Disclaimer: The characters of The Young Riders were created for television by Ed Spielman. The series aired on ABC TELEVISION from 1989 - 1992. Thanks Ha'el for your help.


"Alright, hold it. Just a little more," Lou said as Jimmy, Cody, Kid and Emma tried to guide the wheel back onto the buckboard.

"A little more, hold it," Lou said.

Cody let go. "Tell me I've died and gone to heaven."

Lou, Kid, and Jimmy glared at him. "You're gonna die," Jimmy said, "if you don't hold on."

"And it ain't gonna be heaven you're going to," added Kid.

Cody took hold of the buckboard once more. "That's got it," said Lou.

As they lowered the buckboard back to the ground, Jimmy took off his hat. "What made you let go like that?" he demanded.

Cody simply smiled and pointed at the buggy coming towards them. "That," he said with a smile. "See? She smiled at me."

Jimmy laughed, "You wish. It's me she smiled at."

Cody scoffed, "Then who's she waving at?"

"Me," said Jimmy, waving to the lady approaching them.

Emma laughed. "Me," she said, as she turned toward the slowing buggy. "Morning, Abigail. These are my express riders, well, some of them at least."

While she had a pleasant conversation with the young lady, the boys discussed how beautiful she was.

Soon Emma was rejoining the group. "Well boys, you were both wrong. She was smiling at Lou."

"Lou?" the others chorused, as Kid poked Lou in the ribs.

Emma smiled at them. "Seems she likes the quiet type."

Jimmy grinned. "Well, she'll love Ike then."

Everyone laughed and then continued back to the way station. The encounter with Miss Abigail McPherson soon forgotten as the business of transporting the mail once more occupied their time.

A couple of weeks later, Buck and Lou went on a run to Tompkins' store to pick up supplies. As they entered the store, Lou saw Miss McPherson looking at the newest arrival of hats. "Great," she mumbled, "what's she doing here?" Lou asked as he stepped back out onto the porch and closed the door quietly.

Buck looked from Lou to the lady in question. "Who is she, and why do you care where she is?" he asked.

"She's a friend of Emma's. We met her the other day on the road. Seems she's a bit attracted to me or something. I'd just rather not get involved in any type of relationship." Lou so wished she could explain why, but knew that her job depended on keeping this secret.

Buck shrugged. "You really think she's going to start something. No offense, but she looks like a classy lady. I could see where she might agree to meet you or something if you asked, but I don't see her starting anything. Not the proper thing to do."

Lou sighed in relief. "I guess you're right, but still…"

Buck took the list of needed supplies. "I'll try to do this, but I don't think Tompkins will let me stay in there by myself."

"Right," said Lou. "How about I go talk to Tompkins and you pick up the small items? I'll tell him you're loading them up already to save him the trouble."

"He'll think I'm taking extra," said Buck. "We're going to have to do this the way we always do. Sorry. I promise if she tries to come near you, I'll get in her way."

"Alright. Let's get this done." Lou pushed open the door and headed toward the counter.

"Afternoon Mr. Tompkins," Lou said. "I have a list of supplies here for the station. You want Buck and me to start loading them while you figure the cost?"

Abigail turned at the sound of Lou's voice. Her face broke into a smile and she shook her head ever so slightly. Then she started toward the counter carrying a new bonnet.

Buck noticed her path and moved to join Lou. He got to the counter just before Abigail and stood between her and Lou. "We can get the heavy things from the back if you want," he said as Mr. Tompkins turned to glare at him. "That way you don't have to leave the floor. I noticed that you're busier than normal today."

Tompkins nodded. "That would be fine," he snarled, "but don't you dare mess everything up."

"I'll be extra careful, Sir," said Buck. "Lou, why don't you come help me? That way we can get finished quicker."

Lou nodded and handed Tompkins the list. "I'll come settle up with you as soon as we finish," Lou said and went to join Buck.

When they were in the back room, Lou quickly thanked Buck and went about the business of locating the items they needed to take back with them.

Finally, Buck was headed out with the last bag of flour and Lou went to settle up the bill. As Buck sat the bag on the buckboard, Abigail McPherson stepped out of the shadows of the store front. "Excuse me," she said. "Could I ask you a question?"

Buck turned to face her. "Yes, Ma'am," he said, taking off his hat.

"What's your name?" Abigail asked with a smile.

"Buck Cross," Buck answered cautiously.

"What about your friend? What's her, his name?" she quickly covered her slip by coughing into her hand.

"Lou McCloud," Buck answered. "May I ask you a question?" he ventured.

Abigail nodded. "Why certainly," she answered sweetly. "Anything at all."

"Why are you so interested in us?" Buck asked.

Abigail laughed sweetly and placed her hand innocently on his arm. "You're such an interesting group of young men," she said. "Miss Shannon has told me a little about you all, but not much. I just wanted to put names with the faces. I promise; I'm not up to anything devious."

Buck smiled back at her. They enjoyed a pleasant conversation as Buck waited for Lou to emerge from the store.

Chapter One
- a month or so later

When he opened his eyes, he saw the moon peeking at him through the tree branches. Normally he would have enjoyed the beauty of this sight, but, since it had been just after noon when he'd left the saloon, he was a bit confused by it. He thought back...

He'd stopped off to grab a sarsaparilla and a sandwich before returning to the way station. A man had struck up a friendly conversation while he ate, even bought him a second drink, and then walked out with him. The man offered to ride along with him; he was going to visit an old friend who lived out that way...

That's where the memory stopped. They'd mounted their horses, waved hello to Sam, and headed toward the station. Now he was lying here under a tree staring at the moon. He tried to sit only to discover that he was somehow tied to the ground.

As he stopped trying to sit up, he heard someone approaching.

"Good, you're awake. I was beginning to think you'd never wake up."

"What did you do to me?" Buck asked as he looked up at the man from the saloon.

"Slipped a little something in your drink," the man replied in the same friendly fashion from earlier.

"Why?" asked Buck, confusion overwhelming him.

The man settled in next to him. "I told you I was visiting an old friend. I decided you'd make a good present."

"What?!" asked Buck, once more trying to sit. He fell back with a thud as the ropes cut into his wrists and neck.

"She's been without a man ever since she moved out here," he chuckled, "trying to pretend she's respectable."

He finished his chuckle and shook his head. "Anyway, I figured she might find you tasty. I saw her eyeing you at the general store the other day. Besides," he grinned, "if she don't want either of us, you'll do nicely as her attacker."

Buck pulled once more on the ropes holding him, but stopped as they grew tighter.

The man laughed. "Fighting only makes it worse," he stated matter-of-factly. Then he smiled. "You want something to eat or drink?"

Buck shook his head. "I want to go home," he said.

"Can't let that happen," said the man. "Not just yet anyway." He sighed. "I guess whether or not you go home really depends on Abigail."

Again, Buck asked, "What?"

"I told you I was giving you to my friend. If she doesn't want you, and she turns me down yet again," he stopped and shook his head. "Well then, my guess is you won't be going home for a long time if you get to go home ever at all."

As the moon rose to directly overhead, Buck contemplated his situation. He was tied to the ground in such a way that when he moved the ropes tightened. If he continued to struggle, he'd strangle himself. That wasn't an option he wanted to pursue.

The man, whose name was Hubert Wilson, had once more offered Buck food and drink. Buck finally was so thirsty that he accepted some water.

The evening wore on and Buck began to feel sleepy. As he once more drifted off to sleep, he wondered what the new day would hold. He knew the others would be looking for him when he didn't show up by breakfast. He had been due back before supper. He hoped they'd find found him before Mr. Wilson was able to carry out his plan to give him as a gift.

Chapter Two

"I know he should have been back last night," Teaspoon said for the third time, "but he still isn't late enough to send out a search party. There are plenty of reasons he could be this late, and I can't afford to have all of you out looking until we know for certain something is wrong. Now, get back to work."

Emma watched as the boys filed back to their chores. She noticed that Ike kept stopping and looking up the road. Finally she approached Teaspoon. "Would it be alright with you if Ike escorted me into town?" she asked.

"Why?" asked Teaspoon.

"I figured you could spare just one boy, and I could get Sam to help us look for Buck. I agree with the boys, he wouldn't be this late unless something happened."

Teaspoon nodded. "Alright, but don't tell the others why you're going or I won't be able to hold them back."

"Thank you, Mr. Spoon," Emma said with a smile. "I won't keep him too long if I can help it."

On the way into town, they passed a man headed out to the McPherson place. "Looks like Abigail has a suitor," said Emma as she nodded to the man when he went by.

Ike smiled as he remembered how uncomfortable Lou had been when Miss McPherson had seemed interested in starting a relationship.

"What are you smiling at?" asked Emma.

*I was just remembering how uncomfortable her interest used to make Lou, and how none of us understood it until we found out Lou's secret,* he said.

Emma chuckled. "I know. I bet the rest of you boys all wished it was you she'd found interesting instead."

Ike blushed and nodded. * She is very pretty,* he admitted.

They traveled the rest of the way in silence.

"That's strange," said Sam after Emma explained their problem.

"What's strange?" asked Emma.

"I saw Buck in town yesterday just after lunch. He stopped here and got something to eat. He and Mr. Wilson rode out of town together. I think Buck was showing Mr. Wilson how to get to the McPherson place. Seems Mr. Wilson is an old friend of Abigail's from back east."

"Oh," said Emma, a bit worried. "Maybe I should go check with her. Possibly he got hurt and she hasn't been able to get word to us."

She smiled at Sam. "Thank you for your help."

"Let's go," she said to Ike. "I have a feeling we may be needed by more than one person."

Chapter Three

Buck had watched the sun rise, and again tried to free his hands. Once more, the rope tightened around his neck and he had to stop. Mr. Wilson came and loosened the rope just enough for Buck to breathe again.

"Told you fighting won't do you any good," he said as he sat down next to Buck. "Here, I made you something to eat."

Buck just looked at him.

"Oh, right," said Mr. Wilson. "I guess I need to let you loose if you're going to be able to feed yourself." He sat and looked at Buck for a few seconds before he moved. When he did move, he didn't reach toward Buck's hands. Instead, he grabbed hold of one foot and pulled off the boot.

Buck tried to stop him from taking off the other one, but the struggle caused the rope to constrict around his neck and he had to stop.

Mr. Wilson quickly removed Buck's second boot and then he reached for his pants.

Buck's eye's widened as the older man's hands started to undo the ties. He shook his head and tried to speak.

"You promise not to try running?" asked Mr. Wilson.

Buck carefully nodded his head.

Mr. Wilson loosened the rope once more. "I'll leave them be for now, but you try anything when I untie your hands and I'll strip you clean. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir," said Buck. "I won't try anything; I promise."

Mr. Wilson untied Buck's hands and gave him the plate of food. He sat and waited while Buck ate and then had Buck stand and move to a different location in the trees. Here he was farther away from the road, and wouldn't be seen unless the person entered the small grove.

"You want to sit or lay?" Mr. Wilson asked.

"I'd rather sit," replied Buck.

"Fine," said Mr. Wilson. "Sit here and put your hands out in front of you."

Buck did as he was told. Mr. Wilson quickly and expertly tied his hands and fastened the ropes around the tree in such a fashion that they once more threatened to choke Buck if he struggled.

Mr. Wilson set a canteen in Buck's lap and put his boots on the back of his wagon. "I'll be back shortly," he said. "We'll see about you going home when I get back. If things go well, you should be home in time for supper."

He mounted the buggy and headed toward town. He'd just reached the edge of the meadow when he stopped and returned to the grove. "You ain't going to make noise while I'm gone, are you?"

Buck looked at him. "I'll be quiet," he said. "I won't move except to get a drink until you get back."

Mr. Wilson studied him carefully. "I sure hope so," he said. "If you lied to me, I'll make you real sorry next time I see you."

He turned and left once more. This time he whistled as he drove toward Abigail's house. She sure was going to be surprised when she opened her door this morning.

Chapter Four

Hubert Wilson pulled his buggy up short. "Damn," he said under his breath. Someone else was visiting; now he'd have to wait to see her. "Oh well," he mumbled, "I've waited this long, what's a few more minutes."

He parked his buggy out of sight and sat watching Abigail's home. Soon the visitors left, taking the little girl that lived there with them. He smiled as he heard Abigail call, "Have a good day at school Sweetie. I'll see you when you get home."

He waited until the wagon load of kids was out of sight and then started toward her house. He stopped the buggy in front of her house, dismounted, tied the horse to her porch railing, straightened his clothing, and knocked on the door.

He smiled when she opened the door. "Howdy, there Honey. I decided it was time to come and take you home."

Abigail stepped back into the house. "How did you find me?" she asked, looking around to see if there was any way to get away.

"Who do you think sent you the kid?" he replied coolly. "I knew when you left that I would get you back by using her."

"She's been here over six months," Abigail stammered.

"So have I, Darlin'," Hubert replied with a grin. "I've just been watching you. I've got you a tasty little treat waiting back at camp. I'm sure you'll enjoy him almost as much as I'm going to enjoy you." He stepped inside, ran his hand down her cheek, and took hold of her arm.

"I don't do that anymore, Hubert," she said, trying to pull away from him.

"I know," said Hubert, "but that can all change, again. Now, get your coat and hat. We're going for a ride."

"I'm not going anywhere with you," she said, pulling free and trying once more to decide where to go.

"Well, then I guess I'll have to go get your daughter and take her instead." He grinned wickedly.

"You wouldn't dare," she said, her face paling.

"Only if you refuse to come with me. I told you, I have a tasty treat for you. It's going to go to waste if you don't come now."

"Just let me go get my things," said Abigail. She went to her room where she quickly wrote a note for Imogene, her daughter. It explained that she wouldn't be home this afternoon and to go to Emma Shannon's. It also said to tell her that it had finally happened - Emma would understand. Abigail picked up her coat and hat, and hurried back out to Hubert. She followed him out to his buggy and had just gotten settled when Emma and Ike rode up.

"Going somewhere, Abigail?" asked Emma with a smile.

"Just for a little morning drive," said Abigail. "Can I help you with something?"

"We were looking for Buck," said Emma. "Sam said he last saw him headed this way."

"I haven't seen him," said Abigail. "I'll let him know you are looking for him if I run into him."

"Thanks," said Emma. "Oh, please forgive my manners. This is another of my pony express riders, Ike McSwain."

"Pleased to meet you, Ike," Abigail said as she shook his hand. She slipped him her note to Imogene and smiled sweetly at him willing him to take the note and say nothing.

Ike just nodded. "Ike doesn't talk," said Emma. "He hears fine, but doesn't talk. He's pleased to meet you too."

"This is an old friend of mine, Hue…"

"Hugh Johnson," cut in Mr. Wilson. "Met Abigail back in St. Joe, and decided to look her up since I was out here."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Johnson," said Emma. "I'm Emma Shannon. I run the pony express way station here in Sweetwater. Just trying to track down one of my wayward boys."

Ike looked at Emma and started to sign, but stopped when he realized he still held the note in his hand.

"I guess we should be on our way," said Emma. "We still need to track down Buck."

She turned the buckboard around and headed back to the station.

"Don't open it until we get out of their sight," she whispered to Ike. "I'm sure it will help us, but I don't want him to know we have any idea that she's in trouble."

Chapter Five

Buck waited until the man had left and then again slowly moved his arms. When he moved them over his head, the rope tightened on his neck. If he pulled too far to either side, the same thing happened. He wasn't able to move without cutting off his air.

He heard a wagon passing by and thought about shouting, but realized that it might be Mr. Wilson returning and didn't want to risk upsetting the man. There was something not quite right with him, and that could be dangerous.

He drank some of the water and waited. He wasn't sure what Mr. Wilson had planned, but he was sure it wasn't something he was going to be happy about. What kind of present could he be? Was he going to be somebody's slave?

He watched the sun travel across the sky and waited. When the sun cleared the top of the trees, Mr. Wilson returned to camp. "See, I told you I had a tasty treat," he said as he pulled the horses to a stop next to Buck.

Buck looked up to see the frightened eyes of Abigail McPherson staring back down at him. "He's just the type of morsel you used to enjoy so much back in Boston."

"I told you, I'm not like that anymore," Abigail whispered.

"Just because you ain't had proper motivation," Hubert said as he dismounted. He walked around to her side of the buggy and reached up for her. "I'm sure Buck here can motivate you."

"Please," said Abigail, "everyone here thinks I'm a respectable lady from back east. No one knows what I used to do."

"None of that has to change," Hubert said. "I don't plan on telling anybody that my woman used to sell herself for money. I just want to enjoy your company some more. I've been lonely since you left."

Abigail started to sob. "I don't want to marry you. That's why I left," she said. "I can't go through that again." Her sobs gave way to tears and she started to cry uncontrollably.

Buck watched this exchange in confusion. He still wasn't sure how he fit into what ever it was that was going on here. He was beginning to understand what kind of gift he was going to be, and he was also sure that he wasn't going to be able to avoid it if something didn't change.

Mr. Wilson put his arms around Abigail's waist and lifted her from the buggy. "There, there, baby," he said. "Everything is going to be alright. Do you want me to get your present ready, or would you like to unwrap it yourself?"

Abigail slowly brought her crying under control. "I don't want a gift," she said. "I really just want to go home."

"That's what your gift said," laughed Mr. Wilson. "He just wants to go home also. I'd be happy to send both of you on your way, just as soon as you've agreed to be mine. Then I figured we'd celebrate like we used to. That's why I brought you a present."

Abigail looked at Buck. He looked as frightened as she was. She sighed. "I'd like to unwrap my gift myself," she said, "but I'd like to freshen up first. You know I always liked to be presentable for my new conquests." She smiled demurely at Mr. Wilson.

"Fine, Darlin'," he said. "I'll get your gift ready for you while you freshen up. There's a creek just past those trees. Hurry back, I'd hate to have to hurt your gift because you tried to run off."

Abigail nodded. "I'll be right back. I just need to wash my face." She walked through the trees and thought about just leaving and heading towards the way station, but she knew Hubert would hurt Buck, and hurt him badly, if she didn't return in a timely fashion. She didn't want that on her conscience. She couldn't handle it happening again.

She quickly washed her tear-stained face and unbuttoned a few of the buttons on her blouse. She let her hair down and made her way back to where the men waited.

While she was gone, Mr. Wilson instructed Buck. "You are to do whatever she tells you to do. I don't want to have to hurt you. Things are going well so far. As long as she agrees to marry me when we're finished here, you get to go home. If for some reason, she doesn't then I'm afraid your life isn't worth much."

Buck just stared at the man trying to make sense of this whole thing. "How can I help? I barely even know her."

Mr. Wilson laughed. "That's going to change after today. You're going to know her real well. Just make sure she's happy and agreeable when you're done."

Abigail made her way back to the campsite. She went to where Buck was tied. "I'm ready," she said to Mr. Wilson. "Could you untie him, and leave us alone for a few minutes?"

"Aw, but you know I like to watch," said Mr. Wilson.

"I know," Abigail said with a sigh, "but I'm a bit nervous. I haven't done this in a while. I just want a few minutes to get comfortable first. Please. I'll be sure to call you before we do anything big."

"Alright," said Mr. Wilson. "Just this once." He carefully untied Buck. As he removed the rope from around his neck he whispered, "Remember-happy and agreeable."

Chapter Six

Abigail moved slowly toward Buck. "I'm so sorry to get you dragged into this," she said. "If we can stall for a while, I think your friends may find us before anything bad happens."

Buck swallowed and nodded. "What do you want me to do?" he asked nervously.

"He wants us to have sex while he watches," Abigail said. "He used to pay me to do this back in Boston." She moved her hands to Buck's face and pulled him close to her.

Buck pulled against her. "I've never," he started, but stopped as her lips covered his.

"I know," she whispered as she moved her lips to his ear. "He always brought me novices. He likes to watch me teach them how to please him."

Buck pulled out of her hands. "What?" he asked.

"He would bring me young girls and watch me teach them how to do what he liked," she said. "Occasionally, after one of them pleased him greatly, he'd bring me a young man for myself. The only catch was he got to watch. He wanted to know what I enjoyed so that if we ever were together he'd know what to do."

Buck relaxed a little. "So he's not expecting me to…"

"No," she said, the realization of what he'd thought she meant sinking in. "At least I don't think so. He never has before."

Buck moved his hand to put it on her shoulder. "He told me he wants you to marry him. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to convince you, but I think that's my job. I'm to keep you happy and agreeable."

"He doesn't actually want to marry me," she said. "He wants Imogene, but he wants me to watch him. He promised to make me pay for having a baby without his permission. It disrupted his plans." She started to sob again.

Buck sensed more than saw Mr. Wilson moving in their direction. He put his arms around Abigail and moved his lips to her ears. "Please stop crying," he whispered. "He's coming over here, and I'm afraid for us both if he sees you crying."

Abigail nodded and turned her head. She once more brought her lips to his. "Forgive me," she said as she closed them over his mouth.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ike stared at the note in his hand. It didn't make any sense. *What does she mean 'it happened?' * he asked Emma.

Emma just shook her head. "We're going to need help. I don't want to explain this twice so you'll just have to wait until we get home." She urged the horses into a trot.

As they rode into the yard, Emma hollered, "Boys, Mr. Spoon, come here quickly. We may have trouble."

Teaspoon and the other riders were soon surrounding the buckboard. "What seems to be the problem, Emma?" Teaspoon asked.

"Sam saw Buck in town yesterday right after lunch. He saw him with a man from Abigail McPherson's past. This morning we stopped by her place. She was just leaving with a man, and she managed to slip Ike this note."

Emma stopped speaking and looked at each of the people before her. She took a deep breath and continued, "I met Abigail a few years ago right after I moved to Sweetwater. She'd just gotten off the stage from Boston and was looking for a place to live. I managed to stop her from joining up with the wrong 'boarding' house. We became friends and she told me why she was headed west all on her own. It turns out that she used to work in a house of ill repute; she'd left because one of her regulars had turned ugly when she unexpectedly turned up with child. She'd managed to get away, but had to leave the baby behind." Emma paused. She could tell that they were all processing what she'd just said.

"You mean Abigail McPherson was a wh…?" Cody started.

"'Was' is the important word there," Emma cut him off. "When given the opportunity to change her life, she took it quickly and without hesitation. She gave up her child in order to be sure the baby had a chance at a better life, and then risked her life to get away."

"So what does this have to do with Buck?" asked Kid. "Why is he involved in this?"

"The man who was angry with her used to bring her gifts," Emma explained. "Either a young lady for her to educate for him, or a young man to please herself with. His only requirement was that he got to watch."

"That's just terrible," said Lou with a shudder.

Emma nodded. "When Imogene, Abigail's daughter, showed up in town, the note sent with her said she was being sent for her protection. There had been a man asking about her, claiming to be her father. They felt she would be safer here."

Jimmy looked at Emma and then said what everyone was thinking, "You think this man took Buck to give to her," he said.

Emma nodded. "What has me worried is that he might not let Buck go when he's finished. According to Abigail, back in Boston he always brought people he'd paid or who wanted to come. If he's taken Buck against his will..."

*We need to find them,* Ike said. *Buck wouldn't do this without resisting, especially if he knows the lady doesn't want to.*

Teaspoon said, "Boys, now we need to form a search party. Cody, now's you chance to show off those tracking skills you're so proud of. We're going to go to Miss Abigail's and you're going to track this buggy she left in. Everybody get moving."

The boys all headed off to get their horses. "Emma," said Teaspoon, "why don't you go back to town and explain things to Sam? Then you can pick up this little girl and bring her here just to be sure the man doesn't come after her too."

Emma nodded and started the horses on their way. "I just hope we can find them in time," she said as she left.

Chapter Seven

Buck fought the urge to pull away from the kiss he was experiencing. He realized that it wasn't just him that was in trouble. Abigail moved her lips from his and once more put them close to his ears. "Put your arms around my waist," she whispered. "We're going to make this look like we're doing something other than kissing."

Buck took a deep breath. "What exactly do you want me to do? I've never…"

Abigail smiled at him. "Do you care how much of this we do?" she asked. "I can take it as quickly or as slowly as you like."

Buck looked at her a few seconds before answering, "I'm not sure. I mean you're a beautiful woman, but I always figured that I'd wait to…"

Abigail once more covered his lips with hers.

Out of the corner of his eye, Buck caught Mr. Wilson once more moving closer to them.

"What's taking so long, Abby?" Mr. Wilson asked. "He resisting you?"

Abigail removed her lips from Buck's. "No, I'm just a little out of practice. I need to remember what it is I used to do. Give me a few more minutes." She smiled up at him. "I do want to thank you though; you were right. He is a tasty treat."

She turned her face back to Buck's and slowly ran her tongue around his ear before taking the lobe in her mouth and gently sucking. Then she started to trail kisses across his face until she once more found his mouth. This time she ran her tongue across his lips before gently pushing it into his mouth.

Buck was taken aback a bit, but soon found his tongue exploring the inside of her mouth the same as hers was his. She broke the kiss and smiled at him. "Please," she said to Mr. Wilson, "just a few more minutes alone."

He nodded and returned to the other side of the camp area. "You'd better get moving. I haven't got all day, and I want some entertainment."

Abigail moved her hands to begin unbuttoning Buck's shirt. She kissed him on the mouth and then returned her lips to his neck. "Start undoing my blouse," she whispered.

Buck nervously moved his hands to the front of her dress. He carefully began to work on the buttons of her top while she worked on his. When she ran her fingers across his chest, he felt a stirring inside that he hadn't felt in a long time.

He bit his lips to keep the moan from escaping. She smiled as she felt him shudder. "Don't worry," she purred, "I won't hurt you. I promise."

She slipped her hand inside his now unbuttoned shirt and ran her fingers across his chest.

She once more sought his lips and was pleased when this time he didn't resist her tongue as it started to explore his mouth.

When he had her blouse opened, she took his hand and slipped it inside her shirt and rested it on her breast. She took her mouth off of his and leaned back so that his hand cupped her. She put her hand on top of his and gently squeezed. Then she once more kissed him.

She removed her hand and returned it to his chest. She then started to tease his nipple while he carefully, tentatively massaged her breast. When he took her nipple between his thumb and finger, she moaned softly. "That feels wonderful," she whispered, as she once more began to kiss his neck.

When she slipped his arms out of his shirt, Mr. Wilson came over and quietly sat next to them. He watched as Abigail showed Buck how to tease her nipple and then slipped her own top off so that they were both sitting half dressed under the trees. When she moved so that her breast was resting on Buck's lips, Mr. Wilson slipped his hand inside his own pants and started stroking.

Abigail whispered, "Take it in your mouth." Buck obeyed and felt himself growing once more. The feeling wasn't entirely new, and was definitely pleasant. He let a small moan escape when she pulled herself out of his mouth and began to trail kisses down his chest.

Abigail kept one eye on Mr. Wilson. She knew from experience that once he released, he would be tired and possibly sleep. That would be their chance. If he was as tired as he looked, once he pleased himself watching they'd be able to get away.

She began to tease Buck's nipple until it was a hardened little nub. She trailed kisses back up to his mouth and once more allowed him to suckle her breast. She took his hand and placed it on the one not in his mouth and helped him to massage it. She marveled at his gentle touch. Most of the boys she'd instructed had been rough; they'd wanted to take, not give. He was so careful, so gentle, and so hesitant. It was wonderful. She moaned and was surprised to find herself beginning to feel a long forgotten desire.

Mr. Wilson was enjoying this show very much. He freed himself from the confines of his pants and knelt so he could have better access. Abigail smiled at him over Buck's head.

"You're still as beautiful as ever," she mouthed to him. "Do I get some today?"

"Not yet," he said. "Maybe later. First you need to finish with him. I want to watch him take you."

She nodded. "He will later," she said. "I told you I needed to warm up first. I haven't done this for a long time. Can't I enjoy it?"

He smiled and moaned as he grew even larger. She moved her mouth back to Buck's and took his tongue into her mouth. She sucked on it. When she broke this kiss she sat up and licked her lips. She brought them down on Buck's neck, wet, warm and moving. She made her way to his ear and took his earring and lobe into her mouth. She sucked them and then continued onto his chest. She pushed his back against the tree and began to kiss her way down his chest. Her hands ran over his legs, and made their way up to his waist.

As she reached for his pant ties, Mr. Wilson gave a loud groan and collapsed to the ground. She continued to untie Buck's pants as she kissed his stomach. Just as she was about to free his ever growing member, Mr. Wilson started snoring.

Abigail stopped moving. Buck held his breath, afraid he'd explode if he moved. "Move quietly," Abigail said. "I think we can get away if we move quietly and quickly."

Buck sat staring at her for a few seconds before the words sank in. He carefully rose to his knees and finally stood. As she gathered their clothing, he fixed his pants the best he could due to the slight tightness, and tried to locate his boots.

Just as he was pulling on his second shoe, Mr. Wilson sat up.

Chapter Eight

Abigail managed to get behind him and hit him across the head with his shotgun. He crumpled to the ground. Buck quickly finished putting on his boot, and moved to stand beside her.

"Do you think we should tie him up?" Abigail asked.

"Probably," replied Buck, "but I'd rather not waste the time." He was still trying to get over the feelings that were stirring because of the earlier events. "Let's just go back to the way station. Some one will get you home from there."

Abigail turned and placed her hand on Buck's still evident desire. "That really what you want?" she asked as she gave him a gentle squeeze.

Buck's eyes widened as she moved her mouth closer to his. "There isn't time…" Her lips met his and she kissed him deeply. Her hands found his recently fastened pants ties and made quick work of undoing them.

She smiled as she dropped to her knees and pulled him free. "You're beautiful," she murmured, as she kissed his purple head.

Buck shuddered and felt his knees begin to buckle. He somehow managed to lower himself to the ground as Abigail took him into her warm, moist mouth.

Her tongue ran around his hard shaft then she pulled back to suck just his head. Her hands found his sack and her fingers teased him by rubbing gently across it before wrapping around it and massaging.

He moaned as she took him back into her mouth and then pulled back to once more suck just his tender head.

Buck grabbed the ground next to him, as his hips began to dance to the tune Abigail was playing.

She placed her hands on his and held them still as she pulled him ever so slowly into her mouth. This time she kept him all the way in until he came. His seed erupted and filled her mouth and throat. She swallowed, and as he relaxed his grip on the ground, she moved to once more claim his mouth as her domain.

As she closed in on him, she purred, "Hubert was right; you are tasty." Then she kissed him allowing him to see for himself.

When she released his captive mouth, Buck lay catching his breath. "I… I really think we should be going," he managed to say after a minute. He cast a wary eye at the still unmoving form of Hubert Wilson.

Abigail looked at him through heavy lids. "You sure? We could do so much more." She moved so that she was sitting astride him. Her breasts were peeking at him from her partially closed blouse.

Buck smiled weakly - Hell no, I'm not sure he thought to himself as he watched the rise and fall of her chest - "I think it would be the wise thing to do," he said, as he gently lifted her off him, stood, and once more returned his pants to their proper place on his body.

He quickly fastened them and then offered Abigail his hand.

She took it and let him pull her to her feet. Once she was standing beside him she turned her attention to buttoning her blouse. "If you think that's best," she said taking his hand in hers.

Buck just stared at her for a few seconds and then dropped his eyes to the ground. "I'm sorry for before," he said quietly. "I shouldn't have allowed that to happen. I should…"

She cut him off by placing her lips over his once more. "You didn't do anything wrong," she said when she broke the kiss. "I didn't let you do anything I didn't want to happen. I knew what I was doing the whole time."

Buck looked at her and smiled shyly. "I still…" he stopped when Abigail placed her finger on his lips.

"Let's go," she said. "I want to get home."

Buck nodded. "Let's take this," he said as he moved toward the buggy. "I don't think he'll be needing it."

Abigail moved to the buggy. "I think that's a great idea."

Buck went to stand beside her. "May I give you a hand?" he asked.

She smiled at him. "Thank you. That would be nice," she said.

As Buck placed his hands on her waist to lift her to the buggy, she quickly leaned in and kissed him. "Thank you," she said. "I haven't felt so special in a long time."

Buck blushed and quickly lifted her into the buggy. After tying his horse to the back of the buggy, he went to the other side and climbed in to the driver's seat. He settled in and Abigail rested her hand on his leg. He could feel his desire returning, and he wasn't sure what she expected of him considering their recent experience.

She smiled sweetly at him and moved her hand ever so lightly toward his manhood. Buck glanced at her and moved just slightly. She stopped her exploration. "Maybe later?" she asked hopefully.

Buck simply nodded. He took the reins and they headed toward the station. They just cleared the small grove of trees when the other riders came over the hill. "Well, look at that," said Cody. "I found them."

Groans from all the others covered Teaspoon as he said, "I'm right glad to find you together and both alright. Please tell me that Mr. Wilson is somewhere around here so we don't have to go traipsing all over creation to try and find him."

Abigail smiled at him. "He's just behind those trees," she said, as she slowly moved her hand and placed it in her own lap. This maneuver went unnoticed by almost everyone, but Teaspoon made a mental note to himself to be sure and have a serious talk with Buck about this day's happenings.

Chapter Nine

After securing Mr. Wilson to Buck's horse, the group headed back to the way station. On the way there, they met up with Emma, Abigail's daughter, and Sam.

"Miss McPherson, are you alright?" Sam asked as he rode up beside the buggy.

"I'm just fine thanks to Mr. Cross," she said. "If he hadn't been there, I'm not sure what would have happened." She smiled sweetly. "Could I please be taken home so I can freshen up before I have to go through all this?"

Sam nodded. "That would be fine. Why don't you both get cleaned up and then come to my office to discuss what happened and what charges you wish to press against Mr. Wilson?"

"Thank you," said Abigail. She turned to Buck, "Please take me home."

"Yes, Ma'am," said Buck. He looked at Teaspoon. "I'm going to take her home and then come to the station if that's alright with you."

"That's fine, Son," said Teaspoon. "We'll see you at home in a bit." He watched them leave and turned to Sam.

"What charges can they bring him up on?" he asked.

Sam shrugged. "Depends," he said. "I don't know what happened. I'll have to hear their story and see."

"Do me a favor," said Emma.

"What?" asked Sam.

"Let them tell their story in private. I don't want various versions of it all around town by tomorrow morning."

"I can do that," said Sam. "I just can't let them tell it to me together. I need to talk to each person individually."

"I understand that," said Emma. "Thanks. Tell Abigail that Imogene can stay with me as long as she needs her to." She started the horses and headed back to the station.

"Jimmy and Cody, help Sam escort Mr. Wilson back to town. The rest of you, let's get on home."

When Buck and Abigail reached her house, he pulled the horse to a stop. He quickly dismounted and went to help her down. As he lifted her to the ground, she let her lips brush past his cheek. "Do you want to come inside?" she asked.

Buck took a deep breath before answering. The place where her lips had touched him burned. His whole being screamed out for him to take her and make her his. "No," he replied quietly. "I need to get back to the station. You need to get cleaned up so you can go tell Sam what happened." He looked at her briefly and then dropped his gaze to the ground.

"Would you escort me to the marshal's office?" she asked.

"Yes, Ma'am," Buck replied. "Let me go clean up and change. I'll be back as soon as I can, and we'll go in together."

"Thank you," she said. "I don't know if I can go through this alone. I'm so ashamed."

Buck took her in his arms as she started to cry. "You have nothing to be ashamed of," he told her. "You didn't do anything wrong."

She relaxed into his strong embrace as she continued to sob. "Now everyone will know what I was. I don't want to leave here…"

Buck just held her. He didn't know what to say or do. Finally, he picked her up and carried her into her house. He found his way to her room and set her down on the bed. He sat with her as she cried herself out. Then he knelt by the bed. "I'm going to go get Emma," he told her. "She'll come help you get ready. I'll be right back."

"Thank you," sobbed Abigail.

Buck left and was soon pulling up in front of the way station's main house. "Emma," he called as he jumped off the buggy. "Emma."

She came out onto the porch. "I'm right here, Buck. What's wrong?"

"It's Abi, Miss McPherson," Buck said. "She's really upset. Could you go over there and help her? I don't know what to do. I…"

Emma put her hand on his shoulder. "Calm down. Take a breath. Tell me what happened."

Buck took up a deep breath. "When we got to her house, she just started crying. She's very upset by the events of today. I managed to get her inside her home, but I don't think I was making things better. It's hard to explain. I don't know how much of what happened she wants anyone to know. I told her I would have you go over and help her. I didn't know what else to do."

Emma smiled at him, he looked so frightened and lost. "That's fine," she said. "Do you want me to wait for you?"

Buck felt the terror he'd been feeling leave him as he returned Emma's smile. "No, I think you should go ahead and go to her. I'll meet you there in a few minutes."

Emma nodded. "I'll just take this so I can go now. I'll see you in a bit."

Buck helped her mount the buggy and then went to the bunkhouse to get a change of clothes. He didn't stop to talk to anybody. He still wasn't sure about exactly what had happened earlier, and he didn't want to say anything that would cause Miss McPherson any trouble.

Chapter Ten

Emma found Abigail curled up on her bed, sobbing. Emma took her in her arms. "It's going to be alright," she said. "We just need to figure out how much to tell everyone."

Abigail sat up. "No," she said, as she brought her sobs under control, "he'll be sure everyone knows what I was. I won't be able to stay here after this; I'll be too embarrassed."

Emma sat next to her. "You have no call to be embarrassed. You got out as soon as you could. It is not your fault that your father was the type of man that would sell his children."

Abigail looked at Emma. "I know, but that doesn't change what I did. I gave myself to men for money." She once more began sobbing.

Emma put her arms around her. "You didn't have much of a choice," she said. "If you hadn't done what he told you, he would have killed you. You were only 14 years old. People will understand if you're willing to tell them the whole story."

Abigail pulled back and looked at her. "How can you be so sure?" she asked.

Emma smiled. "Because they were with me. When I first moved here with Evan, I tried to keep my past a secret. One day, a man who knew me from before rode into town. He mentioned something about me to his poker buddies at the saloon." She sighed as she remembered how horrified she'd been when some of the 'ladies' had come to ask her about the truth of this man's statements.

"When the Ladies Social Club came to visit, I told them the truth. My father had lost a lot of money playing poker, and I was the required payment. I was 15 years old and had never been away from home. I did as I was told to stay alive, and I left at the first opportunity. They haven't given me any trouble since then. True, I'm not the most popular person in town, but that's not because of my past, my time from before I came here."

Abigail smiled at Emma. "I guess I'll just have to be brave and face them. I hope I can."

Emma placed her hands on top of Abigail's. "You can. Besides, what choice do you have? Do you really think you can keep running away every time someone from your past shows up? What kind of life is that for your daughter?"

Abigail nodded. "You're right. I need to make this work." She stood and moved to her closet. As she picked out a dress to wear, Emma got a bath ready.

While Abigail freshened up, Emma went to get the buggy ready. She had just finished when Buck arrived. "Is she alright?" he asked, the concern evident in his voice.

"She's a little scared," replied Emma. "She's going to have to tell people things that she hoped no one would ever find out about; she's not sure how everyone is going to react."

Buck nodded. "If I said it was my fault, would that make things better for her?"

Emma stopped working and looked at him. "How could this have all been your fault?" she asked.

"I could have forced Mr. Wilson to bring her to me," said Buck. "I could have told her I'd hurt her daughter if she didn't do what I said. I could…"

Emma stopped him. "Why would you want to tell those lies?" she asked. "That could get you hung."

Buck looked at her for a second and then dropped his eyes to the ground. "It would keep her from having to let people know the truth, and it's what every one is going to believe anyway."

"Why would they even think that was what happened?" Emma asked in disbelief.

"It's the story Mr. Wilson is using to defend his actions," said Buck. "Cody told me when he got back from town. He has a younger man that travels with him; they are telling everyone that it was all my doing. There are already people there wanting to come drag me into jail. If I'm going to hang anyway, I could save her a lot of pain and trouble by…"

"You'll do no such thing," said Abigail as she stepped onto the porch. "This is not your fault. It's mine. I should have been honest about my past when I first arrived. I will not let you throw your life away because of my mistakes."

She moved to stand next to Buck. She took his hand in hers and waited for him to look at her. "You are a wonderful person, and people need to know that. If we tell them the truth, some of them will realize how wrong they've been about you."

She smiled and kissed his cheek. "Now, please help me get through this by telling the truth. If we both tell the same story, people will have to realize that Hubert is lying. He's already made me feel guilty for ruining lives; I'll not add you to that list."

Buck blushed slightly when her lips left his cheek. "Yes, Ma'am," he said. "I'll tell them what happened with as little details as possible."

"Thank you," said Abigail. "Now, let's go before the marshal thinks I've run away." She turned and went to the buggy. Buck followed her. He assisted her up and then helped Emma.

Emma smiled at him. "You ready?" she asked after he had mounted his horse.

He nodded. "Yes, Ma'am."

"Then let's get this over with," said Emma and she started the horses toward town.

A crowd began to gather as they rode down the street. People were shouting insults at Buck about having some nerve riding into town with the ladies. He sat straight and tall, and did his best to look as if the insults didn't hurt him.

Emma stopped the buggy in front of Sam's office. Sam can out and helped her down. Buck dismounted and moved to assist Abigail. Just as his hands closed around her waist, there was a loud bang, and he felt a stinging in his back. Buck crumpled to the ground, pulling Abigail with him. They landed - her with her back on the ground and Buck on top of her.

Tompkins moved from the crowd and grabbed Buck's shoulder. "Get your dirty hands off her," he yelled as he yanked Buck up.

"Oh God," yelled Abigail as Tompkins let Buck go and he once more fell to the ground. She crawled to where he lay and gently stroked his cheek. She looked up at Tompkins. "Get Doc Barnes," she said. "He's been shot.!"

Tompkins just stared at her for a few seconds, and then he looked at Buck and realized that the ground under him was wet and the wetness was spreading. He turned and headed toward the doctor's office.

Emma was at Abigail's side instantly while Sam began to scan the crowd looking for someone with a shotgun. The crowd was slowly disappearing, but Sam kept searching. He finally saw the stranger who had been in talking to Mr. Wilson earlier. He sent Jimmy after him, and turned his attention to the ladies on the ground beside him.

"Do you think we can move him inside?" he asked Emma.

She nodded. "If you go get a blanket, we can carry him on it."

Sam left and returned shortly with one of the blankets for a cell. The three of them carefully moved Buck onto the blanket and carried him inside. They had just settled him onto the cot when the doctor arrived.

The doctor had Emma assist him as he removed Buck's clothing to get to his back. Buck was conscious, but not really aware of his surroundings. He could tell that someone was trying to help him, and he wondered what it was that had happened. As they removed his undershirt, Buck gave up the struggle to stay awake and let the darkness overtake him.

Chapter Eleven

He heard voices whispering, and felt someone bathing his face with a cool damp cloth. He tried to open his eyes, but they refused his command. He knew it was important that he wake up, but he couldn't think why. He tried once more to open his eyes, and managed to do so briefly.

"He's starting to wake up," a disembodied voice said, as a gentle hand stroked his forehead.

He blinked a couple of times and then the darkness once more overtook him. He heard some sweet angel whisper his name as he drifted back into the blackness that awaited him, and he knew he needed to wake up soon. He sighed as he went back to sleep, and reached for the hand that was touching his face.

Abigail sat next to the bed where Buck rested. She looked at the doctor who had just entered the room. "That's the third time today he's done that," she said. "Isn't there something we can do?"

The doctor smiled at her. "You can get some rest so that you don't get sick also. It's not going to make him get better any sooner if you make yourself ill. Miss Shannon tells me you haven't left his side since we moved him here."

"He saved my life," she whispered and gently squeezed Buck's hand.

He moaned softly. "Ka," he mumbled.

"He keeps saying that one word," Abigail said. "Do you understand it?"

The doctor shook his head. "No. I'm not sure it's even a word." He felt Buck's head for fever. There didn't seem to be one, but he noticed the rag and figured that could explain the reason the boy felt so cool to the touch.

"Has he still been feverish?" he asked as he gently rolled Buck so he could check the bandage across his back.

As he settled him onto his stomach he asked, "Why do you have him lying on his back? It would be better for him to stay face down."

Emma walked up at that point carrying a bowl of broth. "Whenever we leave him alone for more than a minute, he turns himself onto his back. We decided it would be better to just let him stay still. Were we wrong?"

The doctor quickly changed the bandages on Buck's back. "No," he replied. "It's probably better for him to be still than to be off his back." He had no sooner pulled Buck's shirt back over the bandages than Buck tried to turn himself over.

"No, Ka," he said as the doctor tried to keep him lying face down on the bed. This was followed by some other unintelligible sounds."

Teaspoon entered the bunkhouse just as the doctor was leaving. "He doing any better?" Teaspoon asked.

The doctor nodded. "I think the fever is leaving. Just keep him resting. I know it's hard to wait and normally I'd be more worried, but he was so tired before he got shot. I think he's just catching up on the rest his body needs. I'll start worrying if he doesn't wake up sometime tomorrow."

"Thanks, Doc," said Teaspoon.

As Teaspoon closed the door behind the doctor, Buck sat up and yelled, "No, Ka, No…" His eyes flew open and he stared at the strange faces before him. He tried to back away from the hands that were reaching for him only to find himself wrapped up by someone behind him.

Abigail gently stoked his cheek as Teaspoon relaxed the bear hug he had captured him in. "It's alright," Abigail said. "No one wants to hurt you. Please, lay back down."

Buck fought to bring his breathing under control. The voice of the lady in front of him was so soothing; he wished he could understand her words. He could tell by the tone and her gentle touch that she didn't want to hurt him. The man who held him was also trying not to hurt him. He sensed that he was with friends, but he couldn't remember how he got here.

The lady kept talking and the man started to guide him back to the mattress he was lying on. They wanted him to go back to sleep. As they helped him get comfortable, a second lady approached holding a bowl. She smiled at him. "You hungry?" she asked as she pulled up a chair next to the bed.

He nodded. "Where am I?" he asked surprising himself when he spoke in English.

"You're at home," said Emma. She pulled her chair closer and held up the bowl. "Want something to eat?"

Buck nodded as he looked around the room he was in. Memories started coming back to him. He'd left the village after the disastrous hunt. He'd made his way to a mission school / orphanage. This wasn't it. This lady wasn't a nun; he could see her beautiful red hair.

"Thank you," he said, as she helped him to drink the broth she held.

He looked once more around the room. When his eyes met Abigail's, the events of the previous day came flooding back to him. They had gone to talk to Sam about what had happened in the meadow and someone had shot him.

He turned to face the lady feeding him. "Emma?" he ventured.

"Yes?" she answered.

"Why am I not in jail?" he asked, as the reason why he'd been shot returned to him.

"You didn't do anything wrong," Emma told him.

"But," he started and then stopped as the pain in his back caused him to gasp.

"But nothing," said Emma. "You didn't do anything wrong. The man who shot you was arrested and found guilty of attempted murder. Mr. Hubert Wilson was tried and found guilty of kidnapping."

Buck nodded. He finished the broth and then tried to shift his position on the bed so he could see the other people in the room. This once more caused the pain to shoot through his back and he collapsed on the bed.

Teaspoon and Abigail joined Emma at the bedside. "Just take it easy," said Teaspoon. "Try not to move so much. You took most of a load of buckshot across your back."

Buck nodded as the pain subsided and he settled into the bed. Abigail, Teaspoon and Emma moved slowly away to go sit at the table on the other side of the room. Just as they were about to sit, Buck's eyes flew open and he sat up in the bed.

Abigail was at his side in an instant. "What's wrong?" she asked as he struggled to breathe.

Buck got his breathing under control as the pain left his back. "How long have I been out?" he asked.

"A little over a week," said Abigail.

He turned to face her. "What happened? I mean I know Emma said he's going to jail, but…"

Abigail put her fingers on his lips. "I told them the truth. I told them about how I used to have to sell myself in order to stay alive. I told them how Hubert Wilson was one of the men who I used to entertain. I explained what I had to do for him, and how upset he became when I got married, and had my baby. I told them that he and his partner killed my husband and forced me to go back to my old line of work by threatening my daughter." She stopped as the tears she'd been fighting since Buck had been shot started to fall.

Buck carefully hugged her to him. "I'm sorry I let you down," he said. "I should have been there to help you."

She left her head on his shoulder. "No," she said. "You almost died because of me. You didn't do anything wrong."

She sighed, and continued her story. "I told them how I managed to escape, get my daughter to a family that would care for her, and somehow make my way out west. I told them how Emma helped me when I first got here, and how you saved me when we were both being held prisoner in the meadow. I told them that you never hurt me, and that if they heard anything different it was all lies."

She sat up and turned to face Buck. "See? All I did was tell them the truth."

Buck nodded. He was beginning to feel the darkness returning. Abigail noticed that he was looking a bit pale. "You need to lay back down and rest," she said. She helped him settle into the bed and sat next to him.

As he let sleep overtake him once more, she bent down and kissed his cheek. "I'm so glad you're going to be alright," she said. "I don't think I could stand being the reason another wonderful young man was killed." She let her lips linger on his cheek just a bit before she stood up and went to join Emma and Teaspoon.

Chapter Twelve

A few weeks later, Doc Barnes finally said the words Buck had been dying to hear. "I think it's time for you to start taking short rides. Nothing too far; definitely no mail runs, but I think you could stand to ride into town and back."

"Thank you, Doc," said Buck with a smile. "You don't know how good that is to hear."

The doctor just smiled. "Don't over do it, or you'll be right back here in this bed for who knows how long."

"I promise to take it easy," said Buck. He walked the doctor out and went to find the others to share the good news. He found everyone except Ike, Teaspoon, and Emma in the barn.

As he left to go find the others Cody started to laugh. "Bet I know where he goes first," he said with a grin.

"Where?" asked Lou.

"He's going to go visit Miss McPherson," said Cody. "You wait and see. He'll be spending a lot of time over there."

"Why would he do that?" asked Kid.

"You've got to be kidding," said Jimmy. "Haven't you seen the way she looks at him? If she gave me a look that was half as inviting, I'd be spending any free time I had over at her house."

"But she's planning on leaving," said Lou. "I heard her telling Emma the other day that she can handle the way the other ladies keep looking at her, but she can't allow the other kids to keep teasing Imogene."

"I bet she hasn't told him because she wants him to get better first," said Cody. "She's a classy lady that way."

The others groaned and returned to their chores. Lou kept thinking about what Cody and Jimmy had said and the conversation she'd overheard between Abigail and Emma. If Buck was really attracted to Miss McPherson, it could be devastating if she left just as he was getting well enough to pursue a relationship.

She quickly finished her chores and went to find Emma. She was glad that her secret had been discovered not too long after they'd met Abigail McPherson because it gave her the chance to have conversations like this one without feeling awkward. She found Emma hanging the laundry. "Can I talk to you?" she asked.

Emma nodded. "Grab a corner and start talking," she said.

Lou took hold of the sheet corner and held it while Emma fastened the clothes pin to the line. She waited a few seconds before starting her conversation. "Did Buck tell you his good news?" she finally asked.

Emma nodded again.

"Cody seems to think that the first place he's going to go is to Miss McPherson's," Lou ventured.

Emma took the pin from her mouth and fastened it over the final sheet. "Wouldn't surprise me," she said with a smile. "You don't go through the kind of experience they did together and not grow close."

Lou nodded. "He and Jimmy seem to think there's something going on between Buck and her."

Emma put the next sheet back in the basket. "Let's go up to the house to finish this," she said.

Lou followed her quietly. She knew this was really none of her business, but she didn't want to see Buck get hurt. He'd been through enough already without having to add rejection to the list.

As they entered the living room, Emma took a seat and indicated for Lou to sit next to her. "Now, what exactly are you worried about?" she asked.

"I'm worried that if the boys are right, Buck's going to be hurt when Miss McPherson leaves," Lou said.

"What makes you think she's going to leave," said Emma.

"I heard her talking to you the last time she was here," said Lou. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I just happened to pass the window when she told you she was leaving."

Emma asked, "So, you're worried that she's going to run off and leave without talking to Buck? You really think she's that heartless?"

Lou shook her head. "No, I was just worried that it's going to be hard for him to let her go. I don't want to see him hurt anymore."

Emma smiled as she realized that Lou was really just concerned about Buck's welfare. "I don't think you need to worry about it," she said. "As far as I know he's very much aware of her plans to move. In fact, I think she talked to him first and it was his idea. He doesn't want Imogene to grow up feeling shunned and rejected if she doesn't have to."

Lou nodded. "I know, I should just learn to mind my own business," she said with a slight smile.

"That's alright, Lula bell," said Emma. "I think it's wonderful that you're looking out for him. Buck needs more people that are willing to do that in his life."

She stood. "Now, let's go finish hanging those sheets."

Chapter Thirteen

The next morning, Buck rose early and went to clean up. He used the shower at the station instead of going to the river. As he washed he moved carefully; it didn't hurt too badly, and he decided he would try to ride over and visit with Abigail. He knew she was planning of moving, and he really wanted to be able to spend some time with her before she left.

He finished dressing and headed back to the bunkhouse. Emma was on her way over with breakfast. "Can I help you with anything?" he asked, as he fell into step beside her.

"I think I've got it under control," she said. "If you'll just get the door for me, I'll be fine."

Just before they got to the door, she turned to face Buck and asked, "So are you planning on visiting Abigail today?"

"Yes, Ma'am," he replied. "Doc said I could start going for short rides and her place isn't that far away."

Emma nodded. "I know," she smiled. "It's a nice day for a ride too."

Buck smiled back at her. "That it is," he said. "I hope she doesn't mind if I just show up unannounced."

"She won't," said Emma, as Buck opened the door. "She'll be glad you're better."

They entered the bunkhouse and soon everyone was up and enjoying another wonderful meal.

After breakfast, Buck helped Ike with a few chores and then decided it was time to go call on Abigail. He let Ike help him saddle Warrior Spirit, and get mounted.

*Don't take too long,* said Ike.

"I won't," said Buck. "I just want to see how she's doing, and if I can help her with anything."

Ike nodded. *You know she's planning on moving, right?*

Buck smiled. "Yes, she told me she needed to move away. The other children are being mean to Imogene, and she wants to move to a place where not everyone knows about her past. She has an opportunity to help at a school near Omaha. She needs to be there by the end of next month, or they'll hire someone else."

Ike sighed. *I'm sorry,* he said.

"Why?" asked Buck. "You didn't do anything."

*You like her, and she likes you. I could tell when she was here helping take care of you. I'm sorry she has to leave.*

Buck nodded. "I am too, but it wouldn't have worked between us anyway. She's a respected lady and I'm…" he paused for a second, "well, I'm me. Eventually she would have grown tired of the looks and comments, and things would have gotten even worse for Imogene. Really, it's better this way. I'm fine."

Ike smiled at Buck. *I'm glad. I would hate for you to be hurt more.*

"I'd better be going," said Buck, "or I won't be able to. I'm going to have to go slowly and if I don't leave now, it will be dark before I get there." He laughed and started his mount walking.

Ike watched him go, relieved that he wasn't setting himself up to be hurt once more. There had been enough pain in Buck's life. He deserved some happiness, and hopefully, for the next few days, that was what he would have.

Abigail McPherson looked up from her packing. Someone was riding into her yard. She sighed and moved to go outside. She paused at the door and rested her hand on the shotgun she had recently started keeping there. She moved to pick it up when she recognized the rider. She smiled and went out to greet him.

Seeing Abigail standing on the porch smiling at him, helped reduce the pain in his back. Even though he had ridden slowly, his back was beginning to tighten up on him. He hoped he didn't fall on his face when he tried to dismount.

"You are looking much better," she said, her smile brightening as he stopped in front of her.

"I'm feeling much better," he said, returning her smile. He moved to dismount and had to grab the porch rail to keep from falling.

Abigail moved to his side. "Should you have come over here?" she asked, concern filling her voice.

"I had to see you before you left," he said, pushing himself up until he stood straight. He reached his arm around her and pulled him to her. He kissed her lips and was greatly pleased when she pushed her tongue into his mouth.

"I've missed you," she said, when she broke off the kiss. "Please, let me help you inside so you can sit and rest."

Buck nodded and let her wrap her arm around his waist. He put his arm around her shoulders and let her assist him up the steps and into her home. She helped him across the parlor and settled him on the sofa.

She went and got him a drink of water and sat down next to him. "Feeling any better," she asked, after he'd finished his drink.

"Much," he said, handed her back the glass.

She placed it on the end table and moved closer to him. "I'm glad you came," she said, as she slid her hand up his leg.

Buck stopped her. "Are you sure about this? Before you didn't really have a choice; he was threatening to harm your daughter."

Abigail leaned in close to Buck. "I've wanted to do this since I first talked to you in Sweetwater. I just couldn't do anything other than wait for you to make a move because it would be improper for me to ask." She moved her hand to the place where his pants were tightening. "Do you want me to stop?" she asked, as she captured his lips with her own.

He relaxed into her kiss and took her in his arms. She snuggled up next to him, and continued to kiss him deeply. When she needed to breathe, she moved from his lips to his neck. She started trailing kisses down his neck and moved her hands to his chest. She gently pushed him back against the sofa and began to unbutton his shirt.

Buck moaned as her fingers ran across his chest. She gently slipped his shirt off and dropped it on the floor. She began to play her lips across his chest. When she reached his nipples, she began to tease first one and then the other with her tongue. Soon they were both hard little nubs and she left them to move farther down his body.

Buck reached for her chin and gently pulled her back up to where he could kiss her. While he was kissing her, he began to unbutton her blouse. Soon she shrugged it off and moved so that he could fondle her breasts. She moaned softly when he took one in his mouth and began to suck on it.

He moved her so that she lay on the sofa. He moved his mouth from her breast and began to trail kisses up her neck. He found her mouth and kissed her deeply. His hands began to explore her body as her hands began to search for his pants ties.

When she got them undone, she broke off the kiss and carefully moved so that they could trade places and he was now lying on the sofa. She once more began to trail light kisses down his chest. When she reached his stomach, she moved his pants down and freed his hardened member. She kissed the head and then moved to his thighs. She would kiss one and then slowly trail her lips and tongue across to the other. Each time she passed by his member she would lick it or kiss it and then move on by. Buck shifted his position and his desire continued to grow. When he was sure he couldn't stand this sweet torture any longer, she took him in her mouth and began to suck.

His hips began to dance to the rhythm she was playing with her tongue. He moaned and gripped the edges of the sofa. She moved her mouth back to his neck. She trailed kisses up his neck while her hand worked its magic on his manhood. When she reached his ear, she whispered. "I want you to take me. Do you think your back will let me ride you?"

Buck's breathing was coming is short gasps, but he wanted nothing more than to please her. He nodded and captured her lips with his own. He helped her remove her skirt and moved so that he was lying on the ground. She straddled him and eased herself onto his erection. He marveled at the sensation of her tight, moist tunnel as it closed around him.

She kissed him and then straightened up and began gently rocking her hips so that he rubbed inside her. She found a rhythm that pleased him, and then took one of his hands and placed it on her where she joined him. She showed him how to rub her pleasure point. When he matched her dancing with his stroke, she began to rub her hands across his chest.

He used his free hand to fondle her breasts. When she felt him grow even larger inside her, she quickened her pace. His hands moved to her waist and he grabbed hold. He held on to her while his hips bucked as if they had a mind of their own. As he exploded inside her, he gasped out her name. She collapsed on his chest, and ran her fingers through his hair.

"You are wonderful," she signed contentedly as she lay listening to his heartbeat slowly return to normal.

He wrapped his arms around her and rolled her to her side. She looked at him and saw that he was hiding the pain he was in.

"I'm so sorry," she said. "I shouldn't have…"

He stopped her apology by kissing her. "I'll be fine," he said. "I just need to rest." He moved so that he wasn't lying on his back and pulled her into his embrace. "Just let me hold you," he said.

She lay in his arms until he drifted off to sleep. She listened to him breathing for a few minutes. When he began to snore, she slipped out of his embrace and found a blanket to throw over him. She then quickly dressed, gathered his clothing together, and put them next to him on the floor. She left him a note to wait for her return and went to town to pick up Imogene from school.

When they returned, Buck was still sleeping. Nothing had been moved from where she'd placed it when she left. When dusk was approaching and Buck was still asleep, Abigail called Imogene from her packing. "Imogene, baby, I need you to take a message over to Miss Shannon's. I want you to stay there tonight since it will be too dark for you to make it home safely. Alright?"

Imogene nodded.

Abigail quickly wrote a note explaining that the ride over had taken a bit more out of Buck than he had thought it would. He would be staying for the night and would be back sometime tomorrow. She asked Emma to allow Imogene to stay with her due to the lateness of the hour. "Be sure to tell her that Mr. Cross is fine; he just needs to rest some more before he tries to ride home."

Imogene took the note, a bundle of clothes and quickly headed over to Emma's. As soon as she was out of sight, Abigail once more removed her clothing and joined Buck on the parlor floor. When she crawled under the cover and lay next to him, Buck wrapped his arms around her and snuggled his head into the back of her neck.

She woke during the wee hours of the morning when she felt his hand tenderly massaging her breast. She moaned with pleasure when the fingers were replaced by his lips. She sighed when his fingers began to travel down her body.

She rolled onto her back and moved her legs so that his fingers could find her nub. He started to gently stroke it, and moved his lips from her breast to her mouth. "Good morning," he whispered, as he kissed her.

She opened her mouth and welcomed his tongue. She took it and began sucking in as her own hands began to travel lightly over his back. She cupped his cheeks and squeezed them. Then she moved her fingers to his hole and began teasing him by just barely inserting one and rubbing it around him before removing it and repeating this gesture with her other hand.

Buck moaned and moved so that she could feel his erection against her leg as it grew and hardened. She released his tongue and began trailing kisses down his neck. When she reached his ear, she whispered, "Good morning, yourself."

She moved so that his pulsing manhood was over her opening. "Please," she said, "please take me now. I want you to fill me." Buck nodded and gently pushed inside her. She started moving her hips and he matched her rhythm. As she convulsed around him, he released his seed and collapsed onto her.

They lay that way for a few seconds before she took his still hard member in her hands and started stroking. "I want to go for one more ride before I have to leave," she said as she helped him to roll over and get comfortable. She smiled with pleasure as the morning light filled the room and he entered her. The brightening sky found them once more lost in the pleasure of each other. Next week she would be gone, but for now…for now they had the world.

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