Buck shook his head. "I showed you what I know," he said. "I don't remember what happened before I was on the ground and they were there, but I don't think it was them. I really think that at first they were trying to help." Red Bear nodded. "Are you better now?" Buck shrugged. "I am at the moment, but I'm not sure it won't happen again. Sometimes if I move to quickly, it comes back." Red Bear looked at his daughter. "Should you examine him; see if you can find out why this happens?" She nodded. "I think it would be a good idea for the rest of you to return to the celebration. I know that Running Buck does not want it to end early because or him, and I will be able to work more quickly if I have space in which to move about." Ike glanced at Buck, concern etched on his face. Buck smiled weakly. "She's right," he said. "Please, go back out and enjoy the celebration. Hopefully, I'll be joining you again soon." Chapter Twenty-one Once the others were gone, Sky Chaser help Buck remove his shirt and lie down. She carefully examined his back looking for a reason the spasms would start. She was pleased to see that his more recent injuries were healing nicely. As she continued her examination, she began to question him. "What do you remember about this evening just before this started?" Buck thought a few minutes before replying, "They didn't do anything." "You sure?" Sky Chaser probed. "No one touched you?" Buck once more replayed the previous events. "Laughing Crow touched my back, but he didn't…" "Where?" "What do you mean?" "Where did he touch you?" Sky Chaser asked as she placed her hands on the small of Buck's back. "Was it here?" "No," Buck answered. "It was a little lower, and over to the left side of my body." Sky Chaser moved her hands. "Here?" she asked as she gently pushed on her uncle's lower back. Buck couldn't answer as the pain once more swept through him. Sky Chaser apologized as she continued to examine him. Finally she found a small knot located just inside his hip bone. When she applied even the slightest pressure, Buck moaned loudly and his back muscles went into spasm. Sky Chaser quickly massaged the spasms away, and then helped Buck to roll onto his back. As he lay catching his breath, she prepared a drink to help lesson the pain. "Here," she said. "You should drink this." "No," Buck said. "I need to be able to function in the morning." "I can explain to Silver Fox," she said. "You need something to lessen the pain; I need to cut whatever that is out." Buck once more shook his head. "I'll do without," he said. "I need to be able to think clearly in the morning." Sky Chaser decided it would be best not to argue. "I will go get Silent Wolf to help me," she said. Buck stopped her from leaving. "Please," he said, "don't trouble him. Let someone else come help." He thought for a few minutes before suggesting, "Ask Little Fox." "Why would you want one of the three people who always hurt you?" Sky Chaser asked. "He didn't," said Buck. "He was always there, but he never really hurt me. I think he's the reason I was never hurt worse than I was. Please, ask him first. Just ask him without letting the others know." Sky Chaser nodded. "I will try," she said. She quickly exited the teepee and went in search of Little Fox. When she located him, he was visiting with Laughing Crow and Stands Tall. She knew she couldn't ask to speak to him while they were together so she had Little Fawn go get him. When he came with his sister to where she waited, he quickly glanced over his shoulder. "Why did you tell me father wanted to speak to me and bring me here?" he asked. Little Fawn shrugged. "Sky Chaser asked me to bring you to her without letting the others know the truth; she said it was important, but told me no more." Little Fox glared at Sky Chaser. "What do you want?" "I need your help," she said calmly. "Running Buck is injured and needs me to cut an object out of his back; he asked that I have you help me." "Why me?" "I don't know," she said. "He just told me to ask you first. If you do not want to assist me, I can go find my father instead." She turned to leave. "I'll help," Little Fox said. "Do you know what it is you are removing?" Sky Chaser shook her head. "But you do, don't you?" Little Fox shook his head. "I only know that Laughing Crow put it there." Sky Chaser nodded as she led Little Fox to where Buck waited. As she entered, she explained that his job was to hold Buck still. "I don't want him moving on me," she said. "I could end up hurting him worse if he moves at the wrong time." Little Fox nodded and went to take hold of Buck's head and shoulders. As Sky Chaser worked, Little Fox talked quietly to Buck telling him how sorry he was, and trying to explain the reason behind the threesome's hostilities. As Sky Chaser finished her work, Little Fox leaned in and whispered so only Buck could hear. "You need to marry Little Fawn and leave here as soon as you can." "Why?" Buck managed to ask. Little Fox glanced at Sky Chaser as she cleaned up nearby. He then answered Buck, "Laughing Crow wants to marry her," he said. "He will try to hurt you, or make it look like you did something to her." Little Fox sighed. "I won't be able to stop him anymore." Buck moved so that he could see the other man's face. "You did before, didn't you?" Little Fox simply nodded. "I tried," he said. "After that first time at the river, Stands Tall and I both realized that we would need to do our best to keep Laughing Crow from killing you. I am sorry we could not keep him from hurting you, but…" Buck tried to move and had to stop. The moan that escaped him caused Sky Chaser to look over at the two men. She moved to join them. She quickly checked Buck. "I think it would be good to get you back to your home," she said. "You need to rest." Buck nodded. "I'm not going to be able to walk," he said. Sky Chaser glanced around her home. "We can carry you," she said. "I will go get Silent Wolf and father." She turned her gaze on Little Fox. "You should go before you are missed." Little Fox nodded. He leaned in and told Buck, "I will talk to Father and suggest that he allow you to take Little Fawn home with you tomorrow. There is no reason to delay, and many to move quickly." "Thank you," he said with a weak smile, "for everything you have done for me." Chapter Twenty-two When Little Fox and Sky Chaser exited the teepee, Little Fawn slipped in. She made her way to Buck's side and knelt. She watched as he tried to bring his breathing under control. When he opened his eyes, she smiled at him. "Can I help you in any way?" she asked. Buck shook his head. "I need to get home," he said. "I must rest so I can talk to your father in the morning." She stroked his cheek gently. "I will just sit here until someone comes to move you," she said. "You should not be alone." Buck smiled at her and once more closed his eyes. He was so tired, and the pain was beginning to make it difficult to focus on anything else. He knew that he should mention Little Fox's plan to her, but couldn't find the strength at the moment. Little Fawn noticed that Buck was a bit warm to the touch. She waited until he closed his eyes and then moved to find a cloth she could dampen. This done, she began to bathe Buck's face with the cool rag. As the coolness of the water settled on Buck's face, he once more opened his eyes. Little Fawn stopped moving the cloth and smiled at him. "I am so happy," she said. "I wish it were possible for us to get married tonight; I don't want to wait a minute longer." Buck smiled at her. "Your brother suggested something similar," he said. Little Fawn sat back. "He did?" Buck nodded. "He said you should just move in tomorrow, and that we should probably leave the village as soon as I was able." He watched her closely as he said the last part. Before Little Fawn had a chance to answer, the entrance to the teepee was pulled away and Laughing Crow entered. "I thought I'd find you here," he said as he pulled Little Fawn away from where Buck lay. "Let her go," Buck said as he tried to sit. The pain in his back caused him to collapse back to the skins. "Or what?" laughed his tormentor, "You'll bleed on me?" He tightened his grip on Little Fawn and pulled her with him as he moved closer to Buck. "I wonder," he said as he threw her down next to Buck, "which would be worse for you - should I take her myself while you watch, or take you while she watches?" "You should leave them both alone," said Red Bear as he entered his home. Laughing Crow tensed as the older man's voice washed over him. He turned to try and talk his way out of this situation; he wasn't really worried because he'd always been able to do so before. He smiled. "I…" Red Bear grabbed his shirt and pulled him away from Buck. "I said leave; I'll deal with you later." He pushed the younger man toward the opening where Ike stood holding the flap open. When Laughing Crow exited, Ike told him. *I've decided not to go hunting with you tomorrow; maybe I'll just take Little Fox and Stands Tall with me instead.* He then turned his back on the shamed warrior and went to help Buck. Red Bear glanced at Little Fawn as he knelt next to his brother. "Are you both alright?" he asked. Buck nodded, trying to hide the pain he was in. Red Bear shook his head. "Why do you continue to lie to me about your well-being? You are not fine; you are in pain." Buck took a deep breath to steady his voice. "I do not wish to worry you," he said. "You have enough things to think about without me adding to your burden." Red Bear smiled. "It is not a burden to care for you," he said. "It never has been." Ike made his way to Little Fawn. *Are you alright?* She nodded, and started to sob as relief at being unharmed overtook her. Buck tried to move so he could see her, but had to stop as the pain washed over him. "Please," he said to Red Bear, "help me to her." Red Bear shook his head. He signed to Ike. *Help her over here. Move slowly.* Ike nodded. He slowly placed his hand on Little Fawn's arm. When she looked at him, he said, *Let me help you to Running Buck. He wishes to see you.* She nodded and allowed Ike to guide her to Buck's side. As soon as she was near him, Buck reached up and pulled her to him. As she cried, he stroked her hair and spoke quietly to her telling her, "Everything is alright; it's over, and we're both fine. He won't hurt anyone ever again." Chapter Twenty-three After a few minutes, Little Fawn had calmed down enough to allow Red Bear and Ike to move Buck to his own home. "Please, let me stay with him until you return," Little Fawn said to Ike once Buck was settled in. Ike looked at Red Bear. The older man nodded so Ike did the same. Little Fawn sat next to Buck and placed her hand on his arm. "I will sit here while you sleep," she said. "I don't want to go back to the party, and I don't wish to go home alone." Buck smiled at her. "I would like that very much," he said. This time when he was offered some willow bark tea to drink, Buck didn't refuse. The pain in his back was too much for him to rest without some type of assistance. Soon Buck was resting peacefully, and Little Fawn was able to relax knowing he would be alright. Ike and Red Bear made their way back to the celebration. Red Bear immediately went in search of Laughing Crow. He decided the best place to start was with his two companions - Little Fox and Stands Tall. "We haven't seen him since you caught him in your home," Stands Tall said in response to Red Bear's inquiry. Little Fox nodded. "He probably went to his secret place in hopes that you will forget by morning." Red Bear glared at the younger men. "Where is this secret place?" he demanded. Stands Tall shrugged, and Little Fox did the same. "He would never allow us to go with him," Little Fox said. "He told me that he needed someplace that was his alone; someplace where the two of us couldn't worry him." Stands Tall nodded. "He only put up with us because no one else would have him, and we didn't really have a choice." "If you see him, let me know," Red Bear told them. "I wish to talk to him about his recent behavior; it seems unlike him. I want to know what possessed him to do such a thing." Little Fox glanced at Stands Tall who nodded his encouragement. "We need to tell him." Little Fox took a deep breath before replying, "It is not so different from the way he always has treated Running Buck. He just wasn't as good at making it look differently because he was angry." "What does he have to be angry about?" Red Bear asked as he indicated to the two to join him as he sat down. Little Fox explained, "He wanted to marry Little Fawn and she turned him down. He thinks of himself as better than Running Buck so he was angry that she would agree to this match." He paused and then continued when Stands Tall nudged him. "He has always been jealous of your brother." "Why?" Stands Tall decided to try and explain. "I think it started when Running Buck accidentally bested Laughing Crow in class." "You were never in the same class," Red Bear said. "You are all older than Running Buck." "Exactly," said Stands Tall. "We were given the task of following a trail to find an object that our teacher had hidden. None of us were able to do it; in the next class of younger boys, Running Buck found it easily." Little Fox nodded. "In fact, he was told to show us how he followed it." He laughed softly. "I remember he was trying so hard not to let his pride show because he didn't want to upset anyone, but he'd bested us all." Red Bear sat quietly listening to this tail about his brother that he'd never heard. "I wonder why he didn't tell us about that," he finally said. Stands Tall glanced at Little Fox before venturing, "Perhaps because that was the day that he was injured and we found him at the river." Red Bear straightened and looked closely at the other man. "Do you know what happened that day?" "Not completely," said Stands Tall. Little Fox nodded his agreement. "Tell me what you know," Red Bear asked. Stands Tall took a deep breath. "After the tracking incident, we were called back to practice on easier tasks and Running Buck was allowed to leave early. He went to go help your mother." Red Bear nodded as he thought back. "She sent him to get water," he recalled. "She was busy with other things and didn't realize that it was taking him longer than it should until I came looking for him to practice tracking." Little Fox took up the tale. "When we were finally let go, Laughing Crow asked us to go to the river with him. He suggested it would be a good place to practice tracking each other. As we were going, we heard a loud noise and went faster to see what it was. When we reached the water, we saw Running Buck lying on the ground. It was obvious that he was injured because there was blood." Stands Tall continued. "Laughing Crow ran to him and made sure he wasn't dead, he then sent Little Fox back for help while the two of use tried to see if we could figure out what had happened." Red Bear nodded. "I remember running into you," he said to Little Fox, "you told me where to find him, and then continued to go get White Buffalo." He then looked at Stands Tall. "When I got there, you were holding Running Buck while Laughing Crow was cutting him." Stands Tall nodded. "We figured out he'd been shot and decided to try and get the bullet out so he wouldn't get sick from it and die like Laughing Crow's father." Red Bear once more nodded. "I remember." "Anyway," Little Fox continued, "since he did not get in trouble even though he caused Running Buck pain, Laughing Crow decided that all he needed to do was make it look like he was trying to help and he could torment Running Buck whenever he wanted." "Why did you not stop him?" Red Bear demanded. "We tried," Little Fox said. "In fact, we did a fairly good job of making sure Running Buck didn't get seriously injured or killed." Red Bear worked at controlling his anger as he asked, "Why did you not tell me what was happening?" Stands Tall took hold of Little Fox's hand and gave it a squeeze. He then faced Red Bear, "Would you have believed us?" he asked. "Of course," Red Bear answered. "Really?" asked Little Fox. "You didn't believe Running Buck when he tried to tell you about what was happening. You told him we hadn't meant to hurt him; that it was an accident that occurred because we were older and he was small for his age." Red Bear started to object, but then remembered that was exactly what had happened. Anytime Buck had tried to tell him that the other boys were picking on him, Red Bear had turned a deaf ear. He looked at the two men sitting before him. "Thank you for trying," he said. "I just wish I had done a better job of listening to him; maybe then things would be different now." Stands Tall smiled at the older man. "Perhaps," he said, "but I'm not sure they would be better." "What do you mean?" Red Bear asked. "Running Buck is a good man," Stands Tall said. "He is going to make Little Fawn a good husband, and will most likely be able to keep her from doing something that will get her in trouble." Little Fox nodded his agreement. He added, "If he'd stayed here, that may not have happened." He paused and glanced over at Sky Chaser and Ike. "And Silent Wolf would not be here for Sky Chaser if Running Buck had never left." Red Bear glanced at his daughter and the silent young man who had captured her heart. "I guess you are right," he said. He turned his gaze back to the two young men sitting across from him, holding hands in an open display of their affection for each other. "When did you two become so wise?" "It's amazing what one sees when left on the outside of the village workings," Little Fox said. "Besides, my mother is the really wise one; she was saying these things to my father last night when he was wondering how to punish Little Fawn for her brashness. I simply listened." Red Bear nodded, smiled, and stood. "Please," he said to the two younger men as they also stood. "Next time you notice that I am being unresponsive as I was with Running Buck, remind me of this conversation. I too can learn." He embraced each of the two young men and turned to go back across the village to check on his brother. Before Red Bear was able to leave, Little Fox spoke to him. "I have suggested to Running Buck that he ask Father to be able to take Little Fawn home with him in the morning. I think it might be a better idea for you to suggest she make the move tonight." Red Bear stood studying the man before him. "Why would you deny your sister a proper wedding?' "Laughing Crow will not dare to hurt her if she has already been given to another; he may try again if she is just promised. In his mind, he's proving that he is better because her intended cannot protect her." Red Bear nodded. "Is Silver Fox still here?" Little Fox pointed him out. "Shall I go get him?" Red Bear shook his head. "I will go talk to him. Thank you once again for your help. If your father does not object, I will share this plan with the couple." Chapter Twenty-four After a quick conversation, Red Bear went with Silver Fox to the area where the horses were kept. He had the three promised by Running Buck moved to the area where Silver Fox's animals were housed. After turning them out there, the two men went in search of Silver Fox's wife. Red Bear explained the situation to her. She agreed with the idea. "I think we should just go get her things and take them to her now," she said. "Do not ask them, just make it so." Red Bear smiled at the slightly older woman. "Your son is right," he said. "You are a wise woman." She blushed at the compliment from one of the village's most important leaders. "Thank you," she said. "Really I am just an attentive mother." The three made their way to Silver Fox's home. Once there they gathered Little Fawn's belongings and took them to where she sat with Buck. When her mother entered the teepee, Little Fawn prepared to defend her actions. "Do not worry," her mother said. "We are simply bringing your belongings to you." She smiled at her daughter. "As far as the village is concerned, you are now Running Buck's wife." Little Fawn stared at her mother. "We do not have to go through the waiting period?" "It was decided that it would be better to do this quickly. Laughing Crow will not have any course of action but to accept his fate now. Red Bear is going to make the announcement as soon as we leave. No one will bother you for a few days so the two of you may be alone." Little Fawn glanced at Buck as he slept. "I do not think it will matter if we are left alone or not," she said. "He is not in shape to act as husband." The older woman settled next to her daughter. "I know," she said, "but you should still be allowed to be alone." She leaned in and whispered, "There are things you can do to please him that do not require him to expend too much energy. If you wish, I could…" "No," said Little Fawn. "I do not need you to explain more; I know of what you speak." She smiled at her mother. "I had not thought of that. Perhaps it would be good for us to be alone." As Ike and Sky Chaser entered the teepee to find out what was going on, Little Fawn's face fell. "Where will Silent Wolf stay? If he is here, how will Running Buck and I have any privacy?" Her mother sat quietly. "I will speak to Red Bear. We will figure something out. Don't you worry about it; you will have a few days alone with your new husband." She stood and made her way to where Red Bear was explaining the events to his daughter and her intended. *They will need to have time alone,* Sky Chaser said. *Where is Silent Wolf to live?* *How about with Little Fox and Stands Tall?* asked Silver Fox. *I am sure my son would be honored to be visited by such a fine warrior for a day or two.* Ike nodded. *That would be fine with me,* he told the older men. He then looked at Sky Chaser. *How long do you think it will be before Running Buck can travel?* She shrugged. *That will depend on how much he rests,* she said. *If he does not move around too much, he should be able to travel in a couple of days. We would have to take him on a travois and move slowly, but it would be possible.* Red Bear looked at Ike. *Why do you ask that?* Ike returned Red Bear's gaze. *He needs to go home,* Ike replied. *He will never be completely accepted here, and it will cause him pain to have to return to living that way.* Red Bear started to object, but stopped as he glanced at where Little Fawn sat tending his brother. The bruise on her cheek reminded him of the night's recent events. He sighed deeply and nodded. Sky Chaser tried to hide the fear in her eyes as she asked, *And you?* Ike glanced at where Buck lay. *I will need to go with him to be sure he is safe,* he replied. He pulled Sky Chaser to him and kissed her forehead. He then let her go so he could finish speaking, *I would not stay away any longer than was needed to be sure he was well.* He paused and then glanced at Red Bear. *I would consider it a privilege to have you and Sky Chaser accompany me; that way you both can meet Running Buck's white family and see how well he is thought of there.* Red Bear nodded. *Would it be possible for Smiling Dove to come with us?* Ike nodded. *I am sure everyone there will want to meet her also.* He smiled at the woman before him. *I know they will think of you as family since your child it Running Buck's wife.* Smiling Dove nodded her thanks. *I will go talk to my son about making room for you at his home,* she said as she left the crowded dwelling. Soon Ike was carrying his meager belongings across the village to the home of Little Fox and Stands Tall. He was a bit uneasy about this new arrangement, but was quickly put at ease by the warm welcome he was given. He quickly realized that despite the fact that he was white and a complete outsider, his presence in their home had actually elevated their status in the village. He was the future son-in-law of the war chief, Red Bear, and they were lowly hunters. As he settled in for the night, Ike smiled at the irony of the situation. Shortly after everyone left, the realization of exactly what had happened hit Little Fawn. She was considered the wife of Running Buck, and as soon as he was well they would be leaving her home forever. She too considered the strangeness of the situation - Running Buck and she would be leaving the village for a life among the whites while Silent Wolf would settle here in the village, a respected warrior despite his whiteness. Sighing at the confusing workings of the gods, Little Fawn made sure that Running Buck was comfortable. She then quickly undressed and crawled into his bed pulling the covers over them both. She kissed his cheek and whispered, "I hope you are not disappointed when you wake, My Husband. Many decisions about your life have been made while you sleep." Chapter Twenty-five The next morning, Buck woke slowly - the effects of the willow bark tea making it difficult for him to bring the world into focus. At first, he wasn't even sure where he was. When he remembered, he was surprised to find Little Fawn lying next to him. Little Fawn awoke when she felt Buck stir beside her. She knew he would be groggy due to the tea he had consumed the evening before. Before moving, she offered a quick prayer that he would not be angry. She sat up and smiled. "Did you sleep well?" Buck fought through the fog that hovered over his brain. He turned to face Little Fawn. When he saw her, the haze quickly left him. "Why are you here, and undressed?" he asked quickly checking on his own state of clothing. Little Fawn kept her eyes on his face. She shook her head at his unease, but did not move to cover herself. Instead she leaned in and kissed his cheek. She explained the decisions that had been made the previous evening. "Do you wish me to tell them you do not approve?" she asked as she moved to stir the fire to life. Buck watched her as she started her task. He marveled at how at ease she was in front of him despite her nakedness. He took in the beauty of her form before answering her question. "I do not disapprove," he said. "I am just surprised." She turned and smiled at him. "I am glad you approve," she said. "I would not like having to return to my parents' home." Buck watched her as she continued to prepare a meal for them. "Are you disappointed that we did not have the normal ceremony?" he asked as he moved so he could see her better as she worked. Little Fawn shrugged. "Not really," she replied as she placed the food on the fire and turned to face Buck. "Besides," she said, "I think we will have to have a ceremony once we return to your home." "What do you mean?" Little Fawn moved and sat next to him. She moved a piece of his hair and placed it behind his ear. "After last evening and the incident with Laughing Crow, it was decided that the two of us should go live with your white family where we will be in less danger." She dropped her gaze and sat quietly waiting for Buck's response. "You agreed to this?" She nodded. "I have no wish to stay here and live in fear of Laughing Crow trying to hurt one or both of us again." She raised her eyes to meet Buck's. "I also have no desire to stay here without you." Buck reached up and placed his hand on her cheek. "I am glad," he said. "I don't think I could stand leaving you here, but I have always known that I could never come back and stay." He pulled her to him and covered her lips in a tender kiss. Little Fawn savored the feel of his lips on hers. She started to deepen the kiss, but realized that Buck was trying to hide the pain his back was in. She leaned into him, and gently pushed him back to the ground. "You need to rest," she said as she broke the kiss. She smiled at him, kissed him quickly on the nose, and then turned her attention back to their meal. After they finished eating, Little Fawn got dressed and went to find Sky Chaser so she would know it was safe to check on Buck. As the two girls walked back to the teepee, Little Fawn asked, "When you finish checking Running Buck, could you please let me know how active he can be?" She blushed a little as she added, "We have yet to be together, but I do not wish to rush things if he is not able." Sky Chaser smiled at her friend. "I will let you know," she said. As they passed the dwelling where Ike was now staying, he joined them. *Would it be alright if I talked to Running Buck?* he asked. *I know it is your wedding day, but I need to know that he is not angry with me.* Little Fawn nodded. *I think he would like to talk to you,* she said. She then spoke quietly to Sky Chaser in Kiowa and moved ahead of the couple. Ike watched her hurry away. *Did I upset her?* he asked. Sky Chaser shook her head. "She told me she wanted to give us some time alone." She reached over and took Ike's hand in hers. When they reached Buck's dwelling, Sky Chaser released Ike's hand. *Do you wish to speak to him first?* Ike shook his head. *Will he be able to talk after you finish?* Sky Chaser shrugged. *I am not sure,* she said. *He is strong, but I do not know how much pain he is in, or how he is recovering from the willow bark tea. It used to take him most of the day for the after effects to wear off.* *Then I would like to talk to him first, just in case.* Sky Chaser nodded. *I will wait here.* Ike shook his head. *No, you should go in and visit with Little Fawn; I'm sure she would rather not just sit there by herself.* Sky Chaser smiled at Ike's thoughtfulness. She felt lucky that he would even consider staying here with her instead of returning to his own world; especially now that Running Buck was going back. As he held the flap covering the opening to the teepee back for her, Sky Chaser offered a quick prayer of thanks to the gods for placing this man in her life. After a quick conversation between Buck and Ike, Sky Chaser examined Buck's back. It was healing nicely and he did not seem to be in too much pain. "Would you like something to ease the pain?" she asked. Buck shook his head. "I'm still trying to get the haze from the willow bark to go away," he said. "I don't want to take anything to make it come back. I want to be able to enjoy the day." He glanced at Little Fawn and smiled. Sky Chaser nodded. "I will leave some salve that Little Fawn can put on your back if it starts to pain you too much." She dropped her gaze as she added, "You should be able to complete your marriage if you are careful." She raised her eyes to meet Buck's gaze. "Perhaps it would be best to let Little Fawn do most of the work at first, just to be safe." Buck nodded. "I will keep that in mind," he said. He hesitated before asking the question he really wanted answered. "How long before I can travel?" Sky Chaser noticed that both Little Fawn and Ike were watching them. She took a deep breath. "It will depend," she said. "On what?" asked Buck. "On whether or not you wish to ride unassisted." Buck indicated that she should explain further. "If you wish to ride on your own, you will have to wait a week or more," Sky Chaser said. "If you do not mind having someone such as Silent Wolf and myself take you, we could go tomorrow." Buck nodded. He glanced at where Little Fawn sat looking at him. "I will discuss it with my wife and let you know," he said. "Would you and Silent Wolf do us the honor of returning to partake of this evening's meal with us?" Sky Chaser glanced at Ike who nodded. She nodded to let Buck know they would be back. As she turned to leave, Buck touched her arm. "Could you ask Red Bear, Silver Fox, and Smiling Dove to join us also?" She nodded. "I will ask," she said, "but I cannot promise they will come." "I know they are busy," Buck said. "I just thought it would be nice if all of those who might make this trip were able to plan together." Sky Chaser nodded once more. Ike moved to join her. *I will try to convince them that they need to be here - if not for the meal, then shortly afterwards.* Chapter Twenty-six It soon became evident that Buck was not going to be able to do much of anything for the day. He just couldn't shake the hung-over feeling the willow bark tea left him with. Little Fawn quickly decided that there was no point in trying to start anything because Buck was too tired and out of touch. After a few attempts and many heated kisses, Little Fawn pulled away from Buck's embrace. "I think it would be better to wait until tomorrow," she said. Buck nodded. "I'm sorry; I just can't get my head to clear up so that I can stay focused on anything." Little Fawn leaned in and once more kissed him. She adjusted her clothing and then did the same to his. "I am going to see about getting us some food," she said. "That is the one thing that wasn't taken care of due to our lack of a ceremony; a proper 'wedding home' was not set up for us." Buck smiled at her. "I think that is a good idea," he said, "especially since we are having guests this evening." He struggled to a sitting position, but had to stop there when his back started aching. Little Fawn placed her hand on his shoulder. "Do not make me undress you to keep you inside," she said with a wink. "You rest; I can tend this on my own." Buck waited for the pain to subside. "What about Laughing Crow?" he asked. "I do not think he will try anything so soon," she said. "As far as I know he has not returned. He left right after Red Bear stopped him from hurting us." Buck nodded. "If you feel it is safe enough, then I won't stop you," he said. "Perhaps you could find Silent Wolf to assist you." "I will see if he is still in the village," Little Fawn said as she kissed Buck's cheek and stood. "He was planning on going hunting with Little Fox and Stands Tall." Buck once more nodded. "Maybe I should try and come with you." He moved slowly and was able to stand. It became evident that he wouldn't be able to offer any type of protection as he tried to take the few steps needed to exit the teepee. "Then again," he said as he sank back to the ground, "perhaps it would be better if I just waited here." Little Fawn laughed softly. "I think that is best. Do you need help getting back to the bed?" Buck shook his head. "I'll be alright in just a bit. You go ahead and work on finding some food." He smiled up at her. "If you happen to see Red Bear, would you tell him I'd like to talk to him?" Little Fawn nodded. She leaned down and kissed Buck softly on the lips and then made her way outside. She quickly located Red Bear, delivered Buck's request, and then went to see if her mother had some food to spare. As Red Bear visited with Buck he also realized that in the haste of making this marriage take place, the families had not provided the necessities to get the household started properly. "Would you like me to bring some of the provisions from my last hunt?" he asked. Buck shrugged. "I do not know if we will need them. Little Fawn has gone to see what her mother can offer us." Just then the two women returned. Smiling Dove welcomed Buck into her family by presenting him with the small offering of food she was able to pull together. She then excused herself and went back to preparing the midday meal for her husband and sons. Little Fawn smiled shyly at Red Bear. "I am sorry," she said, "that we do not have more to offer you." Red Bear replied, "Do not worry. I will go get some of the food from last evening. Our family should have helped prepare this home more adequately. It is I who should be apologizing." With that he took his leave of the newlywed couple, and made his way back to his own home where his wife was busy preparing their meal. He returned shortly with enough food to easily feed Little Fawn and Buck for the noon meal as well as to make the evening's get together presentable. "Thank you," Buck told him as Red Bear once more settled in for a visit with his younger brother. Chapter Twenty-seven The events of the evening went well, and it was decided that Red Bear and Smiling Dove would accompany Sky Chaser and Ike in taking Buck and Little Fawn to Rock Creek. Ike would need to gather the few belongings he had there that were important to him, as well as say his good-byes. Sky Chaser needed to go in case Buck needed some medical attention on the trip. Red Bear and Smiling Dove wished to meet the people that were going to be replacing them in the lives of their loved ones. As everyone left to prepare for the trip the next day, Ike hung back. Buck sensed that he needed to talk and managed to get him alone just outside the teepee. "What is troubling you?" he asked. *I'm just worried that I don't really have anything to offer Red Bear for Sky Chaser,* Ike said. *I have no horses that are mine, and what else could possibly impress your brother enough for him to not be insulted?* Buck got Ike to help him sit, and then motioned for him to do the same. When Ike had settled next to him, Buck said, "You need to give him the box of memories that you have." *But that won't mean anything to him; it's just a collection of worthless trinkets. They have no value except to me.* "Exactly," Buck said with a smile. "Red Bear told me that he would accept whatever I told him was of the value he felt was required. To me, if you are willing to part with that box and its contents, you are giving up much more than if you had horses enough to give him four." Ike sat thinking for a few seconds before saying, *Why would my box be of so much value? I don't understand.* It was Buck's turn to sit quietly. Finally, he said, "It is important to you; that makes it of value." He paused briefly. "If I were to ask you to choose between keeping that box and its contents or your horse, which would you pick?" *The box,* Ike replied without hesitation. "What about the box or you gun?" *The box.* Buck smiled. "See? The box is the most valuable thing you own. If you are willing to part with it to gain Sky Chaser, then it is worth much more than four horses which can easily be replaced in time." Ike nodded as he began to understand Buck's reasoning. *Are you sure Red Bear will feel the same?* "I know he will," Buck replied. "We discussed the fact that you did not own much of anything, and he assured me that he would take my word on the value of whatever you offered." Ike took a deep breath. *I am glad,* he said. *I don't think I could stand not being able to be with Sky Chaser simply because I did not have something to give for her.* He dropped his gaze. *After Emily died, I was certain I would never find another woman to make me feel this way.* Buck nodded. "I know what you mean," he said. "I'm just as surprised as you are that I've been able to find someone who returns my feelings honestly." Ike looked at Buck. *I'm only sorry that we can't stay together. I wish it was possible for you to stay in the village or for Sky Chaser to leave.* Buck sighed. "We will still see each other," he said. "There is no way I'll be able to keep Little Fawn from visiting; she is too close to her family to stay away completely. Perhaps with time…" he let the thought drop. Ike nodded. He noticed that Little Fawn was peeking out at them; he also noticed that she seemed to be growing impatient for her husband's return. *I think I will call it a night,*he said. *Morning will be here quickly, and the ride back to Rock Creek is going to take longer than usual.* Buck nodded. He waited for Ike to stand before attempting to do so himself. He was pleased that he only needed Ike for balance, and that his back did not trouble him too much as he moved. He glanced at the entrance of his home and spied Little Fawn watching them. He smiled. "I think that is a good idea," he said as he turned to join his wife. Little Fawn moved back from the entrance and made her way to the sleeping area. Once there she quickly disrobed and crawled under the blankets. When Buck crawled inside, she asked, "How are you feeling, my husband?" Buck made his way to where she lay. He noticed her dress lying on the ground beside her and smiled. He slowly began to undress as he answered her. "Much better, Wife. How are you feeling?" Little Fawn giggled. "I am feeling fine," she said. When Buck finished undressing, Little Fawn flipped the blanket aside for him to join her. Buck lowered himself to the bed of buffalo robes and knelt next to Little Fawn. He leaned down and captured her lips. This time when she deepened the kiss, he opened his mouth to allow her tongue inside. She continued the kiss for a few minutes before moving her mouth away from his and down his body. When she reached his nipples, she playfully nipped first one then the other before once more trailing kisses down his body. When she reached his manhood, she teased him with her tongue and then continued to kiss around his evident desire. First she kissed one thigh, and then she moved to the other - kissing the tip of his hardened member on the way. After playing this game a few times, she finally took the tip of him manhood into her mouth. She sucked gently and then ran her tongue across the small opening before pulling his whole shaft into her mouth. Buck's hips began to move on their own as she continued this assault. He reached for her, but she eluded his grasp. When she intensified her movements, Buck gripped the skins beneath him. He called out her name as she finally coaxed his seed from him. Buck lay panting as Little Fawn moved to kiss him. He savored the taste of himself on her lips. He then moved so that she now lay on the skins and he was atop her. He leaned down and captured her mouth with his for a quick kiss before he began to trail kisses down her body. He stopped and paid some attention to her breasts, teasing her nipples to hardened little nubs. While he suckled at her bosom, his hands began to explore lower on her body. He let them pass slowly across her abdomen and down the curly mound between her legs. He was pleased to find her moist as he played his fingers across her nether lips. Little Fawn moaned when Buck ran his tongue across her nipple as he slipped one finger inside her. She lifted her hips from the ground in an effort to feel him deeper inside her. When he pulled his finger out and rubbed against her pleasure nub, she moaned, "Please, I need you to fill me." Buck released her breast. He pushed up to where he could look down at her as he continued to stroke her with his finger. He leaned down and kissed her as he move to straddle her. He broke the kiss and carefully replaced his finger with his hardened member. He pushed in gently stopping when he felt the resistance of her maidenhood. Buck leaned down and once more kissed Little Fawn. "This will only hurt for a second," he whispered as he pulled back and then pushed in deeply. Little Fawn gasped and did her best to bite back the yelp of pain. Buck stilled and waited for her to calm under him before once more beginning to move slowly inside her. Little Fawn did her best to relax and soon was lost in the pleasure of the feel of Buck inside her. As they discovered a rhythm that was pleasing to them both, their hips began to move in sync. Buck felt Little Fawn tightening around him and picked up the pace, driving himself deeper and deeper into her until her climax washed over her. The way she moved under him caused his own release to follow soon after. When he was finished, Buck pulled out of her and lay down next to her. He took her in his arms and captured her mouth for a kiss. She snuggled into his embrace. "That was wonderful," she whispered as she pulled him closer to her. Buck kissed the top of her head, and rolled so that she lay atop him. "Yes, it was," he said. "Let's rest a bit and play some more later." Little Fawn smiled her agreement; they passed the night lost in this endeavor, and the morning sun found them entwined with each other - smiles on both their faces. Chapter Twenty-eight The trip to Rock Creek took a little over two days. A little after noon, Ike rode into the yard of the old way station. It had been decided that he would go in alone in order to prepare Teaspoon and Rachel for their visitors. "How many?" Rachel asked as she entered the room and caught the end of Ike's statement to Teaspoon about unexpected guests. Ike replied, *Counting Buck and me, there are six of us.* "Who did you say they were?" asked Teaspoon. *I didn't,* Ike said. "You going to tell us, or do we need to wait until everyone is here?" Rachel asked as she sat down next to Teaspoon on the couch. *I think it would be best to introduce you once they are here,* he said. *It will be much easier that way.* Teaspoon nodded. "How far away are they?" *Just a few minutes. I'll go get them and be right back.* Ike stood and left. As they watched him go, Rachel turned to Teaspoon. "He's not telling us something," she said. Teaspoon agreed. "At least one of those boys isn't staying," he said. "I'm just not sure which, or if it's both." Rachel gasped. "You really think they'd both leave?" Teaspoon nodded. "I'd bet my life on it," he said. "At least one of them has decided that life in the village is better." A few minutes later, he was proven correct as Ike brought in the small group of people traveling with him. He quickly introduced Teaspoon and Rachel, and then helped Buck to stand. Once Buck was steady, Ike moved so Red Bear, Smiling Dove, Little Fawn, and Sky Chaser could see him. He then translated as Buck explained to Teaspoon and Rachel. Buck placed his hand on Red Bear's shoulder. "This is my brother, Red Bear," he said. "He wished to meet my white family." Teaspoon shook the Kiowa's hand, and Rachel kissed him on the cheek. "It is a pleasure to meet you," she said. Buck moved to Sky Chaser. "This is Red Bear's daughter, Sky Chaser. She is studying to be a healer, and came to be sure I was well tended on the trip." He glanced at Ike who simply nodded. "Ike has asked permission to court her, and Red Bear has agreed." Rachel hugged the young woman. Teaspoon waited until Red Bear nodded at him, and then he hugged her also. "You won't be disappointed with Ike," Teaspoon told them. "He's a good man." Ike blushed as he translated. He smiled his thanks at Teaspoon. Buck moved to stand beside Smiling Dove. "This is Smiling Dove," he continued. "She came to meet you and see where it is that her daughter, Little Fawn, will be living because," he quickly moved to place his arms around Little Fawn, "this is my wife. We were married a few days ago." He kissed Little Fawn's cheek when he finished. Rachel came and hugged them both. "Does that mean you plan on staying with us?" she asked. Buck nodded. "If you'll have us," he said. "If you wish us to leave…" "Nonsense," said Teaspoon. "There's no way I'm letting both of my best deputies go. We'll be happy for you to live here just like you were before. With a little bit of work, that old bunk house will make a perfect home for the two of you," he winked at Buck, "and as many little ones as you decide to bring into this world." Buck smiled his appreciation at the welcome his family was being given. He then turned to Rachel. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble," he said, "Little Fawn and I would like very much to have a 'proper' wedding for the white world. We want to fit in as much as possible." Rachel nodded as she once more hugged the couple. "I could get something ready in a couple of days if the others want to stay." After Ike translated, Smiling Dove spoke quietly to Red Bear and then nodded. "We would like that very much," she said. It was decided that Smiling Dove and Sky Chaser would stay in Buck's room while Ike and Red Bear stayed in Ike's. The newlyweds would be given the guest room at the main house. Once everyone was settled in, the group gathered on the porch of Rachel's home. When Teaspoon had to go into town, Ike and Buck went with him so the doctor could give Buck a quick examination. After getting a clean bill of health from the doctor, Buck made his way to Teaspoon's office to wait for Ike to finish the errands he needed to run before they could head home. "Mind if I ask you a personal question?" Teaspoon said after they'd passed a few minutes filling the time with small talk. Buck shook his head. "Why is it that you decided to come back when Ike decided to stay? I mean I can understand his deciding to stay." "Really?" Teaspoon nodded. "Remember that I've spent a fair amount of time living with Indians," he said. "Once they accept you, skin color don't matter. That's one of the things I admire about them." Buck simply nodded. Teaspoon continued, "So, once he won them over with his loyalty, bravery, and charm it would be natural for them to accept him as one of their own. Bet they even gave him a name." "Silent Wolf," Buck said. Teaspoon nodded. "Good name," he said. "So, once he knows he's welcomed, it's only a matter of time before he realizes that communicating with the Kiowa is a whole bunch easier than it is here. Then there's that pretty young lady that's caught his eye, and obviously feels the same way about him…" Buck laughed softly. "So," Teaspoon continued, "that brings us back to my question." Buck sighed. "Unfortunately," he said, "I am not accepted as well as Ike; as good as the Kiowa are at seeing past his color, they are stubborn about seeing past mine. I am still too white." Teaspoon placed a hand on Buck's shoulder. "I'm sorry you have to deal with that, Son." He waited a bit before probing, "But why come back. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you decided to, but it's not like you're the most popular person in town." Buck nodded. "Here, people say things, but they don't actually try to hurt me." "Something happened?" "One of the other warriors tried to hurt both Little Fawn and myself. Fortunately, Red Bear was able to stop him, but it would only be a matter of time before he would try again. We decided that we didn't wish to live in fear of him." Teaspoon nodded. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, but I'm glad you felt enough at ease to come back here. I don't think Rachel or I could have handled losing you both." Chapter Twenty-nine Over the next few days, the old station was filled with activity as Rachel organized a wedding for Little Fawn and Buck. She managed to get Red Bear alone and was able to inquire as to whether or not she could plan a double ceremony. *I will need to speak to Sky Chaser,* he said. *I think it would be nice for them to celebrate here as well as back home.* A few hours later, he informed her that it would be acceptable. Later that evening, Ike presented his box of treasures to Red Bear. *It's all I have,* he said. *I know it is not near valuable enough, but…* Red Bear took the box. *No,* he said. "*Its value is fine; Running Buck explained how much you treasure this. I am honored that you feel Sky Chaser is worthy of such a gift.* He took the box and placed it among his belongings. Later that evening, Red Bear had a quiet conversation with his brother and daughter. Shortly after they finished talking the living arrangements were adjusted. Smiling Dove and Sky Chaser moved to the main house. Buck joined Red Bear and Ike back in the old bunk house. After the ceremony, Red Bear would move to the main house and the newly wed couples would stay in the bunkhouse. Early the next morning, as the men prepared for the ceremony, Buck handed Ike a present. "Red Bear and I want you to have this," he said. Ike took the gift and removed the paper that was carefully wrapped around it. He simply stared at Buck when he realized that it was his box. *But I…* "I know," said Buck. "Red Bear decided that the act of giving it away was enough. He does not wish to deprive you of your family mementos." Ike tried to object once more. *I thought it was required that I gave him something. Now I haven't fulfilled that obligation.* "Yes you have," Buck said. "You gave him this; he simply decided that he wanted to give it back to you. It is not unheard of for the father of the bride to return some or all of the horses if the groom did not have many to begin with." *You sure?* Ike asked. *You didn't tell him to do this, did you?* Buck shook his head. "It was his idea. That's what we were discussing last night. He wanted to make sure it would not offend you." Ike hugged Buck. *Thank you,* he said. Buck smiled. "You are most welcomed," he said. "I really should be thanking you. If you'd listened to me and had not taken me back to the village, neither of us would be celebrating this day." Ike nodded. *Speaking of which, we should hurry and get ready. The girls will be upset if we're late.* Buck laughed and nodded. Soon both the men were dressed in their best attire awaiting the arrival of their brides. Teaspoon oversaw a simple ceremony that was attended by many of the people from town. A reception followed and soon it was time for the newly wed couples to take their leave of the crowds and make their way to their rooms. When they entered the building, the four young people decided to sit and visit a while before turning in. They gathered at the table that sat in the kitchen area and talked for a few minutes about many things. Sky Chaser and Little Fawn told stories about what it was like for them growing up. Ike and Buck shared tales of their adventures together. As the night wore on, Sky Chaser noticed that Buck seemed to be hiding some pain. "Uncle, I think it would be wise for you to take Little Fawn and turn in." Buck smiled at her. "Are you trying to tell me that you want to be alone with your husband?" he asked. Sky Chaser blushed and dropped her gaze as she answered, "No. I am concerned that you are in pain; I do not wish for you to have a set back in your healing." She looked up at him. "Can you honestly tell me that you are not in pain?" Buck's smile faded just a bit. "You are right," he said. "My back is hurting a little." He glanced at Little Fawn. "I guess I need to have my wife tend to me this evening." He stood and offered her his hand. Little Fawn smiled as she took his hand. She allowed him to lead her to the room she would be sharing with him from this day forward. Just before he entered the room, Buck carefully picked her up to carry her inside. "It's a custom in the white world," he explained as he kissed her before setting her down next to the bed. Ike watched them leave before turning to Sky Chaser. *Shall we?* he asked. She smiled as she nodded, feeling suddenly shy at the prospect of being with him. Ike stood and took her hand. He then led her to the door of his old room. After pushing the door open, he also picked her up and carried her across the threshold. He didn't put her down until he reached the bed. Once there, he set her upon it and kissed her. *I'm so glad you agreed to get married here as well as the village,* he said. She smiled up at him. *Me too,* she said as she reached up and began to unbutton his shirt. Chapter Thirty The next morning found both couples wrapped in the arms of their spouse, resting peacefully. Muffled sounds from the outer room caused them to rouse from them sleep. Little Fawn sat up and smiled down at Buck as he turned over and tried to go back to sleep. "Do you hear that?" she asked him. Buck nodded. "It's just Rachel getting breakfast ready," he said. "Why?" "It's part of…" Buck stopped speaking and sat up. He shook the sleep from his head. "I don't know," he said. "She hasn't needed to do that for a long time; not since the express disbanded." He moved to gather their clothes. As he handed Little Fawn her dress there was a soft knock on the door. Buck quickly pulled on his pants and went to open it. He was surprised to see Ike and Sky Chaser. Ike moved so Buck could see into the room behind them. *Seems it's a Kiowa custom for the families to provide food for the newlyweds to feed them a couple of days.* Buck watched as Teaspoon, Red Bear, Smiling Dove, and Rachel quietly and busily prepared the table with many different dishes. "I think they're trying to feed us for a week," Buck laughed softly. Ike nodded. *Want to go to the river and clean up before we eat?* Little Fawn had joined them at the door. She kissed Buck's cheek and nodded at Ike. "I think it would be nice to go bathe." Buck smiled at her. "I agree." He took Little Fawn by the hand, and they joined Ike and Sky Chaser in the large outer room. Ike glanced over where the others were still busily preparing food. *Do you think we should tell them where we're going?* Sky Chaser shook her head. *I think they are working so hard at being quiet that it would upset them to know they woke us. Let's just go to this river you speak of.* Little Fawn nodded her agreement, and the two couples quietly left the building through the back door. As they passed the shelves containing the towels and wash clothes, Buck and Ike each gathered what was needed. Soon the four young people were at the river's edge. As they began to disrobe, Sky Chaser glanced at Ike and caught him looking at Buck. She moved so she could speak to him without being seen or heard by anyone else. *You wish to be with him one last time, don't you?* she asked. Ike started to say no, but changed his mind. He'd been thinking about how much he was going to miss his best friend. He nodded. *I'm not sure he feels the same way.* *Suggest it while we bathe,* Sky Chaser said. Ike sighed. *I'll see,* he finally told her. Sky Chaser reached up and captured Ike's lips for a kiss. When she released him, she said, *Don't see; ask.* She then let her dress slip to the ground and made her way into the water. Ike followed closely behind her. Little Fawn had noticed the conversation between Ike and Sky Chaser. She watched Buck as he carefully undressed so as not to cause his back to seize up on him. When Sky Chaser and Ike entered the water, Little Fawn moved to Buck's side. "How can I help you?" she said as he let his shirt drop to the ground. Buck smiled at her. "I can't seem to get my boots off," he said as he slowly lowered himself to the ground. Little Fawn moved to assist him. As she did, she mentioned what she had seen of the conversation between Sky Chaser and Ike. After pulling off Buck's second boot, she turned to face him. "I did not realize you and Silent Wolf had the same type of relationship as Stands Tall and my brother." "We don't," Buck said as he reached up and took her hand. "We've been together in that way only once. It was at a time in my life that I desperately needed to know that someone cared for me." She leaned in and kissed Buck. "Would you like to be with him once more?" Buck shrugged. "I'd never thought about it," he replied. "We've held each other to offer comfort, but…" he glanced past her to where Ike and Sky Chaser were washing each other. When Little Fawn reached to untie his pants, Buck brought his gaze back to her. "Would you mind?" She shook her head. "I think it would be a good way for the two of you to say 'good-bye' to each other." Buck smiled at her as she helped him stand. Once he was upright, Little Fawn quickly removed Buck's pants. She took his hand and the two of them went to join Ike and Sky Chaser in the water. Little Fawn began to wash Buck as she had seen Sky Chaser washing Ike. As she did, Buck started to run the cloth over her body. It didn't take long for Buck to let go of the wash cloth and to just begin to run his hands over her body. He soon had his arms wrapped around her and was once more working his magic on her breasts. Ike and Sky Chaser were involved in much the same endeavor. After a few minutes of playful touching and kissing, Ike could sense that Sky Chaser wanted more. He moved so that she could feel his desire rubbing against her. She smiled at him as he placed his hands on her waist and raised her out of the water so she could settle herself on him. Once he was inside her, she leaned back and let him move so that he was able to penetrate her deeply. They were soon lost in this pleasure much as Buck and Little Fawn were a little further upstream. After both couples had reached their climax, and were cleaned up and ready to go home, Sky Chaser took Ike's hand. Ike nodded and they made their way closer to the other couple. Little Fawn caught Sky Chaser's eye and let her know she was aware of what was about to take place. Sky Chaser nudged Ike toward Little Fawn and Buck. *Now is the best time to ask,* she said. Little Fawn waited for Ike and Sky Chaser to join them before turning to Buck. She leaned over and kissed his cheek. She moved so that she could sign while she spoke, "Would it offend the two of you if Sky Chaser and I were to spend a few minutes alone? I wish to be able to tell my best friend good-bye without embarrassing myself in front of my husband and his friend." Buck shook his head. "I would not be bothered," he said. He glanced at Ike and did nothing to hide the desire he felt. "What about you?" Ike released Sky Chaser's hand. *I was just going to ask the same question,* he said. *I wanted to be able to tell you a proper good-bye in private.* Little Fawn smiled at Ike. She leaned over and kissed his cheek. She then motioned to Sky Chaser to follow her to the river bank. Once there they gathered some towels and moved to a more secluded area of the shore. As soon as they disappeared from view, Ike put his arms around Buck. He moved his hands in front of Buck's face and said, *I'm glad you didn't refuse; I was never sure that I hadn't done something to offend you last time.* Buck turned to face Ike. He gently stroked Ike's face and then leaned in to kiss him. "You could never do something to offend me," Buck said. "I'm only sorry we weren't able to spend more time together in such a fashion; it was definitely one of the best things that ever happened to me." Ike smiled and covered Buck's lips with his own. He quickly deepened the kiss and was pleased when Buck pushed his tongue into Ike's mouth. Ike savored the kiss for a moment, and then broke away to move behind Buck. He rubbed against Buck to let him know what he wanted to do. Buck nodded, but turned to face Ike. "I want that too," he said as he stroked Ike's cheek, but I want to watch your face. *How?* Buck moved so they were near the water's edge; he pulled himself out onto the bank and laid back so that Ike could have access to him. He smiled up at Ike as he touched himself in order to release his seed. "Use this," he said as he wrapped his sticky hand around Ike's member. Ike smiled as he ran his own hand through the sticky, white substance. He quickly applied it to his hardened member, and then moved so that he could push into Buck. Buck tensed as Ike entered him, but soon was lost in the pleasure of feeling Ike deep inside him. After a few tentative thrusts, Ike picked up the pace and quickly had Buck dancing to the tune he was playing. Buck felt himself growing and moaned with pleasure as Ike pushed deeper and deeper inside. A few more thrusts and they both released. Ike collapsed onto Buck, and they rested a few seconds. After resting a bit, Ike helped Buck back into the water. They quickly cleaned up, and then they made their way to the river's shore where they stretched out on the towels to allow the sun to dry them as they waited for their wives' return. Soon the girls rejoined them. Little Fawn lay down next to Buck and absent-mindedly ran her fingers across his chest. Sky Chaser did the same to Ike. After a few minutes, she moved her head so that she could kiss his cheek. When he looked at her, she questioned him with her eyes. Ike smiled and nodded. He then reached up and pulled her in for a kiss. When he let her go, she moved her mouth to his ear. "I'm glad," she said. She then moved so she could lay her head on his chest. Soon the four of them were sleeping - completely unaware of the changing weather. Chapter Thirty-one The cooler breeze blowing across his body caused Ike to wake up. He glanced at the sky and noticed the darkening clouds. He quickly woke Sky Chaser. They dressed and then woke Buck and Little Fawn. Ike helped Buck while Little Fawn dressed. They then began the walk back home. Once there, they enjoyed some of the food left by the others as the sky opened up and the rain began to fall. "I guess you won't be leaving this afternoon," Buck said. Ike glanced at Sky Chaser. *Can we afford to wait until the rain stops?* She shrugged. *I would have to ask Father,* she said. *Perhaps he and Smiling Dove could return and we could go later.* Ike glanced over at Buck before answering. *I don't think that would be a good idea,* he said. *I'm not sure how safe the two of them would be traveling alone.* Sky Chaser nodded. *I will go talk to Father,* she said. Buck stood. "Let me," he said. "I need to speak to him about other things as well." He kissed Little Fawn. "Do you wish to talk to your mother?" She nodded. Buck took her hand and helped her stand. "Let us go now," he said. "The rain is slowing." They made their way over to Rachel's home. She greeted them and showed them into the parlor. Smiling Dove and Red Bear joined them. "How long can you be away?" "We can stay one more day," Red Bear answered. "I do not wish to be gone much longer." Buck nodded. "I understand," he said. He then glanced at Little Fawn. "Would you mind going with me to the porch? I think Little Fawn wishes to have some time alone with Smiling Dove." Red Bear nodded. "It would be good for them to have some time alone." He stood and went with Buck to the swing on the porch. As they sat, Buck said, "I am sorry I could not stay in the village. I just do not seem to fit in there as well as I do here." Red Bear nodded. "I am sorry to have to agree with you," he said. "It would not be safe for you in the village; Laughing Crow will continue to try and harm you. I cannot stop him." Buck nodded. "I was more worried that he would go after Little Fawn." He sighed. "I'm just glad you understand; I would hate for you to be disappointed in me." Red Bear reached over and embraced Buck. "I could never be disappointed in you, Running Buck. You have always made me proud." He let Buck go and sat back looking across the yard. After a few minutes, Red Bear said, "I only wish there was a way for us to see each other again." "I do not plan on never seeing you again," Buck said. "Little Fawn and I will come to visit." Red Bear shook his head. "You cannot," he said. "I have already told you that I cannot protect you from Laughing Crow." Buck moved so that Red Bear had to face him. "I do not need you to protect me," he said. "Once I am well, I can protect myself. Besides," he added, "I refuse to tell Little Fawn that she can never again see her family, and I won't cut myself off from Silent Wolf forever." Red Bear started to argue, but after seeing the determined look in Buck's eyes realized that it was futile. He simply nodded. "Just promise you will always be careful when you come." Buck smiled as he realized that he'd won the argument. "I promise," he said as he embraced his brother. "So," he said as he sat back next to Red Bear, "when do you leave?" As the rain started to fall once more, Red Bear studied the sky. "I think this will be over by evening," he said. "I would like to leave early in the morning; I've already been gone longer than I originally planned." Buck nodded. "I will tell Silent Wolf and Sky Chaser to prepare for their journey." He stood and made his way to the house to check on Little Fawn. As he opened the door, he almost collided with her. "I was coming to find you," he said. She smiled. "I had a nice visit with my mother, thank you for giving me a chance to tell her good-bye." Buck took her hand in his. "Did she tell you that they are leaving in the morning?" Little Fawn nodded. "She is ready to go home," she said. "She misses my father and brother." She laughed softly. "She also said that she is bored with nothing to do here." Buck laughed with her. "I understand how she feels," he said. "I remember when I first left the village, I felt the same way. There was much of the day spent doing nothing; it took some getting used to before it felt right." The couple stood on the porch watching the rain fall. Buck moved his arm so that it was around Little Fawn's waist. She leaned her head on his shoulder. After a few minutes, she said, "Let's go home." Buck smiled as he let her go and stepped off the porch. He turned and once more took her by the hand as he helped her down. They then began the short walk across the yard - lost in the pleasure of each other and the comfort of the cool rain on their skin. By the time they made it back to the bunk house, they were both soaked to the skin. They entered the building laughing, and quickly shed their clothing. It didn't take long for them to make their way to the smaller room they shared and to once more start exploring the joys of marriage. Chapter Thirty-two Later that evening, Little Fawn and Buck joined Ike and Sky Chaser back in the main room for another meal. Buck explained that Red Bear wished to leave early in the morning. It was decided that Ike and Sky Chaser would get everything ready so there would be no need to wait on them in the morning. As they were packing, Ike realized that he didn't really have much to take. He took a couple of pair of pants and a blanket or two. That was all he would need because Sky Chaser had already told him she would make him more appropriate clothing once they were back at the village. The packing done, they returned to the main room where Buck and Little Fawn sat watching the rain fall. "I wish it would never end and they wouldn't have to leave," said Little Fawn. "I know you shall miss Silent Wolf as much as or more than I will Sky Chaser." She leaned into Buck and sighed. Buck nodded. "I shall miss him," he agreed, "but I will know that he is happy, and that will help me survive." Sky Chaser quickly interpreted the overheard conversation for Ike. He thanked her and went to sit next to Buck. He placed his hand on his friend's shoulder and squeezed gently. *I will miss you, too,* he said. Buck smiled. "I wish there was a way for us to stay together, but I can't go back there." Ike nodded. *I know,* he said. He glanced at where Sky Chaser sat talking quietly to Little Fawn. *And she can't live anywhere else.* Buck nodded. "We will visit," he said. Ike returned the nod. *I will visit too,* he said. They both were silent for a few minutes as they contemplated a future without the other because despite the promises of visits, the chances were high that they would never see each other ever again. As the sun disappeared on the horizon, the young couples closed the door and made their way to their rooms. They both paused outside the doors that lead to their private quarters. None of them really wanted to be apart from the others this last evening together. Finally, Sky Chaser dropped Ike's hand. *Wait here,* she said as she disappeared into the room she shared with Ike. Thinking she knew what her friend was doing, Little Fawn instructed Buck to wait also. Soon both women had returned with blankets and pillows. They then went about preparing a sleeping area in the middle of the room where they could all spend the night together. When they were finished, they turned to their husbands. *Let's get some sleep,* said Sky Chaser. *The morning will be here much too quickly as it is.* She took Ike's hand and led him to the newly made bed. Little Fawn did the same with Buck. The women then quickly undressed, and then turned their attention to their husbands. In a matter of seconds, the men were also unclothed. The two couples lay down in their respective areas and soon they were lost in the world of dreams. The early morning sun streaming in the windows woke them. They quickly rose, dressed, ate a quick meal, and then went to located Red Bear and Smiling Dove. As the small band of travelers left the yard, Buck put his arm around Little Fawn and pulled her to him. Little Fawn placed her head on his shoulder. "I miss them already," she said. "I know," Buck replied. "So do I." He turned to kiss her on the forehead. "We'll visit them soon." Little Fawn smiled up at him, and then took hold of his hand. She looked at Teaspoon and Rachel before turning and leading Buck back to the bunk house. As she closed the door, she said, "I think in the morning you will need to talk to Teaspoon about exactly when he expects you to return to work."
Buck nodded, as he moved to untie Little Fawn's dress. As it slid off her body, she reached for his pant ties and undid them allowing them to fall to the floor next to her dress. This pile of clothing was quickly joined by his shirt. As he lowered her to the pile of blankets they had shared last evening with Sky Chaser and Ike, he whispered, "First thing in the morning." He then covered her lips with his own and they once more enjoyed each other's company.
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