General Information:
**   Please note that all stories need to be proofread before submitting them. Here at EXPRESSions we simply don't have the time
to proof and edit each story. We highly recommend using the services of a beta reader to catch not only grammar and punctuation issues, but also
to provide feedback on continuity within the story and adherence to show canon (if applicable - see the note about AU's).
   If you don't have a beta reader in mind, there's an excellent TYR writing forum located at
Writers Ranch Forum.
You can ask for assistance under the Plea for Help forum. (Just make sure to note in your post that the story is for EXPRESSions so no one
gets shocked by the adult themes!)
**   On occasion while coding and formatting story pages, it becomes obvious that a submission has not had the necessary beta
work done (numerous typos, lack of common punctuation, etc.). We reserve the right to reject any such story until corrections have been made.
**   It seems obvious, but . . . This site is dedicated to fiction based on The Young Riders. Original characters are certainly
welcome in your stories (and are quite necessary in many cases), but the main focus should be on the TYR characters we all know and love.
And along that same line, please keep the fiction focused on the characters, not on the actors who brought the characters to life.
**   Alternate Universe (AU) stories are welcome - just note that it's an AU in your story summary. And remember, we still need to
recognize "our" TYR characters even if they're saving the universe with Duck Dodgers in the 24½ century!
**   This site is for adult fiction, so SLASH (same-sex) stories are accepted. However, we respect that some people prefer not to read those stories. If you submit a slash story, please note this in your summary. That way, everyone has fair warning.