![]() Lou was in tears as Kid told her he was leaving Rock Creek to go back to Virginia to fight for the Confederacy. He told her he could no longer wait for her to make a decision and he was leaving after talking to her. Lou was angry that Kid would leave her for war. "Kid how can you do this? I thought you loved me. We were going to have a life together. We were going to get married." Lou yelled through the tears that threatened to clog her throat. "You can't decide what you wanna do. I can't wait around for you to decide whether to come with me or to stay. It's now or never so make your choice now are you comin' or not." Kid yelled back with anger that was unlike him. "I'm not leaving the people who I have loved for almost two years. I can't leave Teaspoon and Rachel in the lurch. Who will help Buck do the chores and mail runs? I can't believe you’re making me decide now when you're all packed up to go. You'll regret this, Kid. Believe me you will be sorry you made this decision. I can't go with you. Goodbye Kid." Lou said as the tears ran down her face. "Fine, don't go with me. You're making a big mistake Lou. No man will want a woman who posed as a boy for a wife. You'll be all alone. You'll be a spinster with no one to care about you. Goodbye." Kid yelled at Lou making Buck come out of the bunkhouse. Kid turned Katy east and rode off in a trail of dust. "Are you alright Lou?" Buck asked shocked at what Kid just said to Lou. Lou turned around and Buck put his arms out taking Lou into an embrace. Lou sobbed into Buck's shirt. Buck wanted to cry too he was losing another family member. First Ike who was as close to a brother as anyone could be. Then Noah just a few days ago. Jimmy had left with Rosemary Burke right after Noah's funeral. Cody had gone the day after the funeral to be a scout for the Union Army. Now Kid was gone leaving Lou behind. His parting words were cruel to the extreme. There was no reason to yell at Lou and say such things to her. Buck would never leave even when Lou found someone else to love. Buck would be there for Lou and get her through her sorrow. Buck slowly walked Lou into the bunkhouse, sat her down on a chair, and got her some coffee he just made. He then sat beside her as she cried. Holding her when she needed it and listening when she needed to vent. Buck would do anything for Lou. He loved her but not in a brotherly way. He was beginning to think he was falling in love with Lou. He knew she would never feel that way for him but he would stand by her until she found someone new, but he would always love her. Buck and Lou took the few mail runs that there were and did the chores around the station. It left them with a lot of free time. It was still early enough in September that the swimming hole was not too cold to swim in. Buck took advantage of this one day and went for a swim. He knew Lou was on a run and would probably be back soon but he thought he had enough time for a swim and a bath. Buck made his way down to the swimming hole and stripped down until he was naked then he jumped in the water. He came up and let out a whoop because the water was getting a little bit colder. Buck swam around and floated on his back. He was thinking of Lou. How she was the only woman, he would ever love. He thought of her in the dress she wore to the Fourth of July dance and how beautiful she looked. Soon Buck had a raging hard on. He knew he had to do something about it before it got painful. Meanwhile Lou had come back from her run and could find no one around. She decided to go to the swimming hole to clean up. While she was walking there, she heard a joyful yell. She figured it was Buck and he was in the water with his long johns on most likely. She came up to the bushes that hid the water from prying eyes. She peeked through the leaves and saw a sight that made her blush from her scalp to her toes. Buck was on the edge of the swimming hole moving his hand up and down his engorged member. Lou was enthralled by what she was watching. Kid was smaller than Buck was and Kid had less girth. Lou watched intently as Buck brought himself to orgasm. Buck let out a warrior's cry yelling out Lou's name and came with mighty spurts of cum going all over his hand, stomach and chest. Buck fell back on the grass as he came down from his release. He was breathing heavily. His chest was heaving from the exertion. Lou could not believe he had just yelled out her name when he came. Finally, Buck walked back into the water and Lou watched him bathe himself. He was in the shallow end of the water and Lou could see him in all his glory. She was amazed that even when limp his rod looked big. She watched Buck soap up his body paying a lot of attention to his shaft making sure it was really clean. Buck then rinsed off in the water and dunked under the surface to wet his hair. He took the soap, washed his long hair, and then went under again to get all the soap out. Buck then decided that it was time to get out because it was getting a little chilly. As Buck got out of the water Lou took a good, long, last look at Buck and his gorgeous physique and manly parts. Then she backed out of the bushes trying not to make any noise and ran back the bunkhouse. When she got back, she went into the shower. Since she was, alone she did something she only did when it was extremely necessary. Lou touched her breasts squeezing them then she pulled and tweaked her nipples. With one hand, she made her way down her body to her womanhood and opened her folds. She was wet to the touch. Lou then circled her pleasure nub with her index finger she then took her other hand and inserted her index and middle fingers into her womanly hole. She started to move them in and out of her love canal. She was quickly bringing herself to climax. Buck was on his way back to the bunkhouse when he heard a moan come from behind the bunkhouse. He went to investigate and saw that Lou was in the shower. He was about to turn around when Lou let out another loud moan. Buck stopped in his tracks and waited to see if she was hurt or in pain. Then Buck heard a yell come from Lou that sounded like she was having an orgasm. He had been with a couple of girls before and they sounded similar. Buck just watched as Lou’s head fell back as she screamed and then he heard her yell out his name. Buck was in shock. She had just yelled out his name as she was masturbating. 'It had to be a mistake' Buck thought. Buck saw that Lou was now washing her hair. She would be done in a few minutes. Buck left without a sound and headed into the barn to start his afternoon chores. He couldn't believe that Lou had meant him when she yelled out. Teaspoon came in at suppertime a few nights later and told them there was going to be a founder's day dance next Saturday. Lou looked like she was about to cry. Buck had been looking for a chance to get Lou out as Louise and get her spirits up. So Buck asked the question he knew could be really embarrassing for him if he was turned down. "Lou, would you like to go with me to the dance on Saturday?" Buck asked hoping she would say yes. Lou looked at Buck with her eyes wide and then a smile came upon her face. "Why Buck how sweet of you to ask. I would be honored to go with you to the dance." Lou said as she got up and gave Buck a hug and a peck on the cheek. Lou was on cloud nine for the whole week. Buck’s stomach was in a knot for the whole week. The day of the dance came. Buck had gotten a new suit for the dance but hadn't told anyone about it. Lou had stayed in the main house with Rachel the night before so they could prepare their dresses for the dance. Buck got dressed after a shower and towel drying his hair. He brushed it to a sleek shine. He had decided to leave it down for the dance. Buck made his way over to the main house and knocked on the door. To his surprise, Teaspoon answered it wearing a suit. "Why hello there, Buck. I suppose you're here to wait for the fair Louise to make her entrance. I am also waiting for Miss Rachel to show her pretty face. Why don't we sit down it could be a while. I've been waiting half an hour. They said they would be down in five minutes when I came in." Teaspoon said trying not to laugh at the scared look on Buck's face. He looked like a rabbit caught in the cross hairs. "Buck is that you?" Lou called. "We'll be down in five minutes." Buck finally found his voice albeit a croaky sounding one. "Take your time Lou. I can wait." Ten minutes later Rachel made her way down the stairs in a creamy pink dress that had a sweetheart neckline and cream-colored lace at the cuffs. "Now may I present to you Miss Louise Mary McCloud." Rachel said as she looked up the stairs at Louise. Lou had on a sapphire blue dress that was off the shoulder with black lace around the shoulders and bodice. Her hair was pulled back with silver hair combs and curled in the back. She wore crystal earbobs that were the same color as her dress. She was the picture of beauty. Buck just stood there with his mouth hanging open and eyes wide. He had never seen a more beautiful woman. He finally closed his mouth and got his voice back. "Louise, you look radiant. I'll be the envy of every man there." Buck said taking Louise's hand and kissing it. Lou blushed a pretty crimson. "Why thank you. You look so handsome Buck. Is that a new suit?" Lou replied. Buck just smiled and nodded his head. The dance was in full swing when they arrived. Buck asked Lou to dance and she immediately said yes. They danced all night. When another man would ask Louise to dance, she would kindly decline saying she was here with a date who is very special. Buck couldn't believe that Lou turned down all the men that asked her to dance and that she only danced with him. They had so much fun. They laughed and joked all night. They danced to almost every song. Buck and Lou walked back to the station when the dance was over. Lou was going to spend one more night with Rachel so they could talk and Lou could take off her dress without being in the bunkhouse. Buck walked Louise to Rachel's door. "Goodnight Louise, I hope you had a good time." Buck said as he took both of her hands in his. "I had a wonderful time Buck. It was the most fun I've had in a long time. Thank you for asking me." Lou said as she stared up into Buck chocolate brown eyes. Buck did something he thought he'd never do. He bent his head down and captured Lou's lips in a kiss. Lou put her arms around his neck and pulled him closer making a hesitant kiss a passionate one. Buck put his hands on Lou's waist. When they both finally pulled away, their breathing was ragged and they still had their hands on each other. Buck was the first to pull away. "I'll see you tomorrow. We can ride to that old ranch I told you about and look around. Sweet dreams Louise." Buck said as he took one long last look at her and made his way to the bunkhouse. Lou called out to Buck. "Goodnight Buck I'll see you in the morning." Lou then touched her lips. She remembered the feel of Buck's lips on hers. She smiled and hummed to her self as she made her way into Rachel's house. Buck and Lou rode out to the Kavanaugh Ranch. It had been vacant for a few years and was still for sale. The former owner Patrick Kavanaugh had moved back east when his wife had died and he remarried. The buildings needed many repairs and some tender loving care. The barn was big and spacious. It could hold up to twenty-five horses and other livestock. The corrals were still standing but were in dire need of work. There were several out buildings like a bunkhouse, tack shed and work shop for things that needed fixing. There was a chicken coop that was barely standing and a fresh water well out behind the house where the back kitchen door was. There was a water pump in the kitchen, mudroom, bunkhouse and near the barn. The property had lots of pastureland and some land for a small amount of crops. Overall, it was a good place to start a ranch. Buck showed all this to Lou and told her what he would do with it. "Ike and I were going to buy this place together and start a ranch here. I can't afford it without a partner. It's my dream to own this land and raise a family on it." Buck said a little melancholy. "I think that's a great dream, Buck." Lou said dreaming of what it would be to have a family and life with Buck on this ranch. Lou was slowly beginning to realize that she loved Buck. That she always loved him different from the others even Kid but Kid made the first move and she thought she would never have a chance with Buck. Buck was looking at the land thinking that he would love to raise a family with Lou and have her as his wife, best friend and lover. He had always loved Lou. When they found out that Lou was actually Louise he had fallen head over heel for her. But when he saw that she and Kid had a more than a brother and sister relationship he backed off and never told anyone his feelings for Louise. He didn't even tell Ike. He was sure Ike knew now as he was sure he watched over all of them. Buck and Lou made their way back to the station both thinking of the other and how it would be to be together as husband and wife. Neither of them knowing they were both thinking the same thing. Buck had a special run for Teaspoon to make but would only take a day. He headed out the next morning saying goodbye to Lou with a hug that they both didn't want to end. Buck mounted Warrior and galloped off into the prairie. Lou spent the day working on the tack cleaning and polishing it. She had found a bridle that had once belonged to Kid's horse Katy. She started to cry and wasn't in the mood for supper. She just pushed the food around on her plate. She was wishing Buck was there to talk to. He would be back in about three hours if he had no problems. Lou helped with the dishes then retired to her bunk to read a book Buck had lent her. Buck made it back early from his run for Teaspoon. He took care of Warrior and made his way to the bunkhouse. As he came to the door, he heard someone crying. He knew it was Lou. She was missing the others especially Kid but was trying to keep a brave face but it was hard to do all the time. Buck went into the bunkhouse, put his things on his bunk, and went over to Lou's bed. He took her in his arms as she cried. "Shhh Lou it's alright. You're not alone. You still have Teaspoon, Rachel and me with you. I would never leave unless you wanted me to. Don't cry." Buck said comfortingly. "I know Buck. It's just all the empty bunks and the almost empty table it makes me feel so alone. I'm not mad at Kid anymore. I know now we were meant to love other people." Lou said as she calmed at Buck's touch. Buck felt a stirring in his pants and shifted to the side to make sure Lou didn't see or feel it. Lou did see it and feel it. Lou was about to take a chance that could change her and Buck's friendship forever. Lou looked up at Buck and kissed him softly on the lips. Buck was stunned for a few seconds but quickly recovered and started to kiss Lou back more passionately. After a couple of minutes, Buck pulled back and looked at Lou. "Are you sure?" he asked. Lou smiled put her hand on his erection and squeezed him gently. "Make love to me. I want to make love to you, Buck. Please. I want you." Lou said pleadingly. "I want to make love to you too Lou, but not in here." Buck said as he grabbed Lou's clothing, boots and a blanket off his bed. Buck took Lou's hand leading her outside of the bunkhouse and into the barn. They climbed the ladder to the hayloft. Buck laid down the blanket on the hay and helped Lou sit down on it. "We can make as much noise as we want in here and not wake Teaspoon or Rachel." Buck said blushing a bit. "Good because I'm sure I'm gonna make a lot of noise." Lou said as she began to kiss Buck on the neck while working to get his vest off. Buck helped Lou and had his vest, shirt and long john shirt off in no time. Buck was unbuttoning Lou's long johns as he kissed her having feelings he hadn't felt in a long time. Soon Buck had Lou's long underwear off and she was sitting there naked. He drank in the sight of her. Her breast were not too big but not too small. They were just right in Buck's opinion. Her nipples were hard little pebbles. The triangle of hair covering her womanhood was very inviting. Her round taut buttocks looked soft to the touch. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Lou was trying to get Buck's belt undone while Buck worked on his boots. Soon Buck lay there in front of Lou naked and ready for anything. Buck's shaft looked so much bigger than it did from her spot in the bushes by the swimming hole. His rod was long and wide and his balls hung low and heavy with his seed. She was sure she would love this experience they were about to have and would want more later on. As Lou touched Buck's chiseled pecks and abdomen, he jumped at her electric touch. Lou thought Buck was perfect in every way as she lay there looking at him. She knew if the women in town knew how he looked unclothed, they would be beating down the bunkhouse door to get to him. But tonight he was all hers and she was all his. That was all that mattered. Buck took Lou into his arms and they kissed feverishly until they had to come up for air. Lou took Buck's engorged member in her hand and started moving her hand up and down as she moved down Buck's body. Buck had his eyes closed as the sensation washed over him. Buck's eyes flew open when Lou took his staff into her mouth and started swirling her tongue around the head of his cock. Buck let out a loud groan. Lou knew he was enjoying her ministrations. Buck was very long and Lou could not get his whole shaft in her mouth. Lou took as much of him in as she could and started bobbing up and down on Buck's member. Buck gritted his teeth and stifled a scream. He had never felt such pleasure in his life. Lou reached down, cupped Buck’s balls, and squeezed them gently as she rolled them around in her hand. Buck was about to cum and he knew it was going to be powerful. "Lou, I'm going to cum. AHH! I'm Cumming! Oh Hell Yes!" Buck yelled as he came in Lou's mouth. Lou swallowed every drop and sucked him until he was dry. Lou made her way up Buck's heaving body and kissed him. He loved the taste of himself with the taste of Lou's sweet mouth. They plundered each other's mouth their tongues dueling with each other. Buck pulled away. "That was amazing, Lou. I've never cum so hard in my life. Now it's your turn." Buck said a he made his way down her body kissing and sucking on her breasts and nipples. He gently bit one of Lou's nipples and she let out a loud moan. Buck then made his way down to her womanly center. He spread her legs and licked at her folds. Lou let out a squeal as he parted her folds and licked her pleasure button. Lou, who had never felt this sensation before with Kid, let out a small scream as Buck sucked on her pearl. "Buck Oh that feels so good. Kid would never do this for me. He said it was dirty. He had no trouble when I sucked him though." Lou said as she let out another loud moan. "I'm not Kid, Lou. I want you to have pleasure. I want you to cum in my mouth." Buck said as he lowered his head again to suck Lou's nub. Then Buck took two fingers and put them in Lou's wet hole and moved them in and out at a fast pace while he sucked on Lou's engorged bead. He started to nibble on her button and Lou came with such force she went rigid then began to shake. Buck drank all of her juices. He loved the taste of her. Buck made his way up Lou's body kissing every inch he came in contact with and held Lou as she came down from her orgasm. "Oh my God Buck. I've never had an orgasm like that before. That was wonderful." Lou said to Buck as she caught her breath. "Are you ready for more?" Buck asked Lou who nodded with a big smile on her face. Buck took Lou in his arms. He spread her legs and nestled his pelvis between them his rock hard shaft right at her wet hole. Buck kissed Lou passionately. Their hands roamed all over each other’s bodies. Buck leant his head down to Lou's pert breasts and took a nipple in his mouth nibbling on it as he took the other breast in his hand and kneaded it gently. Lou let out a moan and her breathing got faster. Without warning, Buck thrust into Lou's warmth. Lou let out a surprised yelp. Buck stilled himself to let Lou get accustomed to him being inside her. When Lou pushed her hips against his Buck began to move his rod in and out. He was making long, slow, deep thrusts into Lou's love canal. Buck was so long that the head of his cock was hitting the entrance to Lou's womb. When he first did, this Lou let out a scream. It was slightly painful but she was feeling pleasure too. Lou was now meeting Buck thrust for thrust. Buck sped up going at a frenzied pace. All that could be heard were grunts, moans, and the sound of flesh slapping against flesh. Lou started yelling out to Buck. "Go faster! Do it harder! Yes like that! YES! YES YES!" Buck also started yelling out to Lou. "You are so tight! I wanted to do this for so long! You feel so good!" Buck was holding Lou close to him when he felt a familiar feeling in his balls. "Lou I'm going to cum. Should I pull out?" Buck didn't want to cum inside Lou if she didn't want him to. "No Buck cum inside me. I need to feel you cum in me. I'm going to cum too." Buck thrust into Lou four more times and exploded inside Lou's womb. Lou came at the same time Buck did. They held each other for what seemed like hours as they came down from their climaxes. They kissed for a while just holding one another with Buck's member still inside Lou. Lou was about to take a risk that she was unsure was the wisest course of action. She took a deep breath, looked Buck’s in his beautiful chocolate brown eyes, and said, "Buck I need to tell you something." Buck looked at Lou and the uncertainty in her eyes made him get the wrong message. "It's okay Lou. I won't bother you anymore. This was a bad idea. I'm sorry I put you in this situation. I'll be gone by morning." Buck said while gathering his clothes and trying to put them on. The look on Buck's face was one of pure disappointment and pain like his heart was breaking. Lou touched Buck's arm and he flinched. "Buck that's not what I was going to say. I'm really glad this happened. I wanted to tell you that I love you. I think I always have. When Kid found out my secret, I thought he was my only chance at happiness. I never thought you would want me. I knew I loved you in a way different than the other boys even Kid. You are the gentlest man I've ever met. When people treat you badly you don't let them know it bothered you. I've seen people spit on you and you never acted in anger or violence. You are the sweetest of all the boys. You're quiet but when you do say something, it is always wise and thoughtful. I love everything about you Buck. I had to tell you after what just happened. I couldn't hold it in anymore. You never have let me down. You stayed when all the others left. You held me when I needed it. You let me vent and get angry and never thought I was being selfish or taking a tantrum. You truly are my best friend and the man I love. I want to be with you for the rest of my life." Lou said as the look on Buck's face changed to a look of relief and love. Lou’s lips met Buck's in a tender kiss. Buck looked at Lou sitting there naked giving him her love. He had to tell her how he felt. "Lou I have loved you since the day you told us you were really Louise and not Lou. I saw that you and Kid had feelings for each other so I stayed away. I vowed to myself that I would always be there for you. I told myself that I would stand by you and I would always love you until the day I died. I love how you are so strong but vulnerable when you let your guard down. How deeply you love people. How you would fight and give your life for any of the riders, Teaspoon and Rachel. How you are feminine even when you are wearing men's clothes. I love how beautiful you look in the dresses you wear to the dances. You don't know how relieved I am, Lou. I love you so much. I want us to be together forever." Buck said with tears in his eyes. Lou took Buck into her arms and held him to her as then both cried. They were so relieved that they both felt the same way. "Buck tell me you'll never leave me. I don't think I could survive if you left me." Lou said seriously. "I promise I will never leave you ever. You will always be the one I love." Buck said looking the happiest Lou had ever seen him. Lou lowered her gaze to Buck's now hard and ready member. "Buck if I were to ask you something that is unusual would you consider doing it?" "I would consider anything you asked unusual or not." Buck said his curiosity piqued. "Buck would you have hot, hard, rough sex with me? I love the passionate love we made, but I sometimes I feel like I need to have wild sex." "I think I can do that. You'll tell me if I hurt you and you'll tell me to stop if I get too rough, right?" Buck asked Lou very surprised by her request, but willing to do this for her. "I promise if it hurts or if you get too rough I'll tell you to stop." Lou said as she crossed her heart bringing Buck's view to her perky breasts. "Okay I'll try my best." Buck replied as he took Lou's ankles and spun her around on her stomach. Buck then pulled Lou up on her hands and knees and spread her legs wide apart. Buck then put three fingers in Lou's wet hole and jerked them in and out furiously. Lou let out loud moans. ,p> Buck pulled his fingers out and told her to lick them clean. She did as she was told and enjoyed the taste of her juices. She was sweeter and tangier than Buck's cum. He then knelt between Lou's legs, aligned his cock with Lou’s slick opening, and rammed his shaft into Lou until his balls hit her pubic mound. Lou let out a shriek and yelled "OH YES! LIKE THAT!" Buck didn't give Lou the time to adjust to him being in her this time. He started ramming his rod into Lou at a frenzied pace. His pubic bone was hitting Lou's behind. He was grunting and said in a low guttural sounding voice, "Is this what you wanted Lou. A hard, rough, wild screwing." "YES! THIS IS WHAT I WANTED! DO IT HARDER! FASTER! SCREW MY BRAINS OUT!" Lou yelled as she pushed back into Buck's thrusts. Buck then did something unexpected. He grabbed Lou by the ankles and stood up pulling her up into a handstand. Buck grasped her knees and began pumping into Lou as he moved her up and down with his arms. He would pull her into him when he thrust into her and let her go back down a bit when he thrusted back. Buck was pistoning into Lou with a speed even he was surprised with. "Oh my God this feels so good! Do it harder! Oh Yeah! Pound into me Buck! Make me cum hard!" Lou cried out loving every minute of the hard pounding she was getting. "You like this do you, Lou? I can arrange for one whenever you want. I'd be happy to oblige." Buck said through gritted teeth. "Yes once every day. I need to be screwed proper. By a real man like you Buck with a long thick cock and big balls." Lou said as she thought of being screwed by Buck every day. This thought drove her over the edge and she came with a force she had never experienced before. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm Cumming, Buck. Cum with me. I need to feel your hot seed in me. OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH! "I'm Cumming too. Take it Louise take all of it. I want to screw you as much as possible. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Buck screamed as he shot his hot cum into Louise. In the back of Buck's mind he couldn't help but think they could be making a baby at this time. He would love Louise to have his baby. After they both came Buck lowered Lou down onto her belly and he collapsed onto his knees and then lay down next to Louise. "Oh Buck that was just wonderful. I asked Kid once and he said 'if I wanted to be screwed hard I should go to the saloon and be a saloon girl.' He would only do it in the first position you and me did together. He would cum really fast and leave me needing to cum so bad. He never satisfied me like you do. He only cared about his needs." Lou said as she held onto Buck and stroked his back and buttocks. "I told you, Lou. I'm not Kid. Pleasuring you makes me happy. If we are to be lovers and more someday we need to tell each other what we want and need while making love. Even if we need to screw hard or do it in different positions to make it good for the both of us. We need to be honest with each other about everything. Okay?" Buck said playing with Lou's hair. "You're right, Buck. If I were to tell you I needed to be in control of our love making right this minute would you say yes? I need to do it at my pace now." Lou said as she rolled Buck onto his back. "I think that can be arranged." Buck said with a goofy grin on his face. Lou stroked Buck's shaft to stiffness again. She then straddled Buck's hips and positioned her love tunnel over Buck's rod and sank down on to it slowly. "MMMMM!" Lou hummed as he entered her. Buck let out a low moan. He took Lou's breasts in his hands and rubbed his thumbs over her nipples eliciting a sigh from Lou's lips. Lou started a slow up and down motion going all the way down Buck's rock hard staff then back up to the tip of the head of his shaft. She slowly increased the speed and was soon bouncing up and down on Buck's cock. Lou's breasts were bouncing up and down in Buck hands as he squeezed them gently. "I feel like I'm going to cum." Buck said as he felt his balls tighten. In that instance Buck came more than he had ever cum before. While he was cumming Lou was sent into a superb orgasm. Lou lay down on Buck's chest as they came. The feeling of his chest and her breasts rubbing together was overwhelming for both of them. When their orgasms finished Lou rolled off of Buck and kissed him passionately. Then they slept in each others arms. They slept in small intervals that night making love and talking about the future. They were up way before the sun making love once again. This time they both lay in their sides spooning each other as Lou opened her legs slightly and Buck thrust his shaft into Lou awaiting hole. They made slow, deep, hot love. Buck had his arms around Lou squeezing her breasts and tweaking her nipples. Lou had her hand at the apex of her womanhood circling her pleasure nub with her finger and touching where she and Buck were joined. They both came at the same time with guttural moans and screams. Buck and Lou got dressed and did the morning chores. They would touch and kiss when they were close to each other. When they came out of the barn Teaspoon just figured they were up earlier than usual when he saw all the chores done. Rachel and Teaspoon had no idea that Buck and Lou were lovers and were talking of marriage some day. Teaspoon announced at dinner that he and Rachel were going to Blue Creek to visit an old friend of Rachel's who had just had a baby. Teaspoon didn't want Rachel to be out on the trail alone so he was accompanying her for the five days they would be gone. "I expect you two to do your chores daily and since there are no scheduled mail runs for those days I expect you two to stay out of trouble." Teaspoon said as he and Rachel got ready to leave the next morning at daybreak. Buck and Lou could not believe their luck. They could be together as much as they wanted for five days and not have to sneak around. That night before turning out the lamp. Buck took Lou in a gentle embrace and said "I hope you are ready for a wild five days." Then he kissed her till she was dizzy. "I am more than ready." Lou said as she squeezed the bulge in Buck's long johns. He let out a long moan. "Louise don't start things you can't finish." Buck said as they got into their bunks. "Oh I intend to finish it for five days straight. Every hour on the hour. We both will be very satisfied. Goodnight Buck. I love you" Lou said in a saucy voice. "Goodnight Lou. I love you too." Buck said as he tried to stop his thoughts of Lou naked from going through his head. Buck and Lou saw Teaspoon and Rachel off at dawn and turned to go into the bunkhouse. As they walked over the threshold Buck grabbed at Lou's behind laughing as he squeezed and pinched it. Lou squealed and ran around the table. Lou started to run but Buck was too quick for her and grabbed her around the waist and started kissing her. They started to take each other’s clothes off and were soon naked standing next to the table. Lou dropped to her knees and took Buck's rock hard member and started licking it up and down over the tip and down the under side of his shaft. She made her way to Buck's balls. She nipped and sucked on the flesh there. Then took one of his balls into her mouth and sucked gently. She did the same with the other as well. Buck was in heaven he never wanted Lou's ministrations to stop. Lou made her way up to the tip of Buck's shaft swirling her tongue around the head making Buck let out a deep growling sound. Lou then took the whole shaft into her mouth. She had gotten practice the other night as a surprise and could now take Buck's whole rod into her mouth but this time she deep throated Buck's shaft and Buck's eyes flew down to look at Lou not believing she had his cock down her throat. As Buck watched Lou she started bobbing up and down his length and would take him deep in her throat when going down his staff. Buck knew he wouldn't last long and started moving his hips making his shaft go deeper into Lou's throat. Lou knew he was ready to cum so she squeezed his balls milking them. Buck let out a scream and yelled out. "LOUISE!" As she swallowed all his seed and sucked him until not a drop of cum was left. Buck dropped down into a chair as Lou licked her lips and stood up. "Damn, Lou how did you do that? It felt incredible. I hope you can do it again sometime." Buck said trying to catch his breath. "Well if you have to know. I used one of those big carrots that Sampson likes. I got past gagging last night when I went to feed him. I had almost the whole carrot down my throat and moved it in and out of my mouth. It was about as long as your well you know and as big in girth. I learned to move my throat muscles to give you more pleasure. Did you notice? Oh and it will happen again when you want it." Lou replied as she moved to kiss Buck. "Of course I noticed. I never imagined that such pleasure could be felt. Now I have to do a little something for you." Buck said with a sly grin on his face. Buck took Lou and sat her on the edge of the table spread her legs as Lou leaned back on her arms her palms flat on the table. He kissed the inside of her thighs then her folds. Lou let out a squeal of delight as Buck parted her nether lips and kissed her small bud. Lou's breathing was getting ragged. Buck held on to one of her hips with his right hand and put two fingers of his left hand into Lou's moist tunnel as he sucked on her small pearl. Buck started moving his fingers in and out of Lou. Lou let out a scream as she chanted "Yes Buck, Yes Buck, Yes Buuuuuucckkkk!" She came with such force that Buck had to swallow fast to get all her juices. He offered one finger to Lou to lick clean as he licked the other. They kissed their tongues plundering each others mouths. Once Lou had come down from her climax she hopped off the table and straddled Buck who was in one of the straight backed chairs in the bunkhouse. Lou lowered herself down on Buck’s now rigid cock. Buck put his hands under Lou's butt cheeks and squeezed which made Lou giggle. Lou put her hands on the back of Buck's head and pulled his head to her breast. Buck sucked on her nipple as Lou started to move up and down on his pole. Buck was thrusting up to meet Lou as she moved down his length. Buck took her other nipple in his mouth and nibbled and bit it gently. Lou let out a scream of ecstasy. Lou began to move faster and Buck thrust up harder. They had no words to describe what they were feeling just moans and grunts. They were like this for five minutes when Lou had her first orgasm. She let out a scream they were sure someone in town had heard. Ten minutes later Buck and Lou came together in a spectacular climax that had them both breathless. "Oh my God, Buck! I never knew it could be this good. I could do this everyday for the rest of my life. It just feels so explosive. I can't explain it. It's like we're two halves of a whole that have finally been put together that causes us to have the greatest pleasure of our lives. I love you so much." Lou said as she got off Buck's lap on shaky legs and went to the pump to get them a cool glass of water. "Let me get my pillow. I'd love to cuddle with my true love. We can get something to eat when we wake up. Okay?" "Sure but I don't think it's food I'm going to be hungry for when I wake up." Buck said with a smile on his face as he wiggled his eyebrows at Lou. "Well there’s plenty more of that after we sleep." Lou said as she got into Buck's bunk with him and they cuddled together and soon were asleep as a low snore came from Buck. After two days of chores and non stop love making Buck and Lou were anything but tired of the acts they were performing. Buck and Lou were in the barn doing some chores as it rained outside. Buck took Lou to an empty stall where they had stacked some hay bales. He started kissing Lou aggressively. Lou kissed him back with a ferocity she didn't know she had. They slowly undressed each other. Buck put down two horse blankets side by side and laid Lou down. He kissed her again. Then Buck did something even more unexpected than when Lou asked him to screw her hard. He turned around and straddled Lou's face his shaft hard and hanging right above Lou's mouth. He put his head between Lou's legs and started to suck on her pleasure bud. Lou got the idea and took Buck's engorged member into her mouth. Buck started to move his bottom up and down as Lou sucked and licked his rod. She pulled Buck's buttock down towards her face and deep throated his cock. Buck let out a moan that went right to Lou's pearl and she shivered unable to speak at that moment. They both sucked and licked each other to two consecutive climaxes. Buck collapsed next to Lou almost too tired to try what he had in mind but, he got his strength together and took Lou's hand and they got to their feet. Buck had Lou put her hands on the bale of hay and lean over. Buck bent his knees and aligned the head of his shaft with Lou's womanly opening. Then he thrust his rod into Lou who let out a squeal. Buck began thrusting in and out of Lou. This time he was going very deep and was hitting the entrance to Lou's womb with every thrust. This brought a feeling to their love making that caused Lou to feel a little pain with extreme pleasure. Lou started to yell, "HELL YEAH! DO IT HARDER! GO FASTER!" Then Lou's yells became unintelligible. She was merely making loud grunts and hisses. Buck was now slamming into Lou and with every move forward Buck would make "UHHH!" and "UNHHH!" sounds. Buck began calling out in Kiowa. Lou didn't know what he was saying but she was sure if they were translated they would be the Kiowa equivalent to some of the words used in the saloon. Lou didn't care what words he was possibly using. She knew he loved her and he would only use those words because he couldn't express himself in any other way. Lou's orgasm built and her internal muscles were starting to clamp down on Buck staff. This had them both go over the edge and with loud cries of passion they came together as if they were totally in sync with each others bodies like they had been doing this together for years. Teaspoon and Rachel came back to two very happy and very exhausted riders. Teaspoon had gotten a letter delivered to the jailhouse and gathered them all together in the bunkhouse to tell them what news he had received. "As of next Monday the Pony Express will cease to exist. We have to be off the property in 2 months. Buck was sitting next to Lou and took her hand under the table and squeezed it showing her he was there for her and they would get through this. Lou squeezed his hand back telling him they were in this together. Buck had his plans. He wired someone that he didn't tell Teaspoon, Rachel or Lou about. He was very mysterious the next week doing errands and going out on rides that he wouldn't say where he was going. The day the Pony Express was to stop operations the express family had a good-bye supper for the job they all loved. Buck had a small smile on his face the whole day and when they sat down to supper he asked if he could say a few words. Teaspoon said, "Sure son you have the floor." Teaspoon thought it was odd for Buck to ask to say a few words because he wasn't much of a formal speaker. He was more the quiet type. Buck looked directly at Louise. He took her hands and got down on one knee and said, "Louise, I love you more than I have ever loved anyone or anything before in my life. We are two halves of a whole that fit together perfectly. You are the most important thing in my life. I want us to always be together forever. You are the light of my life. You are strong, beautiful, intelligent, and the only person who makes my heart flutter like it's going to fly away. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife, my partner, my best friend, and the one true love I'll ever have." Buck then took out a small, purple velvet bag and took out a gold band with a dark purple stone. He held it up to Louise she put out her hand shakily and Buck placed it on her finger. Two seconds later Lou jumped into Buck's arms kissing his face and saying yes before every kiss. It was an understatement to say Rachel and Teaspoon were a bit shocked by this turn of events but, they were very happy for Buck and Lou that they didn't let their shock show. Teaspoon took Buck in a bear hug and slapped his back. "Congratulations Buck. You picked a fine woman. And my dear sweet Louise I'm so happy for the two of you." Teaspoon said as he hugged Louise. Rachel wiped the tears out of her eyes and hugged Buck and Lou giving them both a kiss. She was crying too hard to say anything. She hoped for this to happen to Buck and Louise but, didn't know how to make it come about. She knew they were perfect for each other if only they would see it. Now she knew they saw it and ran with it. She would have to have a talk with Louise later after she got moved into the main house. It wasn't proper for Lou and Buck to be sleeping in the bunkhouse together now that they were engaged. Rachel had a feeling something happened while she and Teaspoon had gone to Blue Creek. Rachel got herself together and finally told the new couple how happy she was for them. "Well I can say I had hoped this would happen. I could see you both needing each other and I thought if only I could get them to figure it out themselves. I'm so happy for you. But now I must insist that Louise move on over to my house until you two are married. It's not proper to have a soon to be bride and her fiancé in the same place to sleep. I won't hear of it so Louise come on and get your stuff together and I'll get you settled over in one of the spare rooms. Then we can have ourselves a little chat." "Okay Rachel, if you insist. I know it ain't proper. I'll go get my stuff together." Lou said giving Buck a small smile. They both knew that one day they would have to live in separate places until their wedding night. They were both disappointed but knew they could sneak off once in a while to be together. Buck helped Lou bring her things over to Rachel's house. They said good night on the porch like they had the night of the dance but so much had happened since then. Buck held Louise in his arms and kissed her tenderly. Neither one wanted to part even for the night but Buck pulled away from Lou. "Goodnight Louise. I love you more than anything. We'll be back together soon." Buck said as he gave her one more kiss. "Goodnight Buck. I love you too. Do you really think we'll be together all that soon?" Louise asked Buck. "We will if I have anything to do with it. Just you wait we'll be together before you know it." Buck said with a mysterious smile on his face. He then jumped off the porch and ran to the bunkhouse before Lou could say a word. Leaving Lou to wonder what he was up to. Rachel met Lou in the sitting room of her house. She helped Louise take her things upstairs to the spare room. As they put Lou's things in the chest of drawers and the wardrobe Rachel was preparing to ask Louise if anything had happened between her and Buck. Rachel handed Lou a nightgown to borrow until she could get one of her own. Louise got undressed behind the screen in the corner. Then she and Rachel turned down the bed. Lou got in to the bed and Rachel sat on the end of the it. Rachel was ready to have their talk. "Louise I'm so happy for both you and Buck but, I must ask did anything happen between you and Buck while Teaspoon and I were gone. I don't want to pry but I feel it's my place to ask. Have you and Buck been together in the biblical sense? Rachel asked feeling she needed to talk to Louise. She knew Louise and Kid had been together and that ended badly. She just wanted Buck and Lou's relationship to blossom and grow in a healthy way. Lou looked at her hands and then at Rachel, "Umm, things had happened before you left. We made love and we told each other we loved one another. Buck has given me pleasure I could have never imagined with Kid. He’s such a considerate lover. The week you were gone we spent a lot of time with each other making love. Buck and me made promises to each other the first night we were together. We talked about never leaving each other and how we've always loved one another but didn't think we would have a chance to be together at all. Now we're getting married and will start a family when the time is right. Like Buck said when he proposed to me, we're two halves of a whole we've been searching for the other half all our lives and we were lucky enough to find the other half. I love him so much Rachel and I know he loves me just as much. We found our soul mates. I'm sorry we made love before we were married but we just needed each other and it just got bigger and bigger from there." Lou said sleepily. "Well considering the circumstances I can't say it's wrong because you love each other. But please be careful you don't want to get caught by Teaspoon or someone else. I hate for talk to get around town about you two having been together before marriage. Have you thought about the fact that you might become pregnant before the wedding night? You know people would talk about you being with child before the wedding." Rachel said concerned about Louise's reputation. "I'm not ashamed of what Buck and I are doing. If I become pregnant before the wedding night then I become pregnant. We will love that baby just as much as if he or she were conceived in wedlock. It wouldn't be a problem with Buck or me. If people want to talk they can talk. All that matters is that Buck and I love each other and the baby. I would love to have Buck's baby in wedlock or not. I've never followed the restrictions put on women and I'm not about to start now." Lou said assuredly. "Well I'm glad you have that figured out. I just wanted to make sure you knew what could happen if you got pregnant before the wedding night. Just so you know Louise I would love that baby just as much as a grandmother would. He or she would be like my own flesh and blood." Rachel said with affection. "Thank you Rachel. Buck and I would be honored when we have a baby if you would be its grandma." Lou said giving Rachel a hug goodnight. "Good night Rachel." "Good night Louise. Have a nice sleep." Rachel said as she got up off the bed and left the room. Buck and Lou wanted to spend some time together alone. They had not been together in over a week and they were getting urges that only they could fill for the other. Buck had Rachel make a picnic lunch for them and they rode out to the Kavanaugh Ranch to have their time together. It was far enough away from town that no one would come across them. They had found a copse of trees on the property; the last time they were there, that was like a little shelter. The boughs of the trees made a natural canopy over their heads there was soft green grass on the ground and the good thing was no one could see in but they could see out. Buck and Lou brought their horses around the far side of one of the corrals and tied them over a trough filled with rain water so they could drink to their hearts content. They took the picnic lunch and plaid blanket they had taken with them to the copse of trees and entered their hidden love nest. Buck put down the basket as Lou laid the blanket down on the soft grass. Buck came up behind Louise and pushed his pelvis into her backside showing her that he was hard and ready. "You know Lou I'm not hungry for food right now, but I am hungry." Buck said as he nibbled on Lou's earlobe. ,p> "Oh are you now? I guess we're getting down to basics right now. You know I could use some hot hard wild sex right now if you're up to it." Lou said as she reached around and squeezed his erection making Buck let out a growl. "So you need some hot, hard, wild sex right now? I think I'm up for the job." Buck replied with a wicked grin on his face. They started to undress each other at a frenzied pace. Lou was naked first and sat down on the blanket. When Buck was finally naked he stood over Louise with that wicked grin still on his face. "So you're sure you want a hard screwing, right?" Buck said his eyes getting dark. Lou just looked up at him and nodded unable to speak with the way Buck was looking at her. "Lie down on your back for me." Buck said with ragged breath. Buck again was going to do something unexpected. He grabbed Lou by the calves of her legs and sat her so she was resting on her shoulders. He adjusted Lou's legs so they were bent towards her head he let Lou's back rest on his legs. Buck then bent his knees and bent over slightly so his erect member was at the apex of Lou's womanhood. He then plunged his shaft down into Lou's moist hole ramming it in so his balls were resting on Lou's rear end. Lou let out the loudest scream she had ever made. His staff had hit her womb again and that feeling of pleasure and pain ran through Lou's body. Buck then began going up and down bending and unbending his knees. He was going at a ferocious speed. Lou was almost bent over double and was actually loving this position. She could feel Buck's cock in places she had never felt anything before. Buck grabbed hold of Lou's ankles and was pulling her up to meet him on every thrust into her. Buck began to yell, "OH DAMN! OH YEAH BABY! THIS IS HOW YOU WANTED IT AND I'M GIVING IT TO YOU HARD!" "OH YEAH! THAT'S IT JUST LIKE THAT BUCK! DO IT HARDER! FASTER! SCREW ME HARD! YOU KNOW HOW I LIKE IT!" Lou screamed at the top of her lungs. Then Lou let out a cry that would surely scare the horses. Then she came hard and fast. Buck still pumped into Lou like a man possessed. He felt Lou's insides close down on his pole and he came with a force he had never experienced before. Lou thought the amount of cum in her would surely make her pregnant if she wasn't already. That thought made her extremely happy. Buck let Lou down and fell down beside her. Both of them could hardly catch their breath. As they came down from the euphoria they were both feeling Buck gave Lou a deep kiss their tongues dancing with each other. Buck pulled Lou into his arms and gave her soft butterfly like kissed all over her face. "I'm hungry" Buck said as he sat up. "No way. I don't think I'm ready for round two." Lou replied thinking Buck wanted to have another go. "No love, I was thinking of the picnic lunch Rachel made us. Are you hungry?" "No, not that much. I haven't been feeling well and I'm not too hungry right now." said rubbing her stomach. "Lou you have to eat something. You hardly ate any breakfast. Just try a little of the sandwiches Rachel made us. You're not eating enough to keep a bird alive." Buck insisted. "Okay I'll have a little bit of the fruit. I don't think the roast beef will sit well in my stomach." Lou said taking a small bite of a strawberry. After lunch Buck put his pants and boots back on to go check on the horses leaving Lou to clean up lunch. As Lou was cleaning up she felt her stomach lurch and she ran naked for the edge of the tree line. Everything she had eaten that day came up in a violent purging of her stomach. She finished before Buck got back and threw some leaves and sticks over the vomit. Lou then took the canteen and poured some water into a cup and drank it slowly. Louise was shaking as Buck came back from checking on the horses. When Buck saw Lou sitting there naked clutching the blanket to her as she was shaking he ran to her and tried to take her in his arms and kiss her. He thought he had been too rough with Louise and wanted to comfort her and say he was sorry. Lou pulled away from him and stood up on shaky legs and started to put on her clothing. Buck didn't understand why Lou wouldn't let him comfort her. She had always come to him when she was feeling bad or needed to be comforted. He didn't understand why she was acting this way. "Lou I'm sorry if I was too rough earlier. I won't let myself get out of hand again. Are you okay?" Buck said as he put on the rest of his clothing. "No, it wasn't that it's just getting cold and we need to get back. Rachel wants to go over some wedding plans with me." Lou said her voice hoarse from getting sick. "Okay I'll put the blanket and basket back on the back of Warrior." Buck said disheartened that Lou was obviously lying to him. Buck and Lou arrived home at the station and Lou went to see Rachel immediately after taking care of Lightning. She said nothing to Buck as she left the barn. Buck was sure that everything that had happened and was said between he and Lou was a lie. He was certain she didn't ever love him but just needed to be with a warm body after Kid was gone. He did things that Kid wouldn't do so he thought that's why Lou had been with him so much. He thought Lou had grown tired of him and didn't want to be involved with a half-breed anymore. But he also thought that he knew Lou better than that. His rational thinking was that something was wrong with Lou. Lou and Rachel left the station with Lou wearing one of her day dresses. Buck was really concerned now. He had thought that Lou would hide her being a girl for a little while longer so Russell, Majors and Waddell would send her her last pay check. Where were they going? Lou and Rachel sat in the doctor's office waiting for the doctor's prognosis. Rachel thought she knew what was going on with Lou. Lou was worried that Buck would be mad at her for getting pregnant before they had a set plan for work and a place to live. She was sure he would call off the wedding and Lou would be alone raising their baby. She hoped that she was wrong. The hormones running through her body like a freight train were making her think irrationally. If she was thinking as she usually thought she would know that Buck would want her and the baby no matter what. "Well, Miss McCloud it was quite a shock to find out that Pony Express rider Lou McCloud is actually Louise McCloud but that is not the discussion I want to have with you at this moment. Miss McCloud you are two months pregnant. So can you tell me who the father is?" The doctor asked Lou in a cool manner. "The father is one of the Express riders." Lou said not wanting to mention Buck which could cause him a lot of trouble in town for getting a white girl pregnant. "Do you know which one of the boys it is or could it be any of them?" The doctor said insultingly. "Hold on a minute doctor. You are implying way to much as to who the father of Lou's baby is. She knows who the father is. He proposed to her about 2 weeks ago. They love each other very much and will love this baby just as much as they would if it were conceived in wedlock. You have no right to judge Louise like you are." Rachel replied her voice rising with each word. Rachel was livid. "Well Mrs. Dunne I am the one to judge such things as my brother is the preacher in this town and will want to know about a girl parading around as a male. Working in a job that had her in the presence of men in various stages of undress in that bunkhouse where any type of unsavory things could have been going on. Especially with that half-breed who could have done anything to her if he used his heathen spells on her. I think he would also like to know that the girl in question is now pregnant by any one of those boys. God forbid it be that filthy Indian. I can only imagine what they got up to in that bunkhouse at night with a female in the room. I'm sure that all types of debauchery and misdeeds were going on. Those boys were all orphans who knows how they were raised. I've heard stories about those boys. That Wild Bill Hickok for example was a fine one to hire for the job and the Negro boy and that bald mute. Thank God their gone. I've heard things from my brother about them. Then there's that Southerner who I heard went to fight for the Confederacy. Then the antics a one William F. Cody got up to in this town. I would not let Miss McCloud raise that baby if I have anything to say about it. Who knows what she'll let happen to it. I would give it to a family with virtue and values not some whore pretending to be a boy and sleeping with all the Express riders and God only knows who else. She should be run out of town along with that half-breed." The doctor ranted at Rachel and Louise. Lou was in tears but Rachel was steaming mad and she was about to blow. This man had gone too far. "Doctor Grimes I will tell you that those two boys you called "the Negro and that bald mute" were wonderful loving caring men that respected women. They both gave their lives protecting women. James Butler Hickok is a fine man also he is helping with the abolitionists trying to free slaves and make a better life for themselves. Cody is a scout for the Union Army and is protecting our part of the country. Kid is doing what he thinks is best protecting the land that he was born on. Buck Cross is the kindest, gentlest person I have ever met and has more compassion for people than I've seen the good citizens of Rock Creek give him when he has protected this town from harm. I don't see you or your brother out in the search parties or posse's in any capacity none less a person who can track and find missing children, horses and outlaws. Who risked his life to bring the mail to this town and others like it. As for Louise you don't know her she is an honorable woman. She joined the Express to make a living to make enough money to get her brother and sister out of the orphanage they are in so she can raise them as a family. Louise is no whore, Doctor. She is a strong woman with virtue and values and a support system to help her raise, along with it's father, the baby you would have taken away from her. I will be reporting you to the town council and I will not rest until you are out on your backside with your tail between your legs for being such a pompous ass. You should thank God who you speak of so easily for not striking you down where you sit with all the things you so unkindly said about my family. We'll let ourselves out." Rachel said in a calm but foreboding voice. She and Louise left and would not set foot in his office until he was out of this job. Doctor Grimes had not been there all that long but he had made many people want him gone. Rachel was sure with what he just said not even his pious preacher brother could help him keep his job. Rachel and Lou arrived home to find Jimmy had come back to Rock Creek. Buck and Jimmy went out to greet them but Lou ran off into Rachel's house. "You better go after her Buck. She's in a bad way." Rachel said in a grave voice. Buck ran over to Rachel's house and walked in to find Lou sitting on the settee crying her eyes out. "Lou what is it? What happened? Please tell me." Buck asked now feeling on the verge of hysterics. "Oh Buck, It was awful. He said such hateful things to me and about everyone we love. He called me a whore. I'm so sorry, Buck. I have to tell you something." Lou said as she turned to face Buck. Buck was in such a state he didn't know what to expect. He took Lou in his arms and let her cry. "Lou whatever you have to tell me. I'll be here for you. We said forever remember." Buck said preparing for the worst. "Buck I...I....I'm pregnant. I'm two months along." Lou wailed as she clung to Buck. "You're pregnant with my baby? Lou that's fantastic! I could not be happier. I love you so much." Buck replied picking her up and spinning her around. Buck stopped spinning when he remembered that he could make her sick. He also remembered that Lou had said that someone had called her a whore. Lou was shocked by Buck's reaction. She looked up at him when he set her down and smiled a small smile. "Lou who called you a whore? Who said things about our family. Lou, tell me now." Buck said getting angry that someone had said such a thing. Lou went on to tell Buck what the doctor had said and what Rachel had said to him. Buck was ablaze with anger. He wanted to wring the doctors neck. "Lou I couldn't be happier about the baby and I love you, but I have to go speak to that quack. I'm going to bring you to the bunkhouse then I'm going to pay a little visit to the good doctor." Buck said as calmly as he could. As they were walking over to the bunkhouse Jimmy, Teaspoon and Rachel came out the door. Buck handed Lou over to Rachel. "Did Rachel fill you in on what the doctor said?" Buck asked Jimmy and Teaspoon. "You bet she did. I want to go see that so called healer." Jimmy said as he gave Lou a hug. "Congratulations to the both of you. The baby couldn't have two better parents. I can't wait to be Uncle Jimmy." Jimmy gave Lou a hug and shook Buck's hand. "Let's go get a check-up shall we Buck." "Let's go. I'm feeling a bit sick at the moment." Buck said to Jimmy angrier than he had ever been. "Boy's I don't want any blood shed. Just scare him a little and tell him I'll be over in a bit to talk to him." Teaspoon said trying to keep his anger in check in front of the women. Buck and Jimmy walked into the doctor’s office and barged into his inner office. Jimmy pulled both his guns and Buck slammed his knife into the middle of the doctor’s desk. "What is the meaning of this. You can't just barge in here." The doctor said aghast that these men came in his office in such a manner. "You said some things to my fiance that I did not like. She has a delicate condition as you know and she was in hysterics. I don't want her to be upset by you or anyone else. You better make up your mind leave here and don't come back and we don't tell the town council and I don't exact revenge in the most creative of ways for a filthy Indian that is." Buck said as he felt the hair on the top of the doctor's head implying that he would scalp him. "You know who I am don't ya? If you don't leave and never come back I will make sure your life is made miserable and you never know when something could happen to you on accident. You get my meaning." Jimmy said as he leaned on the desk with his face a inch away from the doctor’s. "You can't threaten me like this. I'll call the Marshal and have you put in jail." The doctor said squirming in his seat. "Oh I don't think the Marshal will care. He thinks of us as his adopted kids and is as mad if not madder than us. He'll be over in while to talk to you. I bet you can't wait." Buck replied as he grabbed his knife and pulled it out of the desk putting it back in it's sheath. The moment Jimmy and Buck left the doctor fainted. The next day the doctor had given his resignation and was packed and on the stage by the end of the week. There had been a younger doctor who applied for the position as Rock Creeks doctor but the job went to the preachers brother. Upon his resignation the town council contacted the new doctor and he replaced the old doctor two weeks after Dr. Grimes left. Louise and Buck went to the new doctor who was called Dr. Collins and were very happy with his care. He made an appointment for Louise to see him every month up to the birth of her and Buck's child and then after the baby was born regular appointments were made for both of them. Jimmy's arrival hadn't been coincidence. Buck had wired Jimmy in Seneca where he was staying with his sister and her family. Buck had a business proposal to offer Jimmy and he jumped at it. It was one surprise that Buck had for Louise. He also had a bigger surprise for Louise that he needed Jimmy's help in doing. Lou and Rachel planned a simple wedding in Ike's meadow where Teaspoon would officiate. Rachel would be Louise's matron of honor and Jimmy would be doing double duty as best man and giving the bride away. Four days before the wedding Jimmy took off on his horse and didn't say were he was going. Teaspoon, Rachel and Lou were worried he wouldn't be back for the wedding. Buck on the other hand didn't have a care in the world. Lou knew Buck knew where Jimmy had gone but he kept mum about it. The day of the wedding arrived and Lou was a bundle of nervous energy but Buck was calmer than Teaspoon thought he should be. Jimmy still wasn't back yet and Cody hadn't arrived either. Teaspoon was afraid they wouldn't make it in time for the wedding. Three hours before the wedding was to start Cody rode in. He was welcomed by Teaspoon and Buck. He said he would fill in for Jimmy. Buck said it wasn't necessary but he could give Louise away. Cody made a special trip up to Lou's room at Rachel's. "Knock, Knock. Can I come in?" Cody said jovially as Rachel opened the door. "Cody you are a sight for sore eyes. I'm so glad you made it." Rachel said as she gave Cody a big hug. Cody gave Lou a package and she opened it. It was a beautiful white lace shawl. Lou looked at the shawl and gave Cody a loving hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Cody it's beautiful. I love it. Thank you. I'm so glad you're here." Lou beamed as she unfolded the shawl. "I thought it might get a little chilly up in Ike's meadow so it's a practical thing too. You are practically glowing Lou. You make a gorgeous bride. Buck is one lucky man." Cody said as he left the room to go get cleaned up for the wedding. It was an hour until the wedding and Lou thought Jimmy was not coming but, then she heard a wagon out in the yard and she couldn't believe her eyes. There was Jimmy driving a wagon with Jeremiah and Teresa in it. Lou nearly fainted. She couldn't believe they were here and that Buck had arranged for her sister and brother to live with them. Then Lou thought 'We have no room for them here. What was he thinking?' Buck welcomed Jeremiah and Teresa to the family and went up to get Louise. "Can I come in? It's time to leave soon. I know it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding but I have to talk to you." Buck asked as he opened the door. Buck was not prepared for the speed which Lou ran into his arms. He nearly fell backwards when Lou flew at him. They hugged as Lou cried and Buck kissed the top of her head. "Thank you so much Buck. I don't know how to thank you for bringing my sister and brother here for the wedding but they have to go back afterward there's no room for them to stay here." Lou said as she wiped at her tears. ,p> "Well technically that's not true. We do have room for them and the baby. I wanted this to be a surprise. Jimmy and I bought the old Kavanaugh place two weeks ago and have the basics for the house there. All it needs is your touch. Jeremiah and Teresa are staying for good until they get married. Jimmy's going to stay in the bunkhouse and we've already started working on the corrals and house. The barn is fine so is the bunkhouse. We can move in whenever we want. We bought it outright so we have no mortgage payments. Ike and I said if anything ever happened to either one of us the other should use their money to buy the ranch. So Jimmy and I with Ike's money had enough to buy the land and buildings for the whole asking price and we don't have to pay off a note. We're free and clear. Are you surprised?" Buck told Lou as he held her. "I'm flabbergasted. I can't believe my brother and sister can stay and we have a ranch. Jimmy will really stay and work the horses with you?" Lou said to Buck with the happiest expression on her face. "Yep. He is as invested in the ranch as we are. He says he'll stay indefinitely and maybe even start a family some day. Like he said he can't wait to be Uncle Jimmy. Everything is good to go. So are you ready for our wedding. Jeremiah and Teresa are chomping at the bit to see you. "You bet I'm ready." Lou said with tears in her eyes. Buck kissed her nose and took her hand as he lead her outside. "Louise! Louise!" Teresa said when she spotted Lou coming out of the house. Teresa ran to Louise and hugged her tightly. "Hey there Sugarbear! I'm so happy to see you!" Louise beamed as she hugged her little sister. "Hi Louise. Are we really gonna be living with you and Buck or are we going back to the orphanage after the wedding is over?" Jeremiah said with uncertainty in his voice. "Well hello to you too Jeremiah. It's true. You're gonna stay with us as long as you want to. You two, Buck and me are gonna be a family. You're both gonna have a new niece or nephew in seven months or so. I'm sure you will love being here and you have family in Jimmy, Cody, Teaspoon and Rachel too. We will all be there for each other." Louise said as she hugged Jeremiah. "Okay let's go get married." Buck said as he helped his bride onto the buckboard. Jeremiah and Teresa jumped in back of Lou and Buck's wagon and Teaspoon and Rachel got into theirs while Jimmy and Cody mounted up. They all headed to Ike's meadow where an arch had been built that was adorned with colorful dried flowers. The ceremony was a simple but loving one with remembrances of loved ones who had passed on and the welcoming of new life. Before Buck and Lou knew it Teaspoon was saying, "You may kiss the bride." Buck pulled Louise to him gently and they kissed more passionately than they ever had before. They both stepped back breathless and a little embarrassed. Then the remaining Pony Express family and the two new additions of Jeremiah and Teresa walked up to them to offer congratulations and hugs. They had a small reception at the station. Buck and Teaspoon had built a small dance floor where Buck and Lou danced their first dance as husband and wife. Louise, Rachel and Teresa took turns dancing with the gentlemen in the family. Jeremiah must have danced with Rachel about ten times. Rachel let Louise know that she thought Jeremiah had a crush on her. Louise wasn't surprised. Teresa took a big liking to Teaspoon and wanted to call him Grampa Teaspoon at the end of the day. Teaspoon was pleased with this and agreed to be called Teresa's grampa. Everything was arranged by Buck for Jeremiah to stay in the bunkhouse for a day or two and Teresa to stay at Rachel's house for the time Buck and Lou would have their honeymoon. Buck had taken Rachel out to the new ranch and had her help him make a love nest in his and Lou's bedroom for their honeymoon. Buck and Jimmy had set up the biggest bed Buck could purchase in the master bedroom. Rachel put the silk sheets on the bed Buck had ordered special from Tompkins store. Then the wedding ring quilt that Emma had sent to Buck and Lou as a wedding present was put on the bed. There were eight feather pillows on the bed making it comfortable for both the bride and groom. Rachel had made some of their favorite foods for Buck and Lou and they were packed in the back of the buckboard with their bags for their time away from the family. The hour was growing late and Buck wanted to get to the ranch before sundown. "We'll see you in a few days. Don't worry Teresa we'll be back and then we can move into our new house." Buck said when Teresa got a look of shock when they said they were leaving. "Thank you everyone for helping make this the best day of our lives. Come on my precious bride we have somewhere to be." Buck called to Lou who was looking perplexed at the fact that they were going to someplace she didn't know about. As Buck helped Louise into the buckboard Lou asked Buck, "Where on earth are we going? Please tell me Buck. Is it the hotel?" Buck just smiled and snapped the reigns and they set off to their ranch. The sun was just setting as they got to the ranch. "I knew we were going in the direction of our ranch. But how can we stay here there's no bed or bedding. How can we have a honeymoon without those?" Lou said looking at Buck quizzically. "I have everything taken care of. You just stay there and I'll come and help you down." Buck answered. Buck went around the buckboard and scooped Louise up in his arms and carried her to the front door of the ranch house. Buck managed to get the door opened without putting Louise down. He carried her up the stairs and brought her to the master bedroom. Lou let out a gasp as she saw the bed and bedding in the room. Buck placed her on the bed and kissed her deeply. "I have to go take care of the horses. I'll be up in a few minutes. Be ready for me. Can you do that." Buck asked his new bride. Buck's eyes were getting dark with desire. Lou just nodded and Buck walked downstairs out of the house and took the horses and buckboard into the barn. Buck was already hard and his dress pants were tight. He couldn't wait to start their honeymoon. Louise looked around the room there was a fire place in their bedroom along with a dresser and a wardrobe. There was a lamp on the dresser. Lou lit it to have some light in the room. Lou unbuttoned her wedding gown and took it off. She then took off her shoes and stockings then her chemise and pantelets. She stood there in the room naked wondering where to put herself to make a sight for Buck to see when he walked back in. Lou turned down the bed got in and leaned sideways on the pillows as she posed with her legs underneath her and one arm behind her head. Buck wanted to make an entrance for his lovely wife. He took the bags and food and put them in the kitchen for later. Buck then went to the bottom of the stairs and started undressing. When he was naked he took the lamp he had lit upstairs with him. He went even more silently than usual because his boots were not on his feet. Louise saw the lamplight coming toward the room and pushed out her chest and smiled sexily. Her jaw dropped when she saw her husband. Then she smiled and knew she was getting very wet. Buck smiled that wicked smile that he had when he was with Louise alone and they were to make love. Buck put the lamp on the dresser with the other one and walked over to Louise his cock at attention and harder than it had ever been. He got up on the bed and laid back on the pillows and touched his bride’s cheek caressing it. Buck then kissed Louise and their tongues danced. He then put his hands on Lou's breasts and squeezed gently. Meanwhile Lou had taken Buck's engorged member in her hand and started a slow up and down motion. They both let out moans as they increased the pressure with their hands. Buck bent his head down to take a nipple in his mouth and began to suck one of Lou's bullet shaped nipples as he tweaked and pulled on the other one. He then moved to the other one and gave it the attention it deserved. Lou was squirming under Buck's ministrations. Buck had Louise lay down on the pillows and spread her legs as he made his way down to her womanhood. He inserted a finger into her love tunnel and found she was very, very wet. Buck was pleased at this. He put his head between her legs and licked up and down her nether lips. Lou let out a squeal of delight. Then Buck sucked on Lou's sensitive bud. Lou moaned loudly. Buck took two fingers and put them in Lou's very wet tunnel and started moving them in and out at a fast pace. Lou's breathing was erratic and she let out a scream as she came. Buck took his fingers out of Lou's womanly hole and drank her juices. When Lou's orgasm was over Buck sat up and licked one of the fingers that had Lou's juices in it. He then offered the other one to Lou. She took the digit into her mouth and sucked it clean. Buck never knew a woman sucking on his finger could turn him on so much. When Lou was done with his finger she moved into kissing Buck passionately. Buck's hard on was at the point of being painful. Lou could see he was in discomfort and she was going to take care of it right then and there. Lou moved down Buck's body until she was at his shaft. She took hold of his rod and licked it from the underside to the tip then down again. Buck moaned and grabbed the sheets. He had been this way for most of the ceremony and through the reception and he was in dire need of relief. Lou suddenly plunged her mouth down onto Buck's staff and Buck clenched his teeth and let out loud moan. Lou started sucking and bobbing up and down on Buck's cock. Buck knew he wouldn't last long and yelled, "LOU I'M CUMMING." As he said this he came with a force so great he almost passed out as his eyes rolled in the back of his head. Lou took all the cum and swallowed it. When Buck finished cumming Louise licked the end of Buck now sensitive member cleaning the cum off the tip. She then licked her lips and crawled her way up to the pillows. "Louise honey, I think I passed out there for a minute. You are amazing. Tell me you'll always do that to me when I need it." Buck said between breaths as his heart rate went back to normal. "I will if you do the same for me when I need it." Lou said as she offered her breast to Buck to suck on. Buck accepted it kindly. He sucked on Lou's breasts until he was hard again. Lou looked down and saw that his formidable cock was hard once again and smiled She wanted to play some more. She started stroking Buck's shaft. Buck looked up at her and saw her eyes were dark and knew she wanted him inside her. ,p> "Lou, do you remember we said that if we needed something different in our love making to speak up?" Buck asked Lou "Yes, what do you want us to do?" Lou queried. "I thought if you're feeling a little limber we could try a different position, but you have to be comfortable with it." Buck answered hoping Lou would give it a chance. "I'm feeling pretty limber I guess. What do I have to do?" Lou said wondering what Buck had in mind. "Just lie back on the pillows, spread your legs, grab your legs behind your knees and pull them to the sides of your head and hold them there. If you can't do it we can try something else." Buck said to Louise. Lou tried the position and it felt kind of strange being that exposed but she wanted to see how it felt with Buck inside her while in the awkward position. Buck got on his knees and braced his hands on the headboard as he entered Louise. Lou could feel Buck in places she didn't even know she had. Buck was so hard he had grown bigger than he had ever been and filled Louise to capacity. He started to thrust in and out of Lou. "Oh my God! It feels like your everywhere inside me! Your so big! YES! GO FASTER! DO IT HARDER! OH I'M CUMMING!" Lou screamed as she came hard on Buck shaft. Buck continued to pump into Louise. He was getting very deep penetration. He wanted to give Lou the greatest pleasure. He had heard of a way to make a woman have more than one orgasm in a row. Buck stuck an index finger in between his shaft and Lou's love canal and got his finger nice and wet. He then found Lou's puckered hole and pushed his wet finger into her anus. Lou looked at Buck and said, "Buck what are you doing." Lou's eyes got big and Buck stuck his finger further into Lou's anus and he began to move it in and almost all the way out of her puckered hole. "OH MY GOD! I'M CUMMING AGAIN!" Lou screamed. "Does it feel good Louise? I want to make you feel good. I want to make you cum alot. YES! CUM ALL OVER MY COCK! MAKE IT ALL WET! YES THAT'S IT!" Buck yelled. Louise had cum a third time and could no longer speak intelligable words. Buck kept moving his finger inside her ass and Lou kept cumming. Finally Buck pulled his finger out of Lou's ass because he could tell she couldn't take any more. Buck pumped his staff into Lou faster and faster his hips were a blur. Buck thrust his rod into Lou as deep as he could. "AHHH! I'M CUMMING LOU!" Buck yelled as he came inside her. Lou was cumming too but was almost to the point of passing out. Buck held onto Lou as they both came together. When Buck was done with his climax he pulled out of Lou and rolled to the side of his wife. Lou was still having her orgasms and wasn't putting her legs down. Buck gently took her hands from behind her knees and lowered her legs. He held her and wiped her sweaty hair out of her face. He was kissing her face gently as she finally came back from her earth shattering orgasms. She turned her head and looked at Buck. She was smiling so Buck knew she had enjoyed it. "Oh God. I thought I died and gone to Heaven. Where did you learn that. I must have cum seven times. I've never felt anything so wonderful." Lou exclaimed as she kissed Buck with as much passion she could muster at that moment. "I guess it's sometimes a good thing to listen to Jimmy's sexual escapdes. He told me about that and a couple other positions we tried. He's got a lot of experience. He said he started having sex at age thirteen and I didn't start until I was sixteen." Buck said with a shy smile. "Who was your first Buck? I know you know about Wickes and Kid but I know nothing of your sex life before we got together." Lou asked Buck seriously. "Well my first was a girl at a farm Ike and me worked on before we came to the Express. She was the farmer’s daughter. It was her first time too. It was all very awkward. It happened in the barns hayloft. That’s why I thought to bring you out to the loft to have our first time. It was far enough away that no one could here us. Her name was Helen. She had red hair and blue eyes. We stumbled through the whole thing. Let's just say I was a little early with my climax. She left in a huff when I couldn't do it again as quickly as she wanted. She never spoke to me after that. Soon after that Ike and me found the advertisement about the Express. That was the luckiest day of my life. That's when I met you." Buck told Lou as he kissed her on her nose. "Wow she must have been a very impatient girl. I sure would have waited." Lou said with a giggle. "Were you with anybody else?" "I hate to say this but Katleen Devlin was my second time. She showed me how to do some things that would bring her pleasure and it was a learning experience. I wish I hadn't been with her because I wanted to be with you. You and Kid were getting so close that I thought I'd never get to tell you how I felt and be with you so I used Kathleen as a replacement. I never really did love her. It was more of an infatuation and a distraction. You could say we both used each other for different reasons. I'm not proud if it." Buck said to Lou with a sad look on his face. "Buck why didn't you tell me? At that time I was questioning myself whether I had made the right desicion about Kid and me. I wish I had known." Lou asked lovingly. "Was there anyone else? "Yes there was two others. The third one if you can believe it was Jennifer Tompkins. She was aggressive and sought me out to be with her. On the way to the Lakota encampment we had to spend the night. I was asleep when I felt her hand on my bare flesh. She had tied me down and I couldn't move my arms and legs She was able to unbutton my shirt and untie my pants. She was stroking me as she licked my chest. She said she wanted to be with me. She gave me no choice. She pulled down my pants and long john bottoms. She took off her doeskin dress and straddled me. I couldn't help but get hard. She wouldn't get off me. We proceeded to have the worst sexual experience I've ever had. She scratched my chest and arms with her nails. She bit my nipples hard and left marks. She even bit down a little on my cock. I screamed so loud that she stopped bitting me there. She was a strange girl. She said that Black Wolf liked her to do those things. I was awake the rest of the night while she slept peacefully by my side. It was one of the worst nights of my life. It was a while before I had sex again." Buck recalled the events with Eagle Feather. "Oh Buck, that must have been awful. She should have never done that. I wondered why you wouldn't take your shirt off for weeks after when you and the boys were doing heavy work in the heat. I could just kill that girl. If I ever see her again I'll pound her into the ground. She had no right." Lou said angrily as she punched the pillow. "Louise calm down. I didn't want to tell anybody because I was embarrassed. She did this against my will and I didn't want to admit that it was like she raped me. I don't want to talk about her anymore. Now do you want to hear about my last time before we became one or not." Buck told Lou who immediately got calm when he touched her face. Louise nodded for him to go on. "My last time before you was at a brothel in Blue Creek. I was on a run with Jimmy and he said we should stop for the night and pay some ladies a visit. I really just wanted to go make camp somewhere away from town but Jimmy teased me about being a virgin and I took the bait. He said they didn't mind having men of color in with their girls so I went in. I was hurting over Ike's death and wanted you so badly but you were with Kid. The girl I picked was small like you had brown hair that wasn't as pretty as yours and had brown eyes. Though there wasn't a light in them like yours. Her name was Lulu. It was almost like having you with me. She looked like you a bit but you're beautiful and she was just average. I paid for the time with her and we went up to her room and she told me to sit on the bed. She asked me if I've ever been with anyone before. I hesitantly said yes three times. She laughed a little and said to get undressed. So I did. She quickly took off her dress and stood there before me naked. She motioned for me to lie down on the bed and she mounted me and bounced up and down on my cock until I came and that was that. She did say I was the longest cock she'd ever had and it was pleasurable for her. She threw on her robe and told me to get dressed. As I got dressed I realized how unsatifying it was for me and that she hadn't even looked at me when we were together. As I left her room she gave me a kiss and said to come back sometime and she'll have me again because she knew no decent woman would want me because of me being a half-breed. As I walked out of the brothel I realized she didn't even ask my name. I told myself that I wouldn't have just random sex again I would only make love to a woman I was in love with. Three months later we got together." Buck told the story to Lou with tears in his eyes. "I am the happiest man alive, Louise. I couldn't have a better wife. Out of all the men in the world you picked me. I thank the god's everyday for you and now for you and our baby." Lou kissed Buck gently on the lips and straddled his body. "This is a position you had two bad experiences with. I know we've done it like this before but, I want to make it special for you and wipe away the bad memories and make new ones, Okay?" Buck just nodded. Lou took hold of Buck's now hardened member and slid onto it. Louise started to move her hips in a circular motion. Buck moaned and placed his hands on Lou's breasts. Louise leaned forward and let Buck take a nipple into his mouth. Buck sucked and bit her nipple gently as he massaged the other breast. It was Lou's turn to moan. Buck sat up a bit so Louise could move up and down on Buck's shaft and keep his mouth on her breast. They made slow passionate love as Buck came and Lou followed right along with him. Lou had Buck sit back and Lou laid down on Buck's chest with his rod still in her. They both fell into a contented sleep holding each other. Lou woke up in the middle of the night and she couldn't sleep. She decided to have a little fun. She pulled down the sheet exposing herself and Buck. Then she took Buck's limp member and gently ran her hand up and down it. Buck stirred a bit and then settled back down. Lou took his shaft into her mouth and sucked and deep throated it. Buck's eyes suddenly flew open and he moaned loudly. Lou smiled up at him from around his rod her eyes twinkling. "Just what do you think you're doing Louise?" Buck asked with amusement. Lou just smiled again and moved her mouth up and down his staff. Buck let out another moan as he got harder and harder. "So you can't talk with your mouth full, huh? Why don't you swing your sweet rear end over my way and I can take care of you as you take care of me." Buck said as Lou swung her body around and straddled Buck's face without letting his cock out of her mouth. Buck then went on to suck on Lou's pearl and finger her love canal. They both came together with wondrous orgasms. Lou crawled back up to the head of the bed and kissed Buck. They both fell asleep in each others arms. The morning after the wedding Buck woke up and looked at Louise who was lying on her back. Buck could see a bump where their baby was growing. Buck put his hands over the baby bump on Lou's stomach and caressed it. Buck put his ear to her belly and listened. He couldn't hear anything. Buck put his mouth right above where the baby was and started talking to the baby in Kiowa. He told their baby, "Hello my child. You are very loved. You are the product of your mother's and my love. You are wanted more than anything we could imagine. You may have a hard life because of your Kiowa blood. But you have family that loves you. You have a Grampa Teaspoon, a Gramma Rachel and Uncles Jimmy, Cody and Jeremiah and an Aunt Teresa. They will love you almost as much as your mother and I do. I will teach you the ways of the Kiowa and how to hunt, track and ride a horse. I can't wait until you’re here with us. You grow the best you can and we'll see you in about six or seven months. I love you little one." Buck then kissed Lou's stomach as a tear fell on to Lou's belly. "What did you say?" Lou said to Buck with a smile. Buck's tears had not stopped with the one. Lou looked down at Buck and brought him up to be face to face with her. "Buck what's the matter?" Louise said as she kissed his nose as Buck often did to her. "I'm just so happy. I never in all my wildest dreams thought we would be married with a little one on the way. Plus we have the ranch of our dreams and family around us. I never thought I would have the chance to be loved by you and be able to love you out in the open. I love this baby so much. I've always wanted children but never thought anyone would want to have them with me. I am the luckiest man in this whole entire world. My dreams have come true and even more than I could have ever dreamed has happened. I love you so much, Louise." Buck said as tears fell from his eyes as he smiled brightly at Lou. "Oh Buck I love you too. I am the happiest I've ever been in my whole life. I never knew I could love somebody so much and now the baby. I haven't told anyone this but I can't wait to feel the baby move for the first time. Rachel said it would be happening in a month or two but at first only I would feel it and then as the baby grows you and the others could put your hand on my belly to feel the baby kick. Buck we're a family. My brother and sister are here and Jimmy, Teaspoon and Rachel too. I love the way you just carressed my belly and talked to the baby. I never felt so much love come from one person in my life. You are the man of my dreams. I never want us to part for too long. You'll always come back to me won't you?" Lou said with love pouring from her voice. "I will always return to you, Louise. Wild horses couldn't keep me from you." Buck said with such conviction Lou thought she would fall in love with him all over again. "Are you hungry? I could eat a whole Thanksgiving dinner by myself." Lou said as her stomach gave a deep rumble. They both laughed as Buck's stomach gave a similar rumble. "How about we eat then we can see about taking a bath together. How's that sound? Are you cold? Do you want to put something on from your overnight bag? Or do you want to be buck nekkid with your Running Buck?" Buck said with sly smile and a dark look in his eyes. He knew he wanted to be buck nekkid with his beautiful Louise. "Hmmm let's see? Will you build a fire?" Louise asked putting her index finger on her chin and tapping it. "You bet I will. I will even carry you downstairs myself and feed you while we're in the tub I ordered from Tompkins store. How 'bout it?" Buck asked eager to get his wife in the tub. "Oh, I guess I could go without clothing for now." Lou said cheekily as she put out her arms for Buck to pick her up. Buck picked up Lou and kissed her lips. He held her close to his body and walked downstairs into the kitchen. Buck set Louise down on a kitchen chair and put the bath water on to boil. He took out the food Rachel had packed for them and put an apple pie on the table. He then took out a loaf of bread and some strawberry preserves. He also took from the small wooden box of food two plates, knives, forks and spoons. Buck rummaged around in the box and found a coffee pot, coffee and two mugs. They ate the pie, bread and jam and coffee while they waited for the water to boil. Once the bath water was ready Buck poured the hot water into the tub and then added cold water from the pump to regulate the temperature. He put his finger in to feel the water and it felt perfect. Buck then picked up Louise and slowly put her into the tub. Lou let out a sigh as she felt the water engulf her body. Buck took a bowl of fruit from the box and sat it on the chair beside the tub and got into the tub facing Lou. Buck took a piece of fruit and offered it to Louise. She gently bit the sweet fruit and then moved in to kiss her husband. They kissed long and passionately. Buck took a sponge from the side of the tub and wet it and started to wash Louise's breasts. Lou let out a sigh and then got a guilty look on her face. "Lou what's wrong? Do you not want to take a bath with me?" Buck asked confused by Lou's facial expression. "I just remembered something I never told you." Lou smiled shyly at Buck. "What is it?" Buck asked curiosity getting the better of him. "Well do you remember a week before the dance you went to take a swim and a bath at the swimming hole? Well I saw you there." Lou said carefully. "Yes. How much did you see, Louise?" Buck said already embarrassed as he remembered what he did that day. "Weeeellll, I saw you on the bank of the swimming hole and you were you know wanking your cock. I saw you cum and then saw you take your bath and wash your hair. Then you got out and I ran back to the station and took a shower. I heard you yell my name and while I was in the shower I made myself cum thinking of you naked with your cock so hard and big. I yelled out your name then. I'm really sorry, Buck. I know it was a private moment and I should have stayed away but your body is so gorgeous and you looked so satisfied. I just couldn't pull myself away. I just had to tell you. I couldn't keep it a secret any more." "I'm glad you told me. I would have minded if we didn't get together but we're together now and have seen each other in every way possible. I have a little confession to make. I saw you cum in the shower and scream my name. I only saw your head thrown back and heard you moan. I thought you might be hurt or in pain so I just stood there and waited to see if you were alright. Then you came and I thought you yelled out my name by mistake. Now I know why you yelled out my name. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was embarrassed. Then there was no good time to tell you." Buck told Louise. "Oh you. I wondered where you were after I came out of the shower. I found you in the barn mucking out stalls. You did have a strange look on your face." Lou said swatting Buck's bare chest playfully. "I wondered why you had that goofy grin on your face for the rest of the week. You would look at me when you thought I wasn't looking. Now I know why." Buck replied as he took Louise in his arms and kissed her hard. Buck's shaft was as hard as a rock and needed attention. Lou straddled Buck in the tub and slowly lowered herself down onto Buck's rod. The sensation of doing this in water was such a turn on for both of them. Lou started moving up and down on Buck engorged member. Water splashed out of the tub as Buck returned each downward motion with thrusts of his own. They were soon moaning loudly. Buck had one of Lou's nipples in his mouth and was sucking and biting it gently. Lou let out a loud moan as she ran her fingers through Buck's long hair. They were both grunting and moaning and crying out in ecstasy. They both came together with explosive orgasms. Louise moved forward to lie on Buck's chest as he carressed and squeezed her bottom. "That was..." "Magical!" Buck finished Lou's sentence. Buck had Lou stand up in the tub as he put the towel on the floor. Buck stood up got out of the tub and lifted Louise out of the tub having her wrap her legs around his waist. Buck was hard again and wanted to try another trick Jimmy had mentioned. Buck went through the house to the stairs and carried Lou up the stairs with her legs wrapped around him. They got to their bedroom and Buck brought Louise over to the wall and backed her up to it. Buck lifted Louise up on to his cock and lowered her down on to it with a growl. Lou let out a hiss as she was lowered down. Buck then put his hands under Lou's ass and started to lift her up and down on his shaft. "GO FASTER! YES JUST LIKE THAT! OH YEAH!" Lou screamed as Buck sped up the up and down motion. "YES! YOU ARE SO TIGHT! OH DAMN! I'M GOING TO CUM REALLY HARD!" Buck yelled as jets of his seed filled Lou love canal. Just as Lou felt Buck cum inside her she came as well with a primal scream. When they had come down from their climaxes Buck put Louise on her feet. Lou needed something a little more daring right now she was in the type of mood that she could make love all day long. She was as horny as she had ever been. "Buck, I need you to do it. Screw me hard and long. Are you up to it?" Lou asked with fire in her eyes. Buck was not having any trouble getting hard after their love making. He thought he could have one last go before he was too spent to go on. "Yes Louise, I think I can do that. Jimmy's experience is coming in handy today. Don't you think?" Buck said with that wicked grin he got when he was all sexed up and ready for more. Buck suddenly picked Lou up with her back to him. He moved her so he could hold her in front of him and move their bodies while she was in the air. Buck plunged Lou down onto his cock and Lou let out a yelp. Lou braced herself with her arms on Buck's upper arms. Buck started to move Louise so she was moving on his member. The feeling of being in the air and having Buck's shaft at that angle made Lou begin to cum. "AAARRRGGGHHH! I'M CUMMING! BUCK THIS IS A HARD POSITION TO BE IN WHEN YOUR PREGNANT!" Lou screamed. Buck heard what Lou had just screamed and realized it was uncomfortable for her. He slowly bent over and put Louise on her feet and pulled his staff out of her love tunnel before he had a chance to cum. The look on his face was pained. "I'm sorry Lou did I hurt you or the baby?" Buck asked scared he had hurt them. Lou turned around and saw the look on Buck face and saw how engorged his member was that she instantly got on her knees and took Buck's cock licking him from the top all the way down the underside. Buck knew now Lou didn't need to answer the question. Lou nipped at his balls sack and then took one into her mouth and sucked gently. She then did the same with the other. Buck let out a groan and put his hands on Lou's head. Buck was ready for her to take him in his mouth. "Lou do it. Put me in your mouth PLEASE!" Buck was not kidding he really needed this. Lou engulfed Buck's shaft in her mouth. She hollowed her cheeks and started sucking. Buck let out a long sigh. Lou now had taken Buck's rod into her throat and was using her throat muscles to massage his member. Buck couldn't take anymore he didn't even have time to warn Lou he was cumming. His seed sprung forth but Louise took all of it except a little that ran down her chin. She sucked Buck dry and licked her lips. Lou took her fingers and scooped the cum that had run out of her mouth and licked it off her fingers. Buck helped Lou to her feet when he had recovered and kissed her tasting his cum mixed with Lou's juices from his cock. He thought the taste was intoxicating. They walked over to the bed hand in hand. Lou smiled at Buck as he took her in his arms and held her against his chest. They fell asleep with smiles on their faces. Buck, Louise Jeremiah and Teresa moved into the ranch house a week later. Jimmy moved into the bunkhouse the same day. Lou was now into her 4th month of pregnancy. The morning sickness was gone and she was eating enough food to feed an army. Lou was taking cooking lesson along with Teresa from Rachel. Lou's cooking improved so much that soon she was cooking every meal with help from her sister. Lou enrolled both Jeremiah and Teresa in school. Jeremiah was thrilled to see that Rachel was their teacher. Teaspoon and Rachel had bought the old way station from Russell, Majors and Wadell for a good fair price with the one condition that they allow the stage company to keep their horses there. Teaspoon was now courting Rachel and they were very smitten with each other. Teaspoon lived in the bunkhouse while Rachel stayed in the main house. The months passed and they celebrated Christmas with a visiting Cody. Lou was getting bigger and Cody put his foot in it again when he asked if Lou swallowed a watermelon seed. She just gave Cody the look that means I'm not in a joking mood and Cody's jokes about Lou's condition stopped. Buck had made a beautiful cradle and crib for the baby when he or she arrived. Rachel and Teresa made a baby quilt for the baby. With Lou's help Teresa made Grampa Teaspoon a new flannel shirt and knitted the boys all a pair of socks. On her own Teresa made Rachel and Louise beautiful embroidered hankerchieves. Lou had made Buck an album with Ike's drawings in it. Needless to say there wasn't a dry eye in the house when that present was given. Buck had made a beautiful beaded necklace for Lou. He made it the way he was taught by his mother when he was with the Kiowa. Lou loved it and gave Buck the biggest kiss they'd ever had in public that is. Jimmy got Teresa a music box that winds up. He got Jeremiah a pocket knife with a hawk on it. He was beginning to think of the two sibling as his own brother and sister. Buck and Lou had bought Teresa a new party dress to wear to the dances that were bound to come up. With Lou's permission Buck made Jeremiah a bow with arrows and a quiver with the promise to teach him how to use it in the spring. Buck told Lou not to worry he would make sure he was safe. Christmas was a happy time for all in the express family especially Jeremiah and Teresa who never knew a Christmas like the one they had with Lou and their new family. Everyone was surprised on New Years Day that Teaspoon proposed to Rachel with a gold ring with a deep blue stone. Jeremiah was a bit crushed by the news but recovered quickly when he learned Lacey Miller was sweet on him. The winter went on and Teaspoon and Rachel were married on the first day of spring. Soon after Rachel announced that she was expecting in late December or early January. Teaspoon was tickled pink to becoming a father to a baby. He already raised up a fine set of young boys and a young girl into good upstanding adults. Buck and Lou had been making love throughout Lou's pregnancy. Dr. Collins had said it wouldn't hurt the baby. The baby was taking his or her own sweet time in coming and Lou was miserable. Buck stopped into see the doctor and asked if there was anything else that could be done to help Lou go into labor. Doc Collins said that having use of the marital bed could help the baby along. Buck left the doctors office beet red. He was so embarrassed by what the doctor had said. He went home and told Lou. "Anything to get this baby out of me. Can you get everyone away from the ranch for the day tomorrow. I want this baby out. I can't even see my feet and I'm in the privy all the time. If I could see my ankles I'd know how they looked swollen. I look like a beached whale. Please Buck." Lou almost whined. She would do anything to get the baby born. "Sure Lou I'll ask Jimmy to get away for the day and the kids will be at school and after that I'll have them go over to Teaspoon and Rachel's but everyone will have to be back by supper. I don't want you going into labor with only me here. It's too dangerous. Something could go wrong and I could lose you both." Buck said seriously but he was also scared. "Alright tomorrow after everyone leaves we are going to make love and make this baby come very soon. I kind of like the idea of our love making creating the baby and our love making help bring it into the world. I love you Buck." Lou cried and Buck took her into his arms and held her as best he could. Lou's emotions were going all over the place and he never knew if she was going to get mad or be ecstatically happy or cry her eyes out. He couldn't wait for the baby to be born. He wanted to see what his child looked like and know that the baby is healthy. Buck and Lou said good-bye to the children and Jimmy as they rode off on their horses. Teresa sat behind Jeremiah because she wasn't quite ready to handle a horse by herself yet. The minute they cleared the property Lou looked at Buck with dark eyes and started to pull him to the barn. "Where are we going?" Buck asked Lou. "To the barn I have an idea how to make this easier for me." Lou answered as they made their way to the barn. Lou took Buck to the very back of the barn to an empty stall. Lou had set up a blanket on the hay bales and on the floor with pillows for Lou. Lou started to get undressed and so did Buck. Buck was naked first. Lou was hesitating taking off the rest of her clothing because of the way she looked. Buck understood this. "Lou it's alright. I think you are the most beautiful woman in the world not only because your face is beautiful but because your body is beautiful to me. You could not look better if you had the body of a greecian goddess. Let me undress you. Please?" Buck said with all the love he possesed in his heart. Lou nodded and walked up to Buck. He pulled her chemise over her head and looked at her milk filled breasts. He carressed each breast. Buck then took off her pantaloons. Lou was already bare foot when they entered the barn. Buck sat Lou down on the hay bale and ran his hand over Lou's enlarged abdomen. He kissed his way down between her legs. Buck put his finger inside her love hole and found she was already wet. Buck then kissed his way back up her swollen belly to her breasts. Buck began to suck on one of her nipples and was surprised to find that milk came out when he sucked. Lou looked down at Buck pulling his head closer to her breast. Buck suckled both of her breast drinking the sweet milk. Lou needed to have Buck inside her now and Buck sensed this. Buck had Lou stand up put her hands on the bale of hay and lean over to where it was comfortable for her. Buck reached around and held on to one of Lou's breasts and squeezing gently. Lou let out a moan. Buck positioned himself at Lou's moist opening and pushed into her hole slowly. Lou let out a hiss as Buck began to move in and out of her slowly. Lou was grunting with each thrust inward and so was Buck. "Buck go faster! Do it harder!" Lou yelled. "I don't want to hurt you or the baby, Lou." Buck said though gritted teeth. He was holding back and it was killing him. "GO FASTER! DO IT HARDER! DAMN IT BUCK! DO IT LIKE YOU USUALLY DO!" Lou practically growled at Buck. "Okay whatever the pretty lady wants. Brace yourself." Buck warned. Lou made sure her arms were secure and her hands were firmly planted on the blanket that was over the hay bale. Buck then pumped harder and faster into his wife. All you could hear was the noises of two lovers making love. Buck was going at a frenzied pace and Lou was pushing back just as fast. Just then Lou's orgasm came crashing down on her. She let out a shreik. At the same time Buck came with such force he pulled out afraid he would hurt the baby. His jets of cum went all over Lou's back and ass. Buck helped Lou sit on the hay bale and kneeled before her. When their breathing got back to normal Buck looked at Lou with concern. She was flushed and sweat was pouring off her body. Lou reached around and felt Buck's cum all over her back and bottom. She looked at Buck with a 'what the hell happened' look. "I'm sorry Lou. I came so hard I had to pull out because I thought I'd hurt the baby. So I came on your back and ass. We can go take a shower if you want. There's no one around. No one will see us except the horses." Buck said sincerely smiling at Lou. "Okay but I'm putting a blanket around me just in case." Lou said as she picked up one of the blankets and wrapped it around herself. Buck picked up the other blanket and followed her in all his glory to the shower in back of the house. Lou looked at Buck and was still amazed how gorgeous his body was. Every time she saw it was like seeing it for the first time. She smiled at Buck and let out a giggle. "What? What's so funny? Do I look funny to you?" Buck said getting self conscious. "No it's not that. I just love looking at your body. Do you remember how many times we made love during the time Teaspoon and Rachel were away those five days?" Lou said smiling as she thought of their marathon love making sessions. "Well I'm glad you like looking at me. I love looking at you too. Hmmm I think we stopped counting after the twentieth time. Boy that was some five days. Do you know what I was thinking the first time we had hot hard rough sex?" Lou shook her head no and waited for Buck to continue. "I thought as I was holding your knees as I came in you that we could be making a baby and how much I wanted to have a baby that would be ours. Now he or she could be coming any day now. I love you so much, Lou." Buck told Lou as he embraced her. They had made their way to the shower and Buck went to put the water on. Lou dropped the blanket and walked in after Buck. Buck had his back to her when Lou grabbed his firm butt cheeks and squeezed. Buck was so surprised at this action that he jumped and turned around to be stomach to stomach with Lou. "You sure are a fiesty pregnant woman! You've never done that before. Now I've done it to you many times so I guess you have the right to do it to me. I can stand with my back to you and you can squeeze all you want. Just don't leave any marks. Okay?" Buck said jokingly as he rubbed his backside. "You have the cutest ass I've ever seen. I just needed to have that one squeeze right now. I'll let you know if I need more. Now can we take that shower." Lou kidded as she laughed at Buck as he massaged his backside. "Sure the waters just right come under the spicket." Buck took Lou's hand and brought her under the spicket wetting her now shoulder length hair. Buck took the lilac soap that Lou always had there and soaped up Lou's hair. He rubbed the soap into Lou's hair and scrubbed just hard enough to give Lou pleasure. Lou had her head back and was moaning slighty. "Oh Buck that feels so good. I love when you wash my hair. I'll wash your's in return." Lou said as Buck massaged Lou's head. Buck leaned Lou's head back and positioned her under the spicket. He washed all the soap out of Lou's hair and reached for the soap again. "I want to wash you. All of you." Buck said with a sly grin. "MmmmHmmm. Yes go ahead" Lou said as Buck began washing her breasts, neck and shoulders. Then Buck moved down to Lou's swollen belly. He moved his hands all over her abdomen and was rewarded with a round of kicks from the baby. "Well this one sure is fiesty like his Mama. He's going to be a good rider I can tell. He sure can kick." Buck said as he moved his hands over Lou's stomach. "And how do you know it's going to be a boy. You could have a daughter in there and she could be a good rider too and fiesty like her Mama." Lou said sternly. "I don't know how to explain it but, I just know it's a boy. We haven't discussed names much. How do you like the idea of Isaac and call him Ike. I would like to name one of our son's after Ike." Buck said with a small smile as he washed off the front of Lou's body. Lou smiled at Buck and said, "I would love to name our baby if it is a boy after Ike. But what about a middle name. I would say Aloysius but Teaspoon would skin us alive if we used that name. We can't name him Isaac Teaspoon Cross. I don't think Teaspoon would like that either. I know how about Isaac Hunter Cross. It does have a ring to it." Lou replied excited at having a name for their child if it was a boy. "I like it. It honors both Ike and Teaspoon. Now back to us I never did get to clean all of you. I think I should start from the beginning." Buck said with a wicked smile on his face. "Now fair is fair. If you get to clean all of me I get to clean all of you at the same time. Deal?" Lou said with a look of lust in her eyes. "Deal. I think there's another bar of soap here." Buck said as he looked at the ledge on the side of the shower. " Here you take the rose one and I'll take the lilac one." Buck began to soap up Lou's breasts again. Which elicited a moan from Lou. Lou was working on Buck’s chest as well. She tweaked Buck's nipples until they were tiny hard pebbles. She worked her way down to his stomach and then to his hips. Buck meanwhile was rubbing Lou's belly again and getting many kicks from the baby. This made them both smile. Lou took hold of Buck's engorged member and ran her soapy hand up and down it. Buck let out a small cry as Lou sped up her hand. Buck was on the verge of cumming. "Lou I'm going to cum." Buck said through gritted teeth. Lou sped up and started rolling Buck balls in her hand massaging them. Buck then came with a roar and hot jets of his cum squrited onto Lou's hand and arm. Some even got on Lou's pubic area. Buck washed the cum off Lou's arm and hand. Then he used the soap to clean her womanly core. Buck massaged Lou's folds and he stroked her pearl. Lou was so aroused that she came on Buck's hand with a cry. When Lou came down off her high there was one more thing she wanted to do. This was such a turn on for her and it relaxed her and Buck. "Buck honey get down on your knees and face away from me. Okay?" Lou said to Buck. "Oh I know what you want to do. As you wish my love." Buck said lovingly as he got down on his knees. Buck's hair was already soaking wet when Lou lathered his hair with the rose soap. Lou got up a good lather and began massaging Buck's head with her fingers. Buck let out a low moan and tilted his head back further. "Lou, baby don't stop. I can feel the tension just washing away. Mmmmmm." Buck practically purred. After a while Buck slowed Lou's hands and took them away. He knew she must be getting tired and needed a rest. Buck stood up and washed the soap suds out of his hair and kissed Lou passionately. He took the blanket from the ground outside the shower and wrapped it around Louise. Buck then scooped her up in his arms. She wasn't much heavier than she was before at least to Buck. Buck carried Louise into the house and up the stairs to their bedroom. Buck laid Lou down on the bed. He got a nightgown out of the dresser and put it on his wife. He put on a clean pair of longjohn bottoms and sat behind Lou with his back on the headboard. Lou settled herself against Buck's chest put her head forward so he could brush her hair. As Buck brushed Lou's hair she fell asleep. Buck was tired too and nestled in with Louise and they both went into a contented lovers sleep. Buck was awakened by horses riding into the yard. He figured it was about seven o'clock in the evening. Louise had rolled away from Buck and Buck found a way to get up without waking her. His legs were asleep slightly but he bent them up and down as he got dressed and by the time he got to the top of the stairs they were back to normal. He greeted Jeremiah and Teresa along with Jimmy. He put a finger to his lips and made a shushing noise. "Louise is asleep. She hasn't been sleeping well with the baby moving around so much so you have to be quiet. Did you have supper?" Buck said as he ushered his family into the sitting room. "Yes. Rachel made us supper and I helped." Teresa said proudly. "That's great Teresa. Do you have any homework?" Buck asked Teresa and Jeremiah. "Nope. We finished it at Teaspoon and Rachel's. Is Louise alright. She looked anxious this morning." Jeremiah replied with concern for his sister. "She's fine. The baby is late and she's just nervous about the birth. It can be very painful but everything will be fine don't worry." Buck assured his family. "I have to go out to the barn and finish some chores." Jeremiah said as he went to get up. Buck stopped him remembering that all their clothing from this morning was in the barn along with the pillows Lou had put there. "You go on up to bed and get some rest. You never know when the baby is going to decide to be born. I'll go finish up your chores. You too Teresa. We may be woken up in the night with the baby on the way." Buck said as he ushered the children upstairs. "I'll come out and help you." Jimmy said as Buck made his way out the door "Okay, but you may be surprised by what you find there." Buck said smiling to himself. Jimmy walked into the barn first and looked around. He saw there was nothing amiss. He then followed Buck to the very back of the barn. Jimmy stopped when he saw the clothing on the ground and then the pillows strewn all around. He got a puzzled look on his face. "Buck isn't it harmful for the baby to be um 'dancin' at this point in the pregnancy?" Jimmy asked Buck worried for Lou and the baby. "Actually I asked the doctor if there was anything that could be done to make the baby be born sooner because Lou is miserable. He said 'Use of the marital bed could help speed the baby along'. His words not mine. I told Lou this and she said whatever it took to get the baby to come. She was willing to try it and that's what we did today. She had to be in a comfortable position so she had here in the back all made up and we made love." Buck said happy he could confide in his friend. "What position did you actually do that would be comfortable for Lou being as pregnant as she is?" Jimmy asked with a funny look on his face. "Well she stood up bent over and put her hands on the bale of hay. There was a blanket on it so her hands wouldn't get hurt. I came up behind her and you know we 'danced'. She even let me drink the milk from her breasts. It was really sweet tasting. Lou loved it. I may do it again if she lets me. Then we went to have a shower. It was one of the most sensual thing I've done with Lou. I washed her hair and washed her whole body as she washed me. Then she washed my hair. We had some fun during the shower too. It wasn't all washing. I carried her up to our bedroom wrapped in a blanket and got her in her nightgown and brushed her hair and we fell asleep. We were really tired after all that" Buck told Jimmy. "How is your regular 'dancin' like?" Jimmy asked wanting to get some details. "Promise you won't tell anyone else?" Buck said seriously. "I promise what you say won't pass my lips except when I talk to you." Jimmy promised. "Okay. Our first time was amazing. It was in the barn loft one night. The best sex I'd had up til then. To tell you the truth I thought I wouldn't stand up to Kid in the sex department but, Lou told me that Kid would only do it in the missionary position and he wouldn't taste her in her you know womanly areas. He said it was dirty but Lou would have to suck his cock. I don't think that's fair. She said he would cum quickly and not let her cum. Again I don't think that's fair." Buck told Jimmy as they did their chores. "Sounds like Kid. He could be selfish when it came to Lou. You ever try any of those positions I mentioned?" Jimmy replied "As a matter of a fact we did. Most if not all of them. This is very private and I know you won't say anything so I'll tell you. Lou loves wild hard rough sex. She asks for it practically every time we are together even when she was first pregnant and into the pregnancy until she got too big for the difficult positions. Our first time she asked me and I agreed. Lou told me she asked Kid once and he said if she wanted hard wild sex to go to the saloon and become a saloon girl. I could kill him for that after what happened with Wickes. That was just plain wrong." Buck told Jimmy. "I agree. He should have never said that. So tell me about the wild sex." Jimmy prodded Buck for more information. "Okay. The first time I turned Lou over and put her on her hand and knees and shoved 3 fingers into her and got them nice and wet. Then I made her lick the juices off my fingers. She loved it. Then I screwed her from behind on my knees. Then I began to stand up I took her legs and pulled her into a hand stand and rammed my cock into her while standing and pulling her up onto my cock. She came hard and I did too. I think that's when we made the baby but, I can't be sure. I know the baby was made that night. We made love a lot that night. Almost every hour or two. Once before the express ended Teaspoon brought Rachel to Blue Creek to visit her friend and Lou and me had five days of non stop sex. We did it everywhere we could get away with it. I even gave her oral gratification on the table in the bunkhouse. Then we did it on a chair with her straddling me." "Wow Buck I didn't know you had it in ya'. Did you try the finger up the ass? That's a real pleaser. I know many women I've been with love it." Jimmy said waiting for Buck to answer. "Yep. I tried that on our honeymoon. Lou didn't understand at first but then she went into big orgasms one after another. I had to pull my finger out because she couldn't take anymore. She said she came seven times." Buck recalled. "Wow I never made a woman cum seven times. That must be a record, Buck. I'm proud of ya'. I thought telling you boys my exploits would only amount to a couple of rolls in the hay but you took it far beyond that. I'm impressed." Jimmy praised Buck. Jimmy and Buck parted. Jimmy going to the bunkhouse and Buck to the house. Louise was still sleeping. Buck got undressed and got into bed with his beloved wife. He had her back against his chest and his hand on her belly. Buck fell asleep dreaming of him and Lou being together like they were in the beginning of their relationship. It was about two in the morning and Buck woke up to the right side of his hair being pulled very roughly. He jumped at the pain it was causing him then he heard Louise's breathing. Buck turned to see Lou sitting up in bed and panting. He gently removed Lou's fingers from his hair and sat up. "Louise is it time? Is the baby coming?" Buck asked not quite knowing what to do. "YES! Now get Jimmy to go get the doctor!" Lou yelled through gritted teeth. Buck threw open the window and bellowed for Jimmy. After a minute or two Jimmy stumbled out of the bunkhouse while putting his boots on. He signaled Buck to say he was on his way and took off for the barn. "Louise sweetheart is there anything I can do?" Buck asked not ready for what was to come. Louise was in the hard labor period and close to giving birth. Buck was not ready for the tirade that he was about to get. "YES! You can never touch me again! I am never having sex again! Not if you paid me a million dollars.! This is your fault! You did this to me! It was your seed that put this baby in me and now I have to give birth with a stupid husband asking stupid questions!" Lou yelled. "OHHHH MY GOD! THIS IS A REALLY BIG ONE! BUCK! Buck Hold me. Please hold me." Buck didn't know whether to hold her or not touch her. He settled for sitting next to her and holding her hand. But Lou had other plans. Lou gripped Buck's hand so hard he thought his hand was broken. He was writhing in pain trying not to let Lou see him. He heard a knock at the door. He couldn't get up because of the death grip Lou had on his hand so he squeaked, "Come in." Both Jeremiah and Teresa where at the door. They were scared. Teresa went over to Lou who was literally going to kill Buck for letting them come in. "Louise are you okay? We heard you yelling." Teresa said with tears in her eyes. Lou let go of Buck's hand long enough for her to touch Teresa's face and give her a reassuring nod. Then the grip of death began anew. Buck was trying to get his voice normal for the children and almost managed it as he said, "Louise is having the baby. We need you to go get some clean towels and put on water to boil, Jeremiah. Teresa I need you to get the diapers and baby blanket from the nursery. Can you both do that for me and Louise? Louise needs me here." Buck told the children. "Sure Buck we'll help." Jeremiah said eagerly. "Come on Teresa we have work to do." Teresa followed Jeremiah out of the room and with one last look closed the door. "I swear that boy is going to be a great husband and father someday." Buck said as another contraction came over Louise. It was a big one. "Buck I have to push! NOW!" Lou yelled at Buck who got down at the end of the bed lifted the sheet and saw the baby's head. "Oh my god. Louise the baby's head is coming. I think I'm going to have to deliver our baby. I've done it before with Rebecca Granger's baby boy. There's no way you can wait until the doc gets here. I love you and will do my damnest to guide our baby into this world. Okay Louise, PUSH!" Buck told Lou. "OHHHHHHH! AAAAHHHH! Oh Buck I love you so much." Louise yelled one minute then the baby's head started to come and she yelled something different. "Buck I hate you! You will not be any closer than twenty feet from me at all times! I swear if I see your little baby maker I'll shoot it off. Just try meeeeeeeee!" Louise screamed at Buck. "Louise the baby's head is out I need you not to push just let the baby come. That's it! There's one shoulder. You're doing great. Here's the other shoulder. Just a few more seconds Louise your doing wonderful. Oh it's a boy." Buck said as he coached Lou through the delivery of their first child. Buck slapped the baby on it's bottom and a big wail came from the baby. Louise collapsed onto the pillows and closed her eyes until she heard the doctor come in with Rachel. "Louise he's beautiful. God bless him. You did a great job. You too Papa. Let me have him Buck. I'll clean him off." Rachel said as the doctor came forward to examine Louise and the baby. "Buck could you leave us alone while I examine Louise and the baby. You did a wonderful job. You've must have delivered a baby before. You are very well educated on the birthing process." Doctor Collins said to Buck who made his way out of their bedroom and downstairs. Jeremiah, Teresa, Jimmy and Teaspoon where there waiting in the sitting room for news on Louise and the baby. Buck looked down at himself before he entered the sitting room. He was covered in birthing fluid and blood. He stopped and asked for Jimmy to come into the hall. "Could I borrow some clothes. I don't want to disturb Louise with the doctor here. As you can see I'm a mess and I'm afraid I'll scare the kids. Just a shirt some long john bottoms and pants. I'll make sure they're washed and get back to you quickly. I have to go take a shower." Buck said to Jimmy thinking that he really needed to be clean. "Sure Buck I'll go get them now. You should go out the back way to the shower. I'll tell everyone you'll be here in a minute. So are you going to tell me? Is it a boy or a girl, Papa." Jimmy answered Buck as he headed out the door. "Thanks Uncle Jimmy. Oh and it's a boy. You'll learn his name when I get back." Buck told Jimmy. Buck was back in ten minutes from the shower. His hair was wet but combed and he was barefoot but he didn't care. He had a healthy baby boy. A son. His wife was doing fine and he was the happiest he had ever been. Buck walked into the sitting room to the family that meant everything to him. He sat down on the settee next to Teresa and smiled at the group. "Well Buck are you going to tell us the news or so we have to wait for the announcement in the newspaper." Teaspoon drawled merrily. "Well Louise is fine and I delivered the baby. It's a boy. We named him Isaac Hunter Cross. We're going to call him Ike." Buck said happily to his family. "Well I'll be. A boy named after Ike. Uhh... did you say his middle name is Hunter, son?" Teaspoon asked a bit taken back "Yes. We wanted to name him after Ike and you. We thought you would tan out hides if we called him Aloysius and Teaspoon didn't quite fit. Then Lou thought of Hunter. We agreed it would be Isaac Hunter yesterday. I knew it was gong to be a boy. We had no girl names picked. I guess I have a sixth sense." "I'm honored you put my last name with the name of your brother and he was your brother in the truest form. I am truly blessed. I have a grandson. Little Ike." Teaspoon said with a tear in his eye. Buck and Lou enjoyed having little Ike to care for. He was the reason the whole family would get together three times a week for supper and for Sunday dinner. He was a sweet baby. He hardly ever cried and was a good sleeper. Buck and Lou were going crazy with sexual desire for each other but they had to wait until the doctor said it was alright to make love again. Lou would suck Buck's cock and Buck would suckle Lou's breasts to get milk out of them. He would also use his mouth on Lou's love bud and make her cum but, it wasn't enough. They needed to be as one. One day after heading in for Ike's monthly check-up. Lou came back to the ranch with a big smile on her face. She had some news and she wanted to share it with Buck at the right time. Lou asked Rachel if Jeremiah, Teresa and baby Ike could stay with her for a night. Baby Ike drank from a bottle as well as breast feed. Lou asked Jimmy if he could make himself scarce as she had a surprise for Buck and they needed to be alone. Jimmy agreed and said he would stay with Teaspoon. Lou had the whole place cleared out as Buck was coming back from Tompkins store. She left notes for him in places he could see them clearly. They told Buck to take a shower and then head for the hay loft and he would find what he desired there. Buck did what the notes told him, he climbed up the ladder to the hay loft and found Louise sitting on a nice quilt naked with a smile on her face. Buck was a bit shocked. He knew they couldn't do anything. "Lou why are you here naked and where is everybody?" Buck asked Louise and sat down beside her and gave her a kiss on the head. "Well when I went to the doctors yesterday. He checked me over and gave me the answer I've been waiting for. He said we can be as we usually are in the marital bed. I thought here was more memorable because we had our first night together in a loft. So what do you say lover? Do you need any more of an invitation." Lou said as she pushed her chest out and stroked Buck's member through his pants. Buck let out a loud moan. He stood and was out of his clothing in what seemed like seconds. Lou got on her knees and took hold of Buck's now rigid member. She licked up and down the shaft. Lou sucked on Buck's balls one at a time. Buck was in heaven. Then Lou engulfed Buck's cock in her mouth and took him deep in her throat. Buck felt the familiar tingling in his balls as he began to cum. Buck yelled, "LOU I'M CUMMING!" As jets of his seed made their way down Lou's throat. Lou took it all as always. Licking her lips and cleaning Buck up. When Buck got off his orgasmic high he turned to look at Lou. He made his way between her legs and parted her nether lips. Buck licked her up to her pleasure nub and began to suck on it. He took two fingers and inserted them into Lou's womanly hole and moved them in and out. Lou head was thrashing from side to side. She was yelling unintelligible words at the top of her lungs. She took hold of Buck's hair and pushed his face into her pearl when she did this she came with so much cum that it covered Buck's whole mouth cheeks and chin as well as him swallowing a great amount. Lou let out a yell that Buck thought they could hear at Teaspoon and Rachel's. Lou finally let go of Buck's hair and he was able to sit up. He felt his face and began taking the juices off with his fingers and sucking on them to get Lou's juices off of them. Lou was now back from her orgasm. Buck took his fingers wiped his face and offered them to Lou knowing she loved to taste her juices. Lou sucked on Buck's digits and smiled when they were clean. Lou had to have Buck inside her warmth. "Buck make love to me, but make it a little different. Okay?" Louise asked Buck with a pleading look on her face. Buck thought a minute and then got the very way it could be different. Buck laid down on the quilt. "Lou sit on my cock but face away from me. It will be different I promise." Lou faced away from Buck and took his rock hard member and place it in her love canal and sunk down on it. This made Lou purr. Lou started to move up and down on Buck's shaft as Buck pumped into Louise. Buck reached up and took hold of both of Lou's breasts. He began to fondle and squeeze her breasts. He pulled on her nipples which elicited a cry from Lou. Louise started moving faster on Buck's rod. "YES! YES! HARDER! THRUST INTO ME FASTER! OHHHH PULL MY NIPPLES HARDER! YES LIKE THAT!" Lou yelled. "YES! OH HELL YEAH! GO FASTER LOU! FASTER! I'M GOING TO CUM!" Buck yelled as he came with such a force that the second Lou felt him cum she came too. Buck thought as he came hard into Lou's womb that they were making another baby. He hoped so because he wanted a big family. They both collapsed and held each other. They needed sleep now and they could play later. Buck woke up an hour later and was randy for Lou. He thought he'd wake her with to a very erotic feeling. Buck took one of Louise's nipples in his mouth and started to suck. She was still breast feeding Ike and Buck would often suckle the milk that Ike did not need at night while they lay in bed. Lou loved the feeling and it always got Buck aroused. The sweet milk went into Buck's mouth as he started to get very hard. Lou started to moan as she stirred in her sleep. Buck moved to the other nipple and suckled it until Lou opened her eyes and looked down at her husband at her breast. Lou ran her fingers through Buck's long silky hair. Buck brought his mouth up to Lou's kissing her with passion fueled but the fact that they had not been together before today since the day before the baby was born. "You said you wanted something different in our love making I have a few suggestions. Jimmy is a font of wisdom." Buck laughed as Lou looked at him thinking they were in for some fun today and tonight. Buck laid down on the quilt. He told Lou to straddle him like she had earlier and guide his member into her moist tunnel. He then had her lie back on his chest with her legs bent on either side of him. He placed her arms above her head. Then he reached down to rub her pleasure nub as he started to move under her. He took one breast in his hand and massaged it. Lou thought this was an very interesting position and started to move with Buck. Buck rubbed Lou's little pearl and he brought her to her first orgasm. Lou let out a yell. She couldn't believe she had orgasmed so quickly. She loved the way it felt to be in this position with Buck. Buck sped up his movements and could feel his own orgasm coming on. This position provided very deep penetration. He was deeper than he had ever been before. Lou was moaning to beat the band and Buck was gritting his teeth trying not to scream in Lou's ear. Finally Buck could hold out no longer he came with a powerful climax as Lou came for a second time. They both screamed out each others names. Lou collapsed beside Buck. Their chests heaving from the exertion. "Oh my God, Buck that was amazing with you rubbing me and the way you were inside me. I didn't want it to stop. I've never cum so fast before. My God I think you should talk to Jimmy more about sex." Lou said as her breath came back. "It was incredible, wasn't it?" Buck said as he got up and took Lou's hands helping her up. "Now for an encore. If the lady would bend over and grasp her ankles. We can begin." Buck said in a mock formal tone. "Okay, Buck I trust you. My body is yours for the taking." Lou said as she bent over and took hold of her ankles. Buck bent his knees a little and lined up his cock with Lou's womanly hole and pushed it in. Lou let out a squeal and then a groan. Buck held onto Louise's hips and started thrusting into her at a fast pace. They were both moaning and groaning as Buck sped up his motions. Lou went into a great climax that had her screaming "BUUUUUUUUCK!" Buck came right after Lou and emptied his seed into Louise with a grunt. Buck pulled out and helped Lou down to the quilt then fell down beside her. "Oh my that was an incredible encore. Do you have any more?" Louise asked Buck feeling very aroused and ready for anything. "Yep, I have several more for the rest of the day and tonight. Are you ready for a marathon night of love making, my love?" Buck replied as Louise looked on in awe of this incredible man that she was lucky enough to be married to. "You ready for one more before we head into the house to our bedroom?" Buck asked as he had Louise lie down on the quilt cushioned with hay. Buck had Lou put her legs up and place them on his shoulders. Buck moved his knees apart and planted them on the quilt. Buck pushed his already hard member into Louise's love canal. He then leaned forward a little and started thrusting into Lou with reckless abandon. "OH MY GOD! HOLY MOTHER IN HEAVEN! YOU ARE SO DEEP! I FEEL YOU EVERYWHERE! OH LORD I'M CUMMING!" Louise screamed as Buck pumped in and out of her. Louise came hard on Buck shaft. Buck wanted to give Louise the ultimate pleasure he could so he wet his finger in his mouth and stuck it up Lou's anus and started wiggling it. Lou let out a scream like a mad woman. Her body shook and jerked as she had orgasm after orgasm. Finally Buck came inside Louise's womb. When he did this he pulled his finger out of Louise's anus and pulled out and let her legs down. Buck noticed that Lou's eyes were closed. He kissed her on the mouth gently and Louise opened her eyes. "Are you okay Louise?" Buck asked concerned that he had hurt her. "Okay? I'm fabulous! I've never felt such pleasure before." Louise giggled. "Tell me you'll do that more often. I came more than I could count. I just kept cumming and cumming one after the other until I couldn't tell where one stopped and another began. I've never felt anything like that in my life. I'm ready for more." Buck took Louise's hand and they went down the ladder to the main floor of the barn. It was still light but, they were so far out from town and no one else was there Buck and Lou walked naked as they kissed and touched each other to the house. At the door Buck picked Louise up and carried her up the stairs. He walked into the bedroom and kicked the door shut. Buck was hard and ready for more. Buck placed Lou in the middle of the bed. Then climbed on the bed himself and sat crossed legged. Buck then instructed Louise to sit in his lap facing him, placing his member into her love tunnel and put her legs around his back. This was a very intimate position and both Buck and Louise loved it. Buck and Lou started to move their hips in a fluid motion. Louise's breasts pressed up against Buck's chest were invigorating. He could feel her hard nipples against his pecks and it almost made him cum. They kissed and sucked each others tongues. Lou sucked on Buck's Adam's apple. This was something she had never done before and it turned him on and made him move his hips faster. Buck played with Lou's breasts and nipples massaging and tweaking them as they both moaned into the other's mouth. Lou let her hands wander to Buck's ass and she started rubbing and pinching it softly. They were so involved in the intimacy of their love making that when Lou came it was a surprise to both of them. Buck kept up his pace as Lou came down from her climax. Soon Buck was cumming and Lou was cumming again right along with him. They both held on to each other for the whole length of their orgasms. Finally spent for that moment Buck laid Lou down on the pillows and moved to the side of her as he kissed her sweaty forehead. Buck took one of Louise's nippes in his mouth tasting the sweet milk. Lou brought her hand down to Buck's shaft and balls sac and started stroking his rod and massaging his balls to make him hard again. Buck put his hand between Lou's legs and rubbed her little button as he massaged one breast and suckled milk from the other. Buck was beginning to get hard and he was bringing Louise to climax very fast with his stimulation. All at once Lou came on Buck's hand and Buck became rock hard. They were ready to play some more. "Lou I want to try something really different with you. I think your riding skills will come in handy. You up for it." Buck said to Lou as he stroked her cheek. "Okay. I'm up for anything. Let's go I'm getting hornier by the minute." Lou said as she kissed Buck hard on the mouth. Buck laid on his back and entered Lou while she was sitting sideways her feet planted on the bed. Buck put one hand under Louise's bottom and the other on her waist. Lou put her hands on her knees for support. Buck and Lou started moving. Lou used her legs and stomach muscles to move up and down as Buck helped her with the motion. Buck thrust upward into Louise on every down stroke. It was like Lou was riding a horse side saddle. Both Buck and Lou thought this position familiar in a strange way. Both of them moved in a tempo that they both liked and soon were cumming in unison. They both screamed out unintellible words. Lou thought Buck was speaking in Kiowa. Their chests were heaving and they were panting. Sweat covered their bodies. Buck looked down at himself and said, "I could use a shower. How about you?" "I'm sure a shower will make us clean and satisfied." Louise said with a wink to Buck as she jumped off the bed and ran down the stairs with Buck hot on her heels. They made it to the shower at the same time. Buck pulled Lou in for a kiss as he turned on the spicket. They both stepped under the water and took the soap and began washing each other. Buck made his way down Lou's body washing every inch of her. When Buck was done washing Lou, she did the same making Buck hard again. Lou washed off Buck's body and then Buck lifted Lou up and she put her legs around his waist and reached back to put Buck's engorged member into Lou's awaiting hole. Lou put her arms around Buck's neck and Buck put his hands under Lou's ass. Buck started moving Lou up and down on his pole. The water made it very easy to move as it acted like a lubricant. The water flowed down their bodies as Buck took one of Lou's nipples into his mouth and sucked and bit it gently. Lou let out a cry. "OH MY GOD! I LOVE IT THIS WAY! GO FASTER! HARDER!" Lou yelled as she came with a great force. Buck let out a loud growl almost like a mountain lion as he came in Lou's womb. Buck set Lou on her feet and went to wash her hair. "Do you remember the last time we did this, Louise?" Buck asked his wife. "Yes I do it was right before little Ike was born. I was as big as a house and Ike was late and we made love at the doctor‘s recomendation. I was so fat and ugly looking I don't know how you could make love to me." Louise said to Buck as he rinsed the soap out of Lou's hair. Buck turned Lou around and looked her straight in the eye. "I don't ever want to hear you say that again. I don't even want you to think it. You were beautiful when you were pregnant with Ike. You became more beautiful every day you grew heavier with our child. I didn't care that you had a big belly. It just made me want you more. You are beautiful to me in any form you're in. I love you Louise. I don't ever want you to think I wouldn't want you. Ever. I will want you when were eighty years old and making love in our bed. We may have to do it slower and gentler than now. But you will always turn me on and be the only one I want. You are my everything, Louise." Buck said with tears in his eyes. Lou looked into Buck's eyes and saw the love pouring out of his soul. Lou eyes were giving the same out pouring of love to Buck. "I love you Buck Cross. I am so lucky to have you to love me. You gave me little Ike and brought Teresa and Jeremiah back into my life. And maybe just maybe we made another baby today." Lou said holding Buck tight to her body. "Would you want another baby so soon Buck?" "I would be ecstatic if we were to have another baby. I want a big family. I never had anyone but my mother and brother growing up. Then at the mission school I had Ike. Then we all had the express as our family. Now I want one for us. With a big extended family and lots of babies. I would like a girl and I want six kids. You up for it. It's a tall order. You can say no. I won't push the issue if you only want a small family." Buck said to the only person in his life that he could talk to about anything. "I think six is a good even number. I may want to kill you while I'm giving birth but you are always the one I want to be the father of my babies. No one else could come close. We make a beautiful baby don't you think. Ike is gorgeous just like his Papa." Lou told Buck as she motioned for him to turn around so she could wash his hair. Buck smiled at the love he had for this woman. They made their way to the house at dusk. They went into the sitting room, the only room they had never made love in. Lou instructed Buck to stand over her head and bend his knees. Lou took Buck's member into her mouth and pulled him down then pushed him up with his cock going in deep and then out to the head of his shaft. Lou pulled him a couple of times until he got the idea and began bending his knees up and down. Lou would deep throat his rod lick her way up to his head as she sucked and then swirl her tongue over the head of his staff. Buck was in total bliss. He started moving faster as he felt his balls tightening. He was moaning and groaning. Buck bent his knees one last time and exploded into Louise's throat. Buck pulled out of Lou's mouth and sat down next to Lou on the floor. Buck had an idea how he could repay Louise for the pleasure he was just given. Buck finally regulated his breathing and told Louise, "It's your turn." Buck had Lou lie down on the rug and she put her legs over her head exposing herself to Buck like the day they learned Louise was pregnant. Buck leaned over Louise and started licking her nether lips. He licked her from her puckered hole to her little pearl. Lou let out a squeal. Buck poked his tongue in and out of Lou's womanly core and moved his finger in a circle over her bud. Lou was breathing heavy and mouthing the words Oh my God' over and over again. Buck now had Lou's bud in his lips and was fingering her hole with three fingers. Buck would nibble and suck on Louise's pleasure nub. Lou went over the edge with Buck doing this. She came hard as her juiced oozed out of her. Buck licked her clean and let her back down. By this time Buck was hard again. He needed Lou now. 'Lou did say this would be a marathon love making session.' He thought to himself. Buck had Lou kneel in front of him facing away from him as Buck got behind her and entered her from behind. He put one hand on her hip and one over her breast as he massaged it and played with her nipple. Lou put one hand on Buck's ass and the other where they were joined feeling Buck's shaft going in and out of her. They began to speed up when Lou had her first orgasm. Buck was speeding toward his climax. He reached around Lou and started rubbing her button so she would climax the same time as him. Lou dug her nails into Buck's ass cheek as she felt what he was doing. "OH YEAH! I LOVE YOU FROM BEHIND, BUCK! GO FASTER! RUB MY NUB HARDER! OH LORD I'M CUMMING! CUM WITH ME LOVER!" Lou screamed at the top of her lungs. "OH HELL YEAH! YOU FEEL SO GOOD! YOU TOUCHING MY COCK LIKE THAT IS AMAZING! OH YEAH! I'M CUMMING WITH YOU!" Buck hollered as he came with Lou. He ground his pelvic bone into Lou's ass as he came. They both fell to the floor gasping for breath. "Oh I need to sleep. Just a little while and then I can go on." Buck said as he took two blankets off the settee and put one on the floor and then they laid down and put the other one over them. Buck kissed Lou on the head as she curled into him and they slept exhausted but feeling great. Buck woke up and sat up wiping the sleep from his eyes. He saw it was dusk. Buck stood up went into the kitchen and he was hungry and he was sure Lou would be hungry when she woke up. Buck made a plate of sandwiches from what he found in the kitchen. He also found some apple cider. He thought it would be nice to have a cool drink instead of coffee that night. He brought the food and drink in on a tray and set it down in front of them. Lou was just waking up when Buck came in with the tray. She sat up and smiled at Buck. "What's this? I would have made dinner. Thank you sweetie. I'm really hungry." Lou said as Buck handed her a sandwich and a glass of cider. "What a day, huh? I feel like I've trained 5 horses today and rode each of them to and from Ft. Laramie." Buck joked. He really wanted more with Louise but he wanted to see if she was too tired. "We did do a lot today but I think I have it in me to do more. You up to it?" Lou stated. "You bet I'm up for more." Buck said with a wicked smile on his face. Buck took the empty plate and glasses to the kitchen. When he returned he took Louise by the hand and moved over to the settee. He sat down and turned Lou around so she was facing with her back to him. He gently eased Louise down onto his rock hard member and had Louise move up and down on his shaft. They got a pleasing rythmn and Buck brought his hand around to Lou pearl. He began to rub her love button and Lou let out a long sigh. They picked up the pace and Buck could feel his orgasm coming and rubbed Lou nub harder and faster. "OH LORDY! THAT FEELS SO GOOD, BUCK! OOOOHHHH I'M CUMMING!" Lou yelled. "AAAAHHHH I'M CUMMING TOO! LOUISE I LOVE YOU!" Buck hollered as he came inside Lou. The minute Buck came Lou came too. They collapsed on the settee with Buck's member still inside Lou. They were both spent. They could make no more love today. Lou got off Buck’s lap as his cock slipped out of her tunnel. She took Buck by the hand and they went upstairs to their bedroom collapsed into bed and slept holding each other. They both dreamed of the six children they were going to have. They slept in a contented sleep until the sun came up. It turned out Lou did get pregnant that day. Buck and Lou were ecstatic. Little Ike was learning to do all kinds of things. When he was 6 months old Buck took him on his first ride on Warrior with Louise looking on. He loved it. He was a very happy baby who loved everyone around him. Jimmy met a girl named June Marshall and they began courting. After about 3 months of courting Jimmy proposed and the wedding was set for the month of June. Lou was to be her Matron of Honor and Buck was going to be Jimmy's Best man. Theresa was going to be the flower girl. The ceremony would be officiated by Teaspoon. Everyone was looking forward to the wedding. They were also looking forward to the arrival of Buck and Lou's second child. One day in Lou's fifth month she heard a horse ride up to the house. She went to the door to see who it was. She as shocked to see Kid standing in the yard. Louise made her way out to see what Kid wanted. "Hello Kid" Louise said as Kid turned around. His eyes got big when he saw Lou's stomach. He figured Lou worked on the ranch with Buck. He never thought she's be pregnant. "Hi Lou. You're having a baby. Who's the lucky fella?" "Yes Kid this will be my second child with Buck. We were married over a year ago. He brought Teresa and Jeremiah to live with us. Jimmy is our partner and foreman." Lou said thinking of what Kid had said when he left that she would never find a man that would want her because she pretended to be a boy. "You married Buck? How did that happen? I never remember him being attracted to you and you loved me. I think it's a weird combination. You and Buck." Kid laughed at the thought of Lou marrying Buck of all people. "You here for a reason Kid? Little Ike is going to wake up from his nap soon and I have work to do." Lou said annoyed with Kid's arrogance. "I thought we could talk. I should have never left you Lou. I wanted to ask you for another chance. Come away with me Lou. You don't love Buck really? You will always love me. Divorce Buck and when the baby is born we can leave it with Buck. You won't have any strings holding you to them. Come be my wife and have my babies. I still love you Lou. You can fix this mistake." Kid said in his high and mighty way. "I didn't make a mistake, Kid. I would never leave Buck or my babies. I don't love you anymore. I don't think I ever did. Buck and me we made promises to each other even before we were engaged and married. I love him more than any man I have ever known. He is my life. Buck, my babies and my siblings are the most special things in my life. Why would I leave the best people in the whole world to me? You still have some nerve, Kid. You left me for war. You said horrible things to me. Buck was the one who was and is there for me. He said he would never leave and I believe him. I will love Buck and my family forever. It's time for you to leave, Kid. You got no right coming back here asking me to go off with you. I don't want you coming around here making trouble for Buck for marrying me. You're the one who made the mistake, Kid and I'm glad you did. I don't think I would be happy with you at all. I guess I have to thank you for leaving me. It was the best present you could have given me. I thank you for that. Good bye, Kid. I hope you have a good life." Lou told Kid and turned to go into the house. When Louise entered the house she saw Buck standing there with a look of relief on his face. "Did you really think I would leave you for Kid? You're the one I love, Buck. You saved me. You made me a mother. I would never leave you." Lou said with tears in her eyes. Buck just smiled at Louise and picked her up and took her to their bedroom. They made love like it was their first time. Buck and Louise went on to have two more boys and three girls. With two of the girls being twins. They were overjoyed with their children. Or as Buck called them their little tribe. Jimmy and June married and had three children two girls and a boy. They were their pride and joy. Jimmy and Buck built a house on the ranch land for Jimmy's family. Not to be outdone Teaspoon and Rachel had two children a boy and a girl. Teresa married the town's new doctor and they had one child a girl. Jeremiah went to school to be a teacher and married his childhood sweetheart. They had five children four boys and a girl. As Buck predicted Jeremiah was a wonderful husband and father. Like Buck he had to deliver their first child and he was a natural. The ranch prospered and grew into the best ranch for the finest horse flesh for one hundred miles around. The children grew and eventually got married and had their own families. Buck and Lou spoiled their grandchilden every time they would come to visit. The Express family got together every Thanksgiving and Christmas. They all lived full long lives and were very happy til the day each of them left this earth.
The End.
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